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7 Home Remedies for Chronic Dehydration. Are You Drinking Enough Water?

7 Home Remedies for Chronic Dehydration

15 Foods To Eat Every Day For Clean Arteries – Take and Look. High blood pressure and high cholesterol levels are the main caused for clogged arteries, also known as atherosclerosis.

15 Foods To Eat Every Day For Clean Arteries – Take and Look

The arteries represent blood vessels that transport the blood from the heart to other parts of the body. In addition, atherosclerosis leads to cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks, heart stoke, and peripheral vascular diseases. 12 FOODS THAT INCREASE MAGNESIUM AND PREVENT HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, BLOOD CLOTS AND MUSCLE FATIGUE – Take and Look. I really think that we all know that it’s extremely important for all of us to consume enough calcium, Vitamin C and protein through our diet.


Well, that’s a good thing. But, the bad part about it is that we always forget about the other crucial vitamins and minerals. Fasting For Just 3 Days Rebuilds Your Entire Immune System, Here is How. New research suggests starving the body may kick-start stem cells into producing new white blood cells, which help in fighting off infection.

Fasting For Just 3 Days Rebuilds Your Entire Immune System, Here is How

Scientists at the University of Southern California say the discovery could be particularly beneficial for people suffering damaged immune systems or the elderly whose immune system becomes less effective from aging, making it harder for to fight off common disease. "Fasting flips a regenerative switch essentially regenerating the entire immune system. It gives the OK for stem cells to go begin proliferating and rebuild the entire system," said Prof Valter Longo, Professor of Gerontology and the Biological Sciences at the University of California. "The good news is the body got rid of the parts in the system which might be damaged or old and inefficient parts, during the fasting.

Gut Issues

Psoriasis: Causes, Symptoms, and The Vitamin You’re Missing. Over 7.5 million Americans suffer from psoriasis, which is a chronic disease of the immune system that leads to the accumulation of cells on the surface of the skin, in the form of itchy, painful, thick, red, scaly patches.

Psoriasis: Causes, Symptoms, and The Vitamin You’re Missing

The high number of patients with psoriasis has its huge economic impact as well, and according to a study conducted in JAMA Dermatology, the annual US cost of psoriasis accounted for about $112 billion. Namely, direct US healthcare costs related to psoriasis may be up to $63 billion a year, the indirect costs (such as loss of work hours) are up to $35 billion, and another $35 billion in costs due to associated health problems, such as heart disease and depression. Yet, even though it seems to be a skin condition, psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, that seriously affects everyday life. When a T cell, which is a type of white cell, mistakenly attacks healthy skin cells, it also triggers immune responses. known as psoriatic arthritis.

Vitamin D Source: Most People Don’t Know These 28 Brilliant Benefits & Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide – By ANDREA HARPER & DR.

Most People Don’t Know These 28 Brilliant Benefits & Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide –

AKILAH EL Hydrogen peroxide is the only germicidal agent composed only of water and oxygen. Infographic: Ghee And Your Microbes - Dr. Douillard's LifeSpa. 14 nifty ways to reuse old pillowcases. Before you throw your old pillowcase in the trash, think about all the ways you could prolong its life.

14 nifty ways to reuse old pillowcases

Maybe not as a pillowcase, but for other great uses. HOW TO EAT OKRA (LADY’S FINGERS) TO TREAT DIABETES, ASTHMA, ANEMIA AND FAILING EYESIGHT – Take and Look. Known as “lady’s finger”, okra is an annual vegetable that is cultivated in warm, tropical, and subtropical temperate regions for their phytonutrients rich pods.


It is valued for its edible green seed pods.Today, we will reveal you some facts about this green vegetable that has a high nutritional profile and is significantly beneficial for your overall health. Nutritional Benefits Okra is low in calories and rich in nutrients. It is a great source of fiber, vitamin A, C, and folate. SHE ADDS A LITTLE BIT OF BAKING SODA IN HER SHAMPOO. BUT WHEN SHE WASHED HER HAIR? I’M TRYING THIS TONIGHT! – Take and Look. We all know what’s baking soda.


This, extremely useful ingredient has a long list of health benefits and uses. Well, we can easily say that baking soda is one of the most useful ingredients in every house. This, extremely useful ingredient is also known as sodium bicarbonate. So, baking soda is a type of salt which becomes activated once it gets in contact with an acid. Doctors Have No Explanation: Combination of 3 Foods to Return Your Vision and Cleanse the Fat from Your Liver – Take and Look. Poor diet, lack of exercise, added stress, and exposure to toxins in the environment are the perfect storm for chronic disease.

Doctors Have No Explanation: Combination of 3 Foods to Return Your Vision and Cleanse the Fat from Your Liver – Take and Look

However, we have a lot of power over our lifestyle, which means we can avoid most of this needless suffering. Things like stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer can be dramatically lowered according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). According to the CDC: “Health risk behaviors are unhealthy behaviors you can change. HOW TO CONNECT TO YOUR HIGHER SELF – Take and Look. In our busy lives, we might find it tough at times to connect to deeper parts of ourselves on a daily basis. Yet, it’s so important that we not only take the time to meditate, but also to check in with ourselves to see more clearly how we’re feeling, what we want to do at various points in our lives, and ultimately to get guidance, on a more conscious level, from our higher selves.

