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Brains on Fire, Swollen Brains, Toxins and Neuroinflammation - by Dr. Mary Ackerley. In a ISEAI presentation, Dr.

Brains on Fire, Swollen Brains, Toxins and Neuroinflammation - by Dr. Mary Ackerley

Mary Ackerley talks about how environmental stressors such as mold, pathogens and toxins can trigger neuroinflammation and produce the symptoms found in ME/CFS, FM and similar diseases. Mary Ackerley MD is not your ordinary summa cum laude MD from Harvard. She’s certainly not your standard board-certified psychiatrist. In fact, it’s hard to know how to describe her.

Perhaps the best way to describe her is as a curious, inventive, pioneer willing to transcend traditional boundaries if it serves her patients. Mary Ackerley is not your ordinary Harvard and Johns Hopkins trained psychiatrist This Harvard and Johns Hopkins-trained psychiatrist usually eschews the use of SSRIs, instead concentrating on attacking the fatigue, pain, depression, etc. using integrative medicine. Ackerley is the President of the newly formed “The International Society for Environmentally Acquired Illness” (ISEAI), and a leader in the chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS) field. Dear Mark: Homocysteine, Some Kefir Questions, and the Stress of Worrying. For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering a bunch of questions from readers.

Dear Mark: Homocysteine, Some Kefir Questions, and the Stress of Worrying

The first one concerns another inflammatory marker, homocysteine. How could CRP be low but homocysteine be high? What could cause that? Next, I answer a barrage of kefir questions, including ones on kefir carb counts, pasteurized kefir, and water and coconut kefir. Finally, I address the elephant in the room: stressing out about your diet. Let’s go: How do Homocysteine levels figure in this equation? The Definitive Guide to Inflammation.

Inflammation gets a bad rap in the alternative health world: “Inflammation causes heart disease, cancer, and autoimmune disease!

The Definitive Guide to Inflammation

It’s at the root of depression.” These are all true—to some extent. Key Pathway in Inflammation and Aging Identified. Researchers discover that chemical signal IL-10 blocks the metabolism of immune cells that are part of the inflammatory response and clears damaged mitochondria.

Key Pathway in Inflammation and Aging Identified

Scientists have keyed in on a chemical signal referred to as "IL-10" in an attempt to combat inflammation caused by colitis. Colitis is a condition that impacts the gut. The immune system combats the body's microbes, spurring inflammation. Though it has been known for some time that IL-10 performs an important role in keeping inflammation under control and warding off colitis, scientists are uncertain as to how and why this occurs. About the Study The findings of a new study pertaining to colitis and IL-10 were recently published in Science. The research team determined IL-10 functions by blocking immune cell metabolisms. Why the Findings are Important The research team's findings enhance the understanding of a critical process in inflammation.

Anti-Inflammatory Diets. Inflammation is Your Worst Enemy. In the western medical model there is a name for every disease and condition under the sun based upon a set of symptoms.

Inflammation is Your Worst Enemy

It is becoming clear that inflammation is your worst enemy when it comes to health and disease. In order to qualify for a particular diagnosis, you have to have enough of those symptoms that fit. However, the box that holds all those symptoms does not explain why they occur. Inflammation at the Root of Most Diseases - Inflammation has been found to be associated with just about every health condition.

Researchers are furiously investigating chronic inflammation’s effects on health and possible preventive medical applications. It’s “an emerging field,” says UCLA’s Dr. David Heber. “It’s a new concept for medicine.” (1) Why is it a new concept? Inflammation: the basis of most diseases. Inflammation is at the basis of most disease.

Inflammation: the basis of most diseases

Inflammation, the immune response of body tissues to injury or infection, has been an important part of our innate immunity since we were cavemen. Acute inflammation is a normal process that protects and heals the body following physical injury or infection. However, if the agent causing the inflammation persists for a prolonged period of time, the inflammation becomes chronic, which can cause a wide range of problems.

Current disease research revolves around the TLR Receptors (Toll-like receptors) as being threat response receptors activated by threats to the body, whether this be trauma, food (or alteration in our food such as GM and preservatives) we are intolerant of, even stress etc- which provokes an immune response, causing the typical symptoms of IBS, chronic fatigue, migraine, dysautonomia, fibromyalgia, reflux oesophagitis to name but a few. 4 Under Utilized Tests for Inflammation in the Body. Inflammation is at the root of many chronic diseases.

4 Under Utilized Tests for Inflammation in the Body

Here are 4 under-utilized tests for inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a Root Cause of Disease Antibiotics and other modern medicines have helped us control acute inflammatory injuries and acute infections, but we are now suffering from epidemics of chronic degenerative disorders that are affecting children as well as adults. Top 7 Strategies to Heal Chronic Inflammation - 7 Strategies to Heal Chronic Inflammation Chronic inflammation is insidious.

Top 7 Strategies to Heal Chronic Inflammation -

You don’t feel it developing until it causes a full-blown disease. In fact, underlying chronic inflammatory conditions are one of the number one contributors to chronic disease and death alike. This is because inflammation damages the body at the cellular level. In this article, you will discover the top 7 strategies to heal chronic inflammatory conditions. This means everything that relies on cellular health and normal cell function is suddenly inhibited. I deal with people all the time who have illnesses or health challenges that they’ve been facing for a long time with no promise of getting better. Thyroid, Inflammation, and Metabolic Syndrome. 1.

Thyroid, Inflammation, and Metabolic Syndrome

Preface It’s about five years since I started actively reading health literature. During these years, I’ve read dozens of health books, thousands of scientific articles and I’ve followed more than 200 different health blogs to gather as many good ideas as possible. There have been many interesting approaches to optimal health, but it has always been difficult to understand which opinion is the “right” one. Some of the common questions include: Fighting Free Radicals & Free Radical Damage. Antioxidants, ORAC scores, free radicals and oxidative stress: These things have become trendy topics as far as health and longevity are concerned.

Fighting Free Radicals & Free Radical Damage

Perhaps you’ve recently jumped on the antioxidant supplement bandwagon, or maybe you remain wary of manufacturers’ liberal use of these latest buzzwords, unsure of whether they’re safe or effective? Many people have heard that foods with antioxidants protect us from free radical damage, which is responsible for many of the effects of aging on both the body and mind. 10 Science-Backed Ways to Combat Chronic Inflammation. Flame Thrower: Top 10 Natural Ways to Reduce Inflammation.