Should You Stop Teaching The Curriculum? | Trivium21c. The new pedagogies, as we… describe them, require students not only to create new knowledge, but also to connect it to the world, using the power of digital tools to do things that matter beyond school. It is through this final step of ‘doing’ things with knowledge that students gain the experience, self-confidence, perseverance and proactive disposition they need to create value in our knowledge-based, technology-driven societies. The child reaches out to this world through the power of digital tools – much as we do today in social media but in the future this could be more powerful than we might imagine. The authority of the child will be paramount, but at what point will the child surrender his authority to that of the machine?
The twenty-first century might be the age of AI. Just around the bend, we are told, sits the behemoth of ‘Artificial Intelligence’. Is allowing technology to dictate how we teach, why we teach and what we teach ‘managing it well’? Why would anyone want that? Should You Stop Teaching The Curriculum? | Trivium21c. National Education Technology Plan. About the National Educational Technology Plan The U.S. Department of Education released the 2024 National Educational Technology Plan (NETP): A Call to Action for Closing the Digital Access, Design and Use Divides. First released in fulfillment of Improving America’s Schools Act of 1994, NETP has been updated multiple times since its original release, most recently in 2016. While past NETPs have largely served as surveys of the state of the field, the Department of Education’s 2024 NETP frames three key divides limiting the transformational potential of educational technology to support teaching and learning, including: The Digital Use Divide, addressing opportunities to improve how students use technology to enhance their learning, including dynamic applications of technology to explore, create, and engage in critical analysis of academic content and knowledge;
The project-based STEM curriculum that's big on real-world rigor. A STEM curriculum introduces students to real-world engineering Berrien Springs Public Schools in rural Michigan started off with a modest enough goal: to add an engineering component to their curriculum in order to draw out-of-district students to their schools and to meet anticipated state standards. But perhaps not even they could have foreseen the sea change that came next. These days, first graders design a shoe for a traveler going to an extreme climate. Second graders investigate numerical relationships and sequence and structure required in computer programs. Fourth graders develop a vehicle restraint system. Middle and high school students build VEX robots and program them using RobotC software.
“It’s a great, great program,” said Emma Haygood, a middle school science teacher for 16 years who moved to the Berrien Springs district office last year to become STEM coordinator. Jessica Donaldson had a similar reaction when she first encountered PLTW. Real-world connections Dr. How Skype Can Change Your Classroom - Simplek12. Exploding The Myth Of 'Unengaged' Students : NPR Ed. Jordan Shapiro drew a lot of attention this year with his four misconceptions about the future of education. As with much of his work, he tries to take a cattle prod to the conventional education narrative. In an era of highly polarized ed debates, Shapiro doesn't fit neatly into any of the ideological "pro-anti" boxes polemicists like to construct.
He teaches a wide range of courses in the Intellectual Heritage program and other departments at Temple University. He's the author of FREEPLAY: A Video Game Guide to Maximum Euphoric Bliss, and he wrote the Guide to Digital Games + Learning with our friends at the Mindshift blog from member station KQED. Jordan Shapiro, professor at Temple University. Courtesy of Jordan Shapiro hide caption toggle caption Courtesy of Jordan Shapiro Jordan Shapiro, professor at Temple University.
Courtesy of Jordan Shapiro Shapiro's "four misconceptions" article hits on fundamental issues of equity and ed tech that are often misconstrued or misunderstood. Europeans Teach Us a Lesson About Banning Teens From Social Media | Diana Graber. European lawmakers tried to shove the genie back in its bottle last week by banning kids under 16 from using Internet services that collect personal data--including social media, apps, email, and more--without parental consent.
Many greeted this idea with two words: good luck. If there's one thing teens aren't going to give up soon, it's their connection to their friends. And while there are sound arguments on both sides of the fence on why this amendment to the European Union's major overhaul of its data protection laws was either a sound or nutty idea, it was never going to work. Digital kids already weaned on Instagram and Snapchat would have found a way to circumvent this ban.
So in a last minute compromise, E.U. lawmakers decided to let individual countries apply their own laws on the age of consent. We Can't Even Keep Under-13 Year Olds Off Social Media You've Got To Hand It To The Europeans For Caring So Much About Privacy That's where they are wrong. National Education Technology Plan.
Turning Course Materials Into a Digital Magazine -- Campus Technology. Teaching and Learning Turning Course Materials Into a Digital Magazine Instructors are experimenting with the Flipboard news reader to present up-to-date course materials in a magazine-format mobile app. The Flipboard "cover" for Lyna Matesi's Ethics in Business course at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point When textbook material gets dated — particularly in current affairs or business topics — what is an instructor to do? Some have found a solution in the Flipboard news reader, which aggregates stories in a magazine-format mobile app.
Users can create customized magazines from their social network feeds and news outlets, compiling up-to-date content in an engaging interface. Lyna Matesi, who teaches management, leadership, strategy, learning and development, and ethics for the School of Business and Economics at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, started using Flipboard in 2013 and now uses it in every class she teaches. Journalism Students Creating Magazines. 6 Education Theorists All Teachers Should Know Infographic. Teacher Infographics 6 Education Theorists All Teachers Should Know Infographic 6 Education Theorists All Teachers Should Know Infographic The 6 Education Theorists All Teachers Should Know present 6 people that did some of the major research in education. Lev Vygotsky How do you decide the level at which to instruct your students? Scaffolding is not a term that Vygotsky actually used but it’s a concept that developed based on his work.
Read also: Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Learning Theory Jean Piaget Piaget was a constructivist which means he believed that kids learn by manipulating, modifying, and otherwise working with concepts. B.F. When I taught second grade and my class was on the wrong track, I would look for the one kid doing the right thing and say, “Wow, I love how Jesse is standing with his hands to his side and his voice turned off.” Read also: Skinner’s Programmed Instruction Educational Model Jerome Bruner Read also: Bruner’s Discovery Learning Model Benjamin Bloom Howard Gardner.
It's Not a Technology Issue | Eric Sheninger. Technology still gets a bad rap in many education circles. Perception and lack of information influence the decision making process. This ends up resulting in the formation of rules and policies that severely restrict or prohibit student use of mobile technology and social media as tools to support and/or enhance learning. Even with the proliferation of technology across all facets of society, we still see schools moving at a snail's pace (if at all) to adapt, or better yet evolve, to a digital world.
In my opinion, sheer ignorance is to blame. From this ignorance a plethora of excuses arise. Case in point. The off-task behavior in the example above was glaring. Stay with me on this as we take a walk down memory lane. Did you ever write a note and pass it? The point here is that it is not a technology issue, but many people make it one. 4 Things Transformational Teachers Do. The key to transformational teaching is not reacting, but rather a grinding obsession with analysis and preparation. Lee Shulman, as reported by Marge Scherer, suggests that expert teachers -- despite enormous challenges --demonstrate: Cognitive understanding of how students learn; emotional preparation to relate to many students whose varied needs are not always evident; content knowledge from which to draw different ways to present a concept; and, finally, the ability to make teaching decisions quickly and act on them.
So how do they do that? Let's break it down. 1. Instructors tend to use one of two instructional orientations: Transmission: Where "the teacher's role is to prepare and transmit information to learners" and "the learners' role is to receive, store, and act upon this information. " What Does Transformational Teaching Look Like?
Have students ask questions and solve real-world problems. I learn best when the teacher is hands on and doesn't just talk at me. 2. 3. 4. 5 Big Things Transformational Teachers Do. A student told me I 'couldn't understand because I was a white lady.' Here's what I did | Education | News | The Independent. Emily E. Smith is a fifth-grade social justice and English language arts teacher at Cunningham Elementary School in Austin. She was just awarded the 2015 Donald H. Graves Excellence in the Teaching of Writing award given at the National Teachers of English Language Arts Convention in Minneapolis. Smith created and founded The Hive Society, a classroom that inspires children to creatively explore literature through critical thinking and socially relevant texts.
In her speech accepting the award, Smith talked about a seminal moment in her career when she realized she needed to change her approach to teaching students of colour, one of whom told her that she couldn’t understand his problems because she is white. The following is an excerpt of the speech in which she discusses her transformation (and which the Washington Post has published with permission). From Smith’s speech: "I’m white. But something was missing. I’ve been guilty of that charge.
My curriculum from then on shifted. Five Ways to Restore Humanity to the Classroom | Vicki Zakrzewski, Ph.D. When I look back on the great teachers who shaped my life, what I remember isn't the way they prepared me to take a standardized test. What I remember is the way they taught me to believe in myself. To be curious about the world. To take charge of my own learning so that I could reach my full potential. They inspired me to open up a window into parts of the world I'd never thought of before. -- President Obama, "An Open Letter to America's Parents and Teachers," October 26, 2015 Obama's statement describes the heart and soul of teaching.
Throughout the country, teachers are resisting the testing paradigm by putting those person-to-person bonds first. Summer school for teacher happiness Julie Mann, a 21-year teaching veteran, spent the summer immersed in the science of social-emotional well-being and mindfulness and its application for the classroom. "The Institute was the catalyst because it's an embodiment of everything that is promoted on the GGSC website," says Julie. The Big Picture Program Focuses on Real-World Skills and Projects to Help Teenagers Who Struggle in Traditional Classrooms.
This story is part of a short series on innovative ways teachers are rethinking the traditional lesson plan. What’s one that resonated with you or the student in your life? Tell us about it: hello@theatlantic.com. Nothing in particular stands out about the two adjoining rooms at South Burlington High School, one littered with desks, the other lined with simple grey cubicles. Yet the 30 students working inside are taking part in a uniquely personalized curriculum unlike anything their peers—or most U.S. high-school students—ever get to experience.
Big Picture, a program with a chapter at South Burlington, bucks the traditional model of high-school learning. That’s because the program is centered around the concept and execution of self-directed learning. Big Picture’s model is now used in more than 60 schools across the U.S. Within South Burlington’s larger student population of around 900, Big Picture accounts for just a small portion of students. Their destination?