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Rosenshine. CanadaStudyExecSumm2016. 5 Elements Of A Quality Multiple Choice Question - The Anatomy Of Assessment: 5 Elements Of A Quality Multiple Choice Question by Nanda Krish, CEO of Wisewire Computer-based assessments have given teachers, educators, and administrators powerful tools for enhancing the testing process, all while allowing for efficient scoring of high volumes.

5 Elements Of A Quality Multiple Choice Question -

However, those benefits are rendered useless if the actual content isn’t successful. Forbes Welcome. 'How building your brand will help you succeed in the classroom' Want to keep up with the latest education news and opinion?

'How building your brand will help you succeed in the classroom'

Follow TES USA on Twitter and like TES USA on Facebook. Why do over 500,000 people follow author Seth Godin on Twitter, buy his books, read his blog, and attend his courses? Learning strategies: a synthesis and conceptual model : npj Science of Learning. The model comprises the following components: three inputs and three outcomes; student knowledge of the success criteria for the task; three phases of the learning process (surface, deep and transfer), with surface and deep learning each comprising an acquisition phase and a consolidation phase; and an environment for the learning (Figure 1).

Learning strategies: a synthesis and conceptual model : npj Science of Learning

We are proposing that various learning strategies are differentially effective depending on the degree to which the students are aware of the criteria of success, on the phases of learning process in which the strategies are used, and on whether the student is acquiring or consolidating their understanding. The following provides an overview of the components of the model (see reference 11 for a more detailed explanation of the model). Teaching methods: Differentiated instruction. What is differentiated instruction?

Teaching methods: Differentiated instruction

What are the main challenges for teachers wishing to use it in their classroom? Peter Westwood, author of What Teachers Need to Know About Differentiated Instruction discusses in this Q&A. Teaching Resources. Teacher tools 2.0. A professor built an IBM Watson AI bot to make teaching easier. Will it replace him someday? — Quartz. Ashok Goel had run into a problem.

A professor built an IBM Watson AI bot to make teaching easier. Will it replace him someday? — Quartz

As a computer science professor at Georgia Tech, he taught an online course on artificial intelligence, and its 300 students sent in thousands of questions via an online forum each semester. The sheer volume of messages overwhelmed Goel and his eight teaching assistants. So he tried an experiment—quietly inserting some AI into the class itself. This January, with the help of several graduate students and support from IBM’s breakthrough Watson technology, Goel built an AI chatbot that could field basic questions and relieve some of the burden on the class’s human instructors. Named Jill Watson, the virtual “teaching assistant” drew from previous forum data to help answer many routine, technical queries about the course, such as where people could find a certain video lesson or how they could organize meet-ups with one another. Instructional Methods For A Learner-Centered Classroom □□□□□ (by @MiaMacMeekin) #sunchat #education #edchat #edtech.

Blinded me with science: Life lessons I learned from fictional teachers. Not all my inspiring teachers were real.

Blinded me with science: Life lessons I learned from fictional teachers

As we look back on Teacher Appreciation Week, here's a thank you to those fictional teachers of science fiction, fantasy and science who taught me more than I could find in the periodic table. Master Yoda, Star Wars serieslesson: Corrupt you, power can. Humble, you must stay. Ultimate Guide: Best Instructional Practices for Student Growth. If teaching were easy, everybody would do it.

Ultimate Guide: Best Instructional Practices for Student Growth

OK, maybe not, but there would be a lot more teachers who stay in the education field and not leave after a short time. In fact, there is new federal data that says 17 percent of new public school teachers leave their jobs after four years. As I read this, it forces me to wonder, how many of these teachers were employing the best instructional practices during their time in the classroom? Were they using practices that made their time in the classroom a more enjoyable experience? These two questions can determine if a teacher is going to be successful or not. Study finds links between school climate, teacher turnover, and student achievement in NYC. Teacher turnover decreased and academic achievement increased in New York City middle schools that improved their learning environment, finds a new report from the Research Alliance for New York City Schools at NYU.

Study finds links between school climate, teacher turnover, and student achievement in NYC

"In recent years, researchers and policymakers have focused much of their attention on measuring and improving teacher effectiveness. However, teachers do not work in a vacuum; their school's climate can either enhance or undermine their ability to succeed with students," said Matthew A. Kraft, assistant professor of education and economics at Brown University and the report's lead author. Each year, New York City parents, teachers, and students in grades 6 through 12 take the Department of Education's School Survey. The survey aims to help school and district leaders understand how members of the school community perceive each school's learning environment.

For the Love of Learning: MYTH: You Can Do More With Less (by Pasi Sahlberg) This was written by Pasi Sahlberg who is a visiting professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and author of Finnish Lessons 2.0: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland?