First off, what is our higher self? In my definition, our higher self is our soul. Four-Minutes-a-Day Exercises Yield Results In Less Than a Month – Take and Look. What would you say if we told you that we have a way in which you can transform your body in just 4 minutes? Zeolite Detox - Natural Detoxification. The Good Inside at Touchstone Essentials. A Handy List of Symptoms That Can Point to Possible Autoimmune Conditions, to Bring to the Doctor / Thyroid Disease Information Source - Articles/FAQs. By Mary Shomon The following is a partial checklist of frequently-noticed symptoms of the most common autoimmune conditions. How Fibromyalgia Is Linked To Hypothyroidism.

In previous articles we demonstrated that patients with fibromyalgia lack the essential amino acid “phenylalanine” and also the amino acid “tyrosine” and the neurotransmitter “dopamine“, both of which are derived from phenylalanine. The lack of dopamine would explain the brain gray matter loss found in patients with fibromyalgia. As the graph below shows, both of the thyroid hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine) are also derived from tyrosine, so we would expect to see an association between fibromyalgia and hypothyroidism (a condition in which the thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormone).

According to the National Institutes of Health, hypothyroidism is an associated disorder of fibromyalgia (Bazzichi, 2012). We would also expect to find evidence of a lack of tyrosine in patients with hypothyroidism. Just as we would expect, researchers in the following study found low levels of tyrosine in patients with hypothyroidism. 7-Day Vegan Meal Plan: 1,200 Calories A Challenge – FitnessHumans.

Thyroid / Hashi's

If These Are Floating in Your Body, Get Em Out! – Health As It Ought to Be. Do you want to be healthier? Would you like to avoid feeling some of the more severe health complications that I see in my office on a daily basis? Would you like to get rid of all the nasty stuff our environment leaves inside of your body? I’m hoping you said yes. 3 Things You Can Do Today To Get Unstuck And Moving Toward Your Dreams — Goad Coaching & Consulting. Is there A Solution For Constant Fatigue? 82-Year-Old Woman With Dementia Gets Her Memory Back After Changing Her Diet. 3-Ingredient Health “Shots” To Detox Your Body, Lose Weight, and Energize Your System : Healthy Holistic Living. This is how a 1/4 teaspoon of Himalayan salt fights muscle pain, toxins and belly fat : Healthy Holistic Living. Article originally published on republished with permission. By Amanda Ennett Imagine everyone sitting down for a big family feast. The best china set gently upon silk cloth, crystals brimming with fresh apple-cinnamon-ginger juice.

Drink Lemon Water Instead of Pills : Healthy Holistic Living. 10 Holistic Treatments for Lymphatic System Health. There are endless perks to a plant-based diet. How to boost your immune system. The secret to sleeping better, burning more fat and boosting energy. Acupressure point linked with stress and pain relief, and other health benefits. 15 Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency.

Hormone Info

Betterbydrbrooke. Seven common vitamin deficiencies and what to do about it. The best way to ensure that you're getting all the vitamins your body needs to function properly is to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Warning: This Bladder Infection Treatment Could Leave You Disabled - Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Research. Inflammation at the Root of Most Diseases - Supplements and meds that can influence your cortisol saliva results.

HOW TO WASH YOUR FACE AND SAY GOODBYE TO SAGGING FACIAL SKIN AND WRINKLES – Take and Look. Memory Rescue: What Is Miracle-Gro For Your Brain? l Amen Clinics. Healing Without Hurting - Improving Health and Happiness. Weight Loss Archives - Just Herbal Medicine. 8 Signs You're Not Getting Enough Potassium. 58 Alkaline Foods to Help Balance the Body’s pH Levels. APPLYING PRESSURE ON THIS POINT ON YOUR BELLY WILL REMOVE TOXINS FROM THE COLON! – Take and Look. Neuro Integrative Health. Kick That Holiday Hangover! – Digesting Wellness. Alkaline Food Planner: How to Live Alkaline & Live Energized. When is it ripe guide. Overcome These 4 Roadblocks to Weight Loss.

Checklists to print

Heat Causes Aluminum to Leach Foil to Food. Aluminum Toxicity Causes Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Cancer - Anya Vien. Study: Aluminum Toxicity Cause Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Cancer. Heat Causes Aluminum to Leach Foil to Food. Can Turmeric Help Against Aluminium Toxicity? How Flouride Impacts Your Thyroid Nutrition and What To Do About It. Multiple Sclerosis News Articles. Scientists Discover That Fasting Triggers Stem Cell Regeneration & Fights Cancer : Healthy Holistic Living. Fluoroquinolones Too Risky for Common Infections.

Blood circulation

3 Ways to Cleanse Your Brain Lymph - Dr. Douillard's LifeSpa. The Truth About Essential Tremor: It’s Not Just a Case of Nerves. Heal Your Adrenals With Himalayan Salt. 10 Ways To Instantly Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve and Relieve Inflammation, Depression + More - Organic Olivia.