6 Ways to Say Most Common Words in Farsi. >Persian Slang Dictionary< Vine - 11 PERSIAN SAYINGS THAT MAKE NO SENSE IN. Learn Persian with Chai and Conversation. Valentine's Day is fast approaching, so we thought there's no better time to compile a list of unique Persian terms of endearment for you to shower your sweet love with.
Many of these terms are similar to those found in the English language, while some are quite different, and would almost be insults (or nonsensical) in English. 1. aziz-am. Wiki How Persian Phrases. Useful Persian (Farsi) phrases. Persian Online – Grammar & Resources. There is an increasing amount of demand in the English-speaking world for knowledge of the Persian language.
The University of Texas at Austin is offering this free, web-based supplemental resource as a service to teachers and students of Persian everywhere, whether they work formally or informally, inside or outside of the classroom, in groups or individually. The purpose is to help you to read, listen, repeat and practice orally in front of your computer as you learn about Persian. There are short videos in the Culture & Video section, Vocabulary Lists with audio for study, and multiple choice Quizzes for review. For writing assistance, see The Writing System and How to Type in Persian.