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Menstrual cycles

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Menstrual Renewal. Menstrual Renewal is a set of practices and nutritional guidelines performed during menses and the days after bleeding has ceased.

Menstrual Renewal

Practicing Menstrual Renewal will: regulate your menstrual cycleplump up your skin, increase moisture, generate an inner glow, and other signs of high female hormone levelseliminate common PMS symptoms such as cramps, bloating, fatigue, migraines, and moodiness.increase fertility (if desired).reduce chances of gynecological diseases.increase work and athletic performance.regulate weight.keep you looking and feeling young longer.

Every menstruating woman should practice Menstrual Renewal. Acupuncture for Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual Cramps) - Treatment Protocols. Below you will find some of the more common tcm diagnoses and acupuncture treatment protocols for premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Acupuncture for Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual Cramps) - Treatment Protocols

There are many ways to treat this condition with Eastern Medicine and our presentation is only one of many possible options. Dysmenorrhea is painful menstruation that arises before, during a/or after menstruation. The pain is mainly in the lower abdomen, however, it can occur in the lower back a/or running down the legs. Etiology & Pathology: Etiology: Emotional Factors - strong emotions (depression, anger) may lead to stagnation of the LV Qi which may lead to a stagnation of Qi & Blood manifesting as painful menstruation. Cold/Damp Exposure - contact with cold/damp environments (climates, climate controlled buildings, basements) a/or excessive consumption of cold/damp foods (fruit juices, ice cream) may lead to an accumulation of cold/damp in the abdomen which may lead to a stagnation of Qi & Blood manifesting as painful menstruation.

Healthy%20Cycle. Homeopathy - ailments, symptoms. SANTÉ DES FEMMES et REMÈDES NATURELS. Aménorrhée-Remèdes naturels. Syndrome prémenstruel-Remèdes domestiques. CRAMPES MENSTRUELLES: REMÈDES NATURELS. Women's Power to Heal: Through Inner Medicine - Maya Tiwari - Google Books. Ayurveda & Smooth Cycles - Natural Solutions. By Claudia Ward, M.A., L.Ac., Dipl.

Ayurveda & Smooth Cycles - Natural Solutions

Ac., Dipl. C. H SMOOTH CYCLESAn Ayurvedic Approach to Healthy Menstrual Cycles Cultural beliefs that women are unpredictable, dangerous, and too emotional or fragile for certain social roles date back at least to ancient Greece. During the Great Depression Dr. Women in our modern world work through the month, no matter what. Understanding the Cleansing Cycle: Alandi Ayurveda Gurukula - Remedies for Menstrual and Premenstrual Problems. By Alakananda Devi (Alakananda Ma), M.B., B.S.

Alandi Ayurveda Gurukula - Remedies for Menstrual and Premenstrual Problems

(Lond.) The moon, the tides of the ocean and woman, these three cycle together each month. A woman’s monthly bleeding sets her apart from all other females, none of whom have menstruation as part of their reproductive physiology. Mysterious and powerful, a woman’s cycle is a source of her deep connection to the moon and the cycles of nature. Yet all too often, her cycle is experienced as troublesome and painful rather than as enriching. Vata PMS Vata type PMS manifests in stress, anxiety, insomnia, low back pain and constipation occurring during the week or ten days before the onset of menstruation.

Ginger-Soda bath: 1/3 cup each of dried ginger & baking soda for each bathtubful of tolerable hot water (avoid excessive heat). Herb Garden : Ayurveda, Herbal Medicine, Ashwagandha, Herbal Clinics and Books – Anne McIntyre – Herbalist, Author and Teacher – Gloucestershire. At Artemis House Anne has created a spiral herb garden that represents a journey through life, from birth to paradise expressed through herbs.

Herb Garden : Ayurveda, Herbal Medicine, Ashwagandha, Herbal Clinics and Books – Anne McIntyre – Herbalist, Author and Teacher – Gloucestershire

The herb garden is open once a year to the general public. In addition Anne conducts regular guided herb walks throughout the summer so that visitors can identify and learn about the therapeutic uses of many favourite and some more unusual herbs. All About My Vagina : menstruation and bleeding: free bleeding (1/2)

Periods - They May Be 'Normal', But Are They Healthy? It's a long one!

Periods - They May Be 'Normal', But Are They Healthy?

And no pics (answers on a postcard as to what I could have included!). And when I use 'we' in the article, yes I mean women, but hopefully men will also find the subject matter of interest. Red Moon. An Article about Red Moon by Samradh Introduction.

Red Moon

Menstrual Lunar Asynchrony – what is the Earth Mother asking of us? Jane Hardwicke Collings Spring 2011 The blueprint for women's menstrual cycles is to be in synchrony with the moon, the lunar cycle.

Menstrual Lunar Asynchrony – what is the Earth Mother asking of us?

Women are 'designed' to ovulate with the full moon and bleed with the dark moon. For many centuries due to light pollution, diet and our modern life styles, lunar menstrual synchrony for many women, has not been the case. Ovulation moment caught on camera. Ovulation takes place in the tissues of the ovary These images are the first time the event has been captured in clear detail The egg is shown emerging from the follicle on the ovary.

Ovulation moment caught on camera

Timeline Photos - Apples and Ovaries. The Moon Inside You - Stream - 4SCIENCE. This documentary film by Slovak director Diane Fabiánová focuses on menstruation and searches for the origin of the social prejudice which has made this topic taboo.The documentary offers a variety of opinions in terms of medicine, sociology, psychology, philosophy, anthropology and sociology.In addition to the experts, children express their views on menstruation.

The Moon Inside You - Stream - 4SCIENCE

The premenstrual video diary of eleven-year-old Dominica is shown, in which she shares her impressions, feelings and knowledge associated with the monthly cycle. The director also involves her relatives in the documentary; her father – the psychologist and her mother. The views of men and women are combined in a collage which enriches the images and the content through the interesting use of animation, documentary and film footage from the archives of the Slovak Film Institute. A topic which is usually not explicitly talked about is viewed seriously as well as with humor.