For the Love of Learning: MYTH: You Can Do More With Less (by Pasi Sahlberg)

This post first appeared here. by Pasi Sahlberg Governments in Alberta and Finland are under economic pressure to reduce public spending as a result of failed national politics and unpredictable global economics. When government budgets get off track, bad news for education systems follow. How Finland broke every rule — and created a top school system. Spend five minutes in Jussi Hietava’s fourth-grade math class in remote, rural Finland, and you may learn all you need to know about education reform – if you want results, try doing the opposite of what American “education reformers” think we should do in classrooms.

How Finland broke every rule — and created a top school system

Instead of control, competition, stress, standardized testing, screen-based schools and loosened teacher qualifications, try warmth, collaboration, and highly professionalized, teacher-led encouragement and assessment. At the University of Eastern Finland’s Normaalikoulu teacher training school in Joensuu, Finland, you can see Hietava’s students enjoying the cutting-edge concept of “personalized learning.” Related: What high-performing countries have to teach us about teacher training But this is not a tale of classroom computers. While the school has the latest technology, there isn’t a tablet or smartphone in sight, just a smart board and a teacher’s desktop. The Mountain of Teacher Workload. I imagine reading through the 44,000 responses to Nicky Morgan’s ‘workload challenge’ was tantamount to climbing a wind-whipped mountain for some unfortunate staff at the Department for Education. It is no doubt ironic that it compares with the angst-inducing marking pile of many of those teachers who took their precious time to respond to the ‘challenge’.

Still, long after the challenge back in October of 2014, hunkered under piles of marking, data inputting, lesson planning, marking, OFSTED preparation, reports, lesson planning, and marking… teachers everywhere are still complaining about the ever-mounting workload and talk of a recruitment and retention crisis will not go away. The problem is no doubt complex and, alas, I offer no easy answers; however, we do need to recognise some narrower issues that drive teacher workload to excess and do something about it. What factors have the biggest impact upon teacher workload? Rebel Edmonton-area teacher attacks no-fail trend. No-zero policies and lenient deadlines are failing the students who most need structure in school, says a Sherwood Park high school teacher who works with troubled teens.

“We are the last chance our kids have of not becoming entitled, materialistic, spoiled monsters,” Archbishop Jordan Catholic High School teacher Mike Joly told his colleagues in a passionate Friday address at the Greater Edmonton Teachers’ Convention. In an iconoclastic presentation, Joly said trends in education that coddle struggling teens teach them to manipulate adults into allowing them the easy way out as often as possible. What schools need are solid discipline policies, and “character education” that teaches children to finish what they start and accept the consequences of their action, or inaction, Joly said. 4 Go-To Strategies for Engaging Digital Learners. Teaching teachers to use blended-learning education technology. Stolk/Thinkstock It seems a waste.

Millions of educational apps, millions of lesson plans available online, millions of laptops in the hands of students. In Schools, Teacher Quality Matters Most: Today’s research reinforces Coleman’s findings. This article is part of a new Education Next series commemorating the 50th anniversary of James S. Coleman’s groundbreaking report, “Equality of Educational Opportunity.” The full series will appear in the Spring 2016 issue of Education Next. Fifty years after the release of “Equality of Educational Opportunity”—widely known as the Coleman Report—much of what James Coleman and his colleagues reported holds up well to scrutiny. It is, in fact, remarkable to read through the 700-plus pages and see how little has changed about what the empirical evidence says matters.

How I Use Flipboard as an Educator. Educators / April 13, 2015 When Flipboard invited magazine readers to create their own magazines, I jumped on the bandwagon and immediately began compiling my own. Most of my magazines are targeted for the education field. I believe Flipboard is the perfect tool for educators to create magazines for themselves, their students and colleagues. 10 Digital Tools for Teaching You Can Learn This Summer. The Curio Challenge — Redesign Challenge. How To Be A Great Teacher, From 12 Great Teachers : NPR Ed. New Study Suggests That Teacher Observations Should Focus More On Teacher Inputs, Less On Student Outcomes.

Is teaching a profession? Penn & Teller's Teller on How to Be an Effective Teacher. 6 Golden Rules For Engaging Students - Newton’s New Law of Teaching: When Quality Instruction and Technology Intersect. Teaching is facing a recruitment crisis. Here are five ways to turn it around. 4 Things Transformational Teachers Do. 19 Teachers Were Asked: 'What's the Worst Mistake You've Ever Seen A Student Make On An Assignment?' Secrets of the teenage brain: a psychologist's guide for teachers. 'Show us that you care': a student's view on what makes a perfect teacher. What the Heck Is OER? For the love of learning: 3 big ideas about teacher workload. This Will Revolutionize Education - Edu Activities. Resources for teachers.


Teachers Aren’t Dumb.