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The Public Intellectual. Within the last few decades, the emergence of public intellectuals as important cultural and social critics has raised fundamental questions not only about the social function of academics, but also about the connection between higher education and public life, between academic work and the major issues shaping the broader society.

The Public Intellectual

Truthout's Public Intellectual Project will provide progressive academics with an opportunity to address a number of important social issues in a language that is both rigorous and accessible. All too often, academics produce work that is either too abstract for a generally informed public, or they separate their scholarship from the myriad of issues and contemporary problems that shape everyday life in the United States and abroad. Articles by Henry A. Giroux Articles by (or About) Other Authors in the Public Intellectual Project Seth Adler Ian Angus Stanley Aronowitz Salvatore Babones Zygmunt Bauman Carol Becker Dr. Megan Boler Noam Chomsky David L. Simon Dawes. Everyday Sociology Blog. The Socjournal. Sociological Images.

Soc Rogue Scholars. The Society Pages. Sports. Stephane Béaud’s Traîtres À La Nation – Un Autre Regard Sur La Grève Des Bleus en Afrique du Sud (en collaboration avec Philippe Guimard) is perfect and great example of public sociology.


It very nicely and powerfully shows what sociological analysis can do, especially with respect to a very high-profile event, such as the “strike” by the French football team during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. I really do hope that this book will get an English edition. If that were the case, I would jump on it and make my students use in my undergraduate classes. It is written at the perfect level, uses a lot of concrete examples. There isn’t too much jargon but the sociological analysis is crystal clear and very powerful. The point of sociological analysis then is to put these events in the proper context (what I call SHiP – structure, history, power) and to retrace the sociological factors that shaped this French national football team (especially in contrast with the 1998 team).

Michael Parenti Blog. Public Intelligence Blog. Danger Room - What's Next in National Security. Danger Room What's Next in National Security From Threat Level U.S.

Danger Room - What's Next in National Security

Says It Spied on 89,000 Targets Last Year, But the Number Is Deceptiveby Kim ZetterThe Office of the Director of Intelligence, upon order of the president, released its first national security transparency report on… More06.27.14 Protestors Launch a 135-Foot Blimp Over the NSA’s Utah Data Centerby Andy GreenbergActivist groups including the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Greenpeace launched the 135-foot thermal airship early Friday morning to… More06.27.14 German Official: U.S. Snarky Lawmaker Reminds Former NSA Chief That Selling State Secrets Is Illegalby Kim ZetterCybersecurity firms and snake-oil salesmen promising protection from online threats are ubiquitous these days, and it’s hard to stand… More06.26.14 Why the Supreme Court May Finally Protect Your Privacy in the Cloudby Andy GreenbergSome SCOTUS-watchers say Riley v. Load more stories. Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs.

TomDispatch. INFORMATION CLEARING HOUSE. NewBlackMan (in Exile) Interaction Institute for Social Change Blog. The structural vs. transformational debate is alive and well.

Interaction Institute for Social Change Blog

I’m glad that Curtis and Cynthia have been dipping back into it over the last few weeks. It is good to start at the end: the answer is a both/and, it’s not a good idea to get stuck in binaries. The print pictured above captures it for me. It is Nelson Mandela’s drawing of the view from his cell at Robben Island, where he was imprisoned for 30 years. Take that in for a second. Thirty years in jail for daring to stand up for freedom. The print’s beauty is undeniable. How is this perspective possible? There was something in Mandela’s mind, something in his soul, that could not be subjugated.

Feminist Magazine. Strong Families Blog. Celebrating the Fullness of Black Womanhood. Feminist Current. Law Students for Reproductive Justice. Democracy At Work. Thom Hartmann. Jim Hightower. Robert Reich. The BRAD BLOG. : Articles. Noam Chomsky: The Final Smiley & West by Smiley and West. DHS news, articles and information: I Don't Know. Without help.

I Don't Know

I mean, I know what time it is when I look at a clock or see it on my phone or on t.v. or the web or ask somebody. But I don’t know what time it is without going through some 3rd Party, you know? Somebody or some thing has to tell me what time it is in order for me to know it. "Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both." C.Wright Mills. Sociology of the Web. A place for discussing L.A. literature and ideas. The Anarchist Library. Ask Social Science. 40 Healthy Relationship Signs.