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Project Horseshoe 2017 report section 3. Coziness is a common aesthetic in popular games such as Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley, yet it rarely discussed within design circles.

Project Horseshoe 2017 report section 3

Our group of designers did a deep dive to understand: What is ‘Cozy’? How do we make our games more cozy? What we found during our exploration: Coziness is an ingredient that can applied to a wide variety of both casual and core genres.Coziness can help your game appeal to broader audiences.Coziness helps retention by giving players control over pacing while still maintaining engagement during periods of rest. Coziness is a subversively humanizing design practice in a society built on monetizing base animal needs.

Coziness itself refers to how strongly a game evokes the fantasy of safety, abundance, and softness. Amazon. Timmy, Johnny, and Spike. What Does That Mean?

Timmy, Johnny, and Spike

First of all, be aware that if you are listed as having two or three types (such as Johnny / Spike), your most prominent type is listed first. Now that you’ve taken the test, I’m sure you’re asking questions like what the heck is a Timmy, Johnny, or Spike? Here in Magic R&D our job is create a game that makes players happy. In order to do this, we have to find out what players like about our game. Doing so has been a long ongoing process involving numerous factors. Spelunky Generator Lessons. Have you ever wondered how Spelunky's level generation works?

Spelunky Generator Lessons

This tool is a complete, working copy of Spelunky that has been modded to just show you the first part of the level generation algorithm: generating the level's solution path, before the spikes, arrow traps, enemies, and treasures are added to the map. (Probably only works in Chrome, for now, sorry.) The level is made of 16 rooms in a 4x4 grid. There are 4 different basic room types: 0: a side room that is not on the solution path 1: a room that is guaranteed to have a left exit and a right exit 2: a room that is guaranteed to have exits on the left, right, and bottom.

How to create empathy in VR. Jay Quercia Producers of virtual reality often herald it as a shortcut to empathy.

How to create empathy in VR

For example, in February at a fundraising conference in the UK, a Greenpeace manager reported that VR experience which transports viewers into the Amazon rain forest doubled the number of people who signed up for donations. Behind the addictive psychology and seductive art of loot boxes. (Image: © GtkShroom) Loot boxes are everywhere.

Behind the addictive psychology and seductive art of loot boxes

They're in shooters, RPGs, card games, action games and MOBAs. They also take the form of packs, chests and crates. They're filled with voice lines, weapon skins, new pants or materials to get you more loot boxes. They're in free games and paid ones, singleplayer and multiplayer. The appeal isn't hard to grasp. "It's that moment of excitement that anything's possible," Ben Thompson, art director on Hearthstone, tells me. Gamedesigndocument Laura V3. The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!) – Joel on Software. Ever wonder about that mysterious Content-Type tag?

The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!) – Joel on Software

You know, the one you’re supposed to put in HTML and you never quite know what it should be? Did you ever get an email from your friends in Bulgaria with the subject line “???? Defining Environment Language for Video Games. Maintenir l’intérêt des gamers : l’art subtil de l’équilibrage. Good Game Design. Braid. A Beginner's Guide to Designing Video Game Levels. 50 Tips for Working with Unity (Best Practices) About these tips (Edit: August 2016.

50 Tips for Working with Unity (Best Practices)

Color Theory For Game Design 1 of 4 – Fundamentals - This is a multipart article on color design for games.

Color Theory For Game Design 1 of 4 – Fundamentals -

It is aimed at game designers and game artists alike and focusses on how to use color when crafting player experiences. Check the color theory readlist tag for all 4 parts of this series and the color design tag for all things games and color. Definitions are mostly custom made by me, since most color design literature is specialized for other creative fields – such as painting, print, screen design – and not suited for what we are going to talk about here. However, the following definitions have proven to be quite effective in the field. Okay, we dig into part 1 now. 1.Mickey Mouse model sheet ©Disney / 2. 2001 A Space Odyssey palette via / 3. artist’s oil color palette / 4. interior design concept via In non-interactive media, color palettes serve the purpose of creating images.

We get even more overlap to games with fields like interior design, industrial design or fashion. Game Design ludique PDF. Game Developers - 0615_gd_ACG_SP. 12 Questions on Game Design. Jay Tholen: Music has an enormous influence on me.

12 Questions on Game Design

An embarrassing high school prog-rock phase awakened a hunger for incredibly dorky music deep within me, and it hasn’t subsided. I’m a part-time tinkerer with archaic keyboards and synthesizers and fuzz pedals and delays and stuff. Unity Tips #1 - Alan Zucconi. This is the first part of a series of posts dedicated to the most useful, short and sweet tips to make the most out of Unity.

Unity Tips #1 - Alan Zucconi

Today we will focus on interesting features of the editor which can really speed up your workflow. You can use the hashtag #UnityTips to find many more tips posted by developers all around the world. In-editor Arithmetic Expressions All the numerical fields in the inspector support basic arithmetic expressions. Numerical values are automatically assumed as either int or float and the trailing f is not required.