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Empêchez Air France d'expédier des singes vers leur mort ! Air France prétend « faire du ciel le plus bel endroit de la terre ».

Empêchez Air France d'expédier des singes vers leur mort !

Mais en réalité, la compagnie aérienne fait du ciel un endroit dangereux et effrayant, car elle est l'un des plus grands trafiquants de primates au monde. Save the Last 38 Giraffes in Congo. Target: U.S.

Save the Last 38 Giraffes in Congo

Help Save the Pangolin. The Rare & Endangered Species Trust needs new land.

Help Save the Pangolin.

Help them & their pangolins find a home. Target countdown: 16,975 people needed to donate $50 each The Rare & Endangered Species Trust (REST) is suddenly homeless. REST entered into a purchase agreement 5 years ago for 300 hectares of land outside the game fenced area of Otjiwa Lodge which is 12,000 ha. Now the owner is trying to break the written contract and REST was served with an eviction summons. Projet de loi pour une lutte efficace contre les abandons.

Tell White Sphere to drop its plan to display the wild orcas at the Sochi Olympics. Russia, Stop Wild Orca Captures! Pétition · STOP THE SHOW AND RETIRE THE COFFS HARBOUR DOLPHINS TO A SEA SANCTUARY · In Coffs Harbour, NSW Australia, at a place called ‘Dolphin Marine Magic – the Pet Porpoise Pool’, there are six intelligent, beautiful bottlenose dolphins, living in 2 small concrete pools.


BUCKY is 43, he was born in the wild in 1970 and rescued as a calf with severe sunburn. He has been in the pool 43 years. CALAMITY was wild born in approximately 1981 and has been rescued twice. After her second rescue and rehabilitation she was deemed not suitable for release because of injuries to her tail. She has been in the pool for approximately 20 years. ZIPPY is the dolphin in this photograph, He is 26, he was born in captivity. FREEDOM FOR Kshamenk, ORCA MARINE WORLD - collecting signatures - Save the Bisons in the Yellowstone National Park Now! Pour que la chine applique la loi de 1993, pour la fermeture de ferme du tigre. (Stop Farm tiger China) Pour que la chine applique la loi de 1993, pour la fermeture de ferme du tigre.

Pour que la chine applique la loi de 1993, pour la fermeture de ferme du tigre. (Stop Farm tiger China)

Le créateur des Simpsons sauve deux ours ! Sam Simon, le co-créateur des Simpsons, est atteint d’un cancer en phase terminale.

Le créateur des Simpsons sauve deux ours !

Il a décidé de mettre à profit sa fortune et ses derniers mois de vie afin de venir en aide aux animaux. Justice for Maomao, Chinese pet dog snatched from loving owner and sold to restaurant for her meat! Signatures for Prosecute Egyptian Monster That Burned A Dog's Back Trying To Inhumanely Destroy Him! Almost done! Confirm your signature. Voiceless Friends - An Undercover Investigation by Animal Equality. Home - Stand By Animals In China. STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY - Brutal killing of animals in China! FBI Classifies Animal Abuse as a ‘Crime Against Society’

Animals have a new ally: the FBI.

FBI Classifies Animal Abuse as a ‘Crime Against Society’

The agency announced this week that it will start tracking all forms of animal abuse under its regularly updated Uniform Crime Report, which provides national statistics on some of the worst kinds of crimes. The move, which reclassifies animal abuse as a “crime against society,” puts it on the same level of offense as murder, drug trafficking, arson, and assault and will allow law enforcement agencies and other organizations to better understand the volume and nature of these crimes so they can better allocate resources. The FBI will now track four types of animal abuse: simple or gross neglect; intentional abuse and torture; organized abuse, such as dogfighting or cockfights; and animal sexual abuse, according to FBI spokesperson Stephen G. Fischer Jr. Stop SKINNING animals ALIVE Petition. Target: Liu Xiaoming Petition Background (Preamble): The purpose of this petition (without getting into a fur debate) is solely to prevent the skinning of live animals.

Stop SKINNING animals ALIVE Petition

China has recently come under fire but this is not acceptable in any country under ANY circumstances. I am a so called ordinary person who saw a video from PETA on Facebook. My name is Alexandra Fainlight. The video is very distressing and undoubtedly genuine. Justice for Maomao, Chinese pet dog snatched from loving owner and sold to restaurant for her meat! Help Save Dogs From Meat Trade. These poor dogs in South Korea live such horrible lives on dog meat farms and then are brutally tortured and killed.

Help Save Dogs From Meat Trade

It is believed that the more fear the dogs experience before dying, the stronger it will make the person when they consume the meat. So far, Posh Pets, Imagine Rescue, Amsterdog and Rebound Hounds have helped get 8 dogs here to NY. We are hoping to save some of the puppies in this picture next. The cost to transport each dog from Seoul, S Korea to JFK is $650. Stop Aux Massacres Animaliers. Photos du journal - PALM OIL - Products on Australian shelves that contain Palm Oil. Demand justice for 150 wombats buried alive by a logging company.

Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l'Animal. S Activities. Denmark bans religious slaughter. Denmark's Agriculture and Food Minister Dan Jørgensen has signed into law a regulation that bans religious slaughter of animals.

Denmark bans religious slaughter

European Union regulations require stunning before slaughter, but permit member states to allow exemptions for religious slaughter. Under the new law, Danish slaughterhouses will no longer be able to apply for an exemption to pre-stunning. The move has been opposed by Jewish and Muslim religious leaders in Denmark, who have argued that the ban constitutes an infringement of religious freedom. However, defending the government's decision, Mr Jørgensen told Denmark's TV2 television that "animal rights come before religion". Denmark is a major exporter of Halal meat to the Arab world and Halal food is widely available throughout the country.

Des policiers chinois soutenus par le peuple demandent une loi protégeant les animaux. S Milestones. PETA is formed and organizes the first World Day for Laboratory Animals protest in the U.S. and the first demonstration against chicken slaughter at Arrow Live Poultry, which was subsequently closed, in Washington, D.C. PETA conducts an undercover investigation exposing the suffering of the Silver Spring monkeys in a Maryland research facility, resulting in the first-ever police raid on a laboratory.

A PETA undercover investigation results in the first conviction of an experimenter for animal abuse and the first withdrawal of federal research funds because of cruelty to animals. PETA makes legal history by filing the first-ever lawsuit to become the guardian of animals used in experiments. PETA gets a U.S. Expérimentation - Succès de la pétition "Stop vivisection" : et maintenant ? L'initiative citoyenne européenne "Stop vivisection", visant à mettre un terme à l'expérimentation animale en Europe, a franchi une première étape décisive.

Mais le chemin est encore long avant que les millions d’animaux victimes de la science soient épargnés. Les explications de Urge ABX Air to Stop Shipping Monkeys to Laboratories! Thank You for Speaking Out for Monkeys! Thank you for making your voice heard by asking ABX Air to stop shipping monkeys to laboratories for use in cruel and deadly experiments. By joining with thousands of other PETA supporters, you're helping to protect animals from cruelty.

Please take a moment to share this action with your family and friends: Many individual animals continue to be abused in laboratories and training programs. You can help PETA conduct undercover investigations and campaigns to stop cruel tests and promote modern non-animal methods. Arthur Hertz, CEO of the Miami Seaquarium: Retire the oldest captive Killer Whale, Lolita!

ACTION : Demandez à la marque Kookaï si elle en veut encore ! PETITION - Projet de ferme-usine des 1000 vaches : Non merci ! Ban bear baiting in South Carolina now!