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50 Tips for Working with Unity (Best Practices) »

50 Tips for Working with Unity (Best Practices) »
About these tips (Edit: August 2016. I have revised these tips. You can find the new list here.) These tips are not all applicable to every project. They are based on my experience with projects with small teams from 3 to 20 people.There’s is a price for structure, re-usability, clarity, and so on — team size and project size determine whether that price should be paid.Many tips are a matter of taste (there may be rivalling but equally good techniques for any tip listed here).Some tips may fly in the face of conventional Unity development. Process 1. 2. 3. 4. It makes it unnecessary to re-setup each scene.It makes loading much faster (if most objects are shared between scenes).It makes it easier to merge scenes (even with Unity’s new text-based scenes there is so much data in there that merging is often impractical in any case).It makes it easier to keep track of data across levels. You can still use Unity as a level editor (although you need not). 5. Scene Organisation 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Art

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Interesting things in Unity 4.5 you probably didn't know about Well, as you all know Unity team has recently released Unity version 4.5 which brought us (according to Unity's web site): Over 450 bug fixes,OpenGL ES 3.0,Shader workflow boost,Smooth and natural 2D physics andSparse Textures. While 450 bugs fixed sounds amazing, shaders compilation was indeed terribly slow, I don't really care about OpenGL ES 3.0 (since I got an old iPhone 4s) and Sparse Textures is a good feature to explore on modern desktop GPUs, what I want to tell you about are those features and bug fixes buried in the massive Release Notes which you have probably missed but they are indeed very important. In no particular order. Hierarchy Window sorting

Game Programming Patterns Hey, Game Developer! Do you struggle to make your code hang together into a cohesive whole? Find it harder to make changes as your codebase grows? Unity Overview Suggest a change Success! Thank you for helping us improve the quality of Unity Documentation. Although we cannot accept all submissions, we do read each suggested change from our users and will make updates where applicable. Close Reverse Design: Chrono Trigger - 1 <map name="admap64899" id="admap64899"><area href=" shape="rect" coords="0,0,728,90" title="" alt="" target="_blank" /></map><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:728px;border-style:none;background-color:#ffffff;"><tr><td><img src=" style="width:728px;height:90px;border-style:none;" usemap="#admap64899" alt="" /></td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:#ffffff;" colspan="1"><center><a style="font-size:10px;color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;line-height:1.2;font-weight:bold;font-family:Tahoma, verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;text-transform: none;letter-spacing:normal;text-shadow:none;white-space:normal;word-spacing:normal;" href=" target="_blank">Ads by Project Wonderful! Your ad here, right now: $0</a></center></td></tr></table> Hello, readers! If you're interested, you can get a high-quality ebook version of this Reverse Design, with lots of improved features. Get a preview of the RD: CT ebook here.

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