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Building a design-driven culture. At one point in the movie The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, Judi Dench, who plays a grieving widow, is connected with a customer-service agent at a call center in India. Despite being told Dench is in mourning, the call-center rep sticks to her script with a sadly predictable result: hurt feelings and a lost customer. By the end of the movie, Dench’s character has moved to India and reinvented herself as—wait for it—a call-center trainer. In her initial session, she conducts a role-playing exercise in which she demands operators go off script and respond to customers as human beings first. The result?

Instead of angry hang-ups, the call-center reps make human connections and customers for life. While the movie is fictitious, of course, the broader lesson lies at the core of a real-world business need: empathy. From product to experience Think about a product you recently bought. This fixation on customer experience isn’t just for the cool start-up world. Really understanding the customer. “Ariba Doesn’t Have Customers, It Has Prisoners” - Spend Matters Spend Matters. You can always count on the young (and hyper competitive) Christian Lanng (Tradeshift's CEO and co-founder) for a good one-liner on the competition. Earlier this week, I met Christian for a quick coffee in San Francisco to hear his perspective on the latest happenings in the US supplier network and e-invoicing market. About halfway through the conversation, he sprung the one-liner on me: "Ariba doesn't have customers, it has prisoners. " As someone who knows Ariba – products, customers, partners and a number of employees – at least somewhat well, I could have easily dismissed this statement based on the fact that procurement and AP organizations use Ariba's tools willingly.

After all, they've paid for these procurement and accounts payable tools. Yet Christian has a point. And it's one that anyone who is in the market for (or currently using) Ariba SaaS technology should keep in mind. Ariba is able to price its modules so aggressively because of supplier fees. . - Jason Busch. Article : AXA, un « serious game » pour former les commerciaux. Fear of Failure and Lack of Speed In a Large Corporation. I just spent a day working with Bob, the Chief Innovation Officer of a very smart large company I’ll call Acme Widgets. Bob summarized Acme’s impediments to innovation. “At our company we have a culture that fears failure. A failed project is considered a negative to a corporate career. As a result, few people want to start a project that might not succeed. And worse, even if someone does manage to start something new, our management structure has so many financial, legal and HR hurdles that every initiative needs to match our existing business financial metrics, processes and procedures.

So we end up in “paralysis by analysis” – moving slowly to ensure we don’t make mistakes and that everyone signs off on every idea (so we can spread the collective blame if it fails). And when we do make bets, they’re small bets on incremental products or acquisitions that simply add to the bottom line.” Bob looked wistful, “Our founders built a company known for taking risks and moving fast. FGUG – Playcamp #3 Gamestorming, The Future of Work | Coactiv. C’est quoi le FGUG ? Mardi 25 Février je suis allé au French Gamestorming User Group.

C’ est un lieu ouvert et gratuit permettant l’échange, le partage autour du Gamestorming. Des ateliers présentés sont issu des livres Gamestorming, A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers. Le Gamestorming Le Gamestorming étant à l’honneur je ne peux que vous conseiller de regarder la vidéo présentatrice de ce concept : credit photo: sunni Brown via Sunni Brown, co-auteur du livre Gamestorming devait se joindre à nous pour ce meetup. Ce que l’on peut retenir du Gamestorming, c’est qu’il permet de motiver les participants et de se positionner dans un cadre propice à la créativité. Une première phase d’ouverture, où l’on expose ses différentes idéesune deuxième phase d’exploration, où l’on explore et l’on testeune troisième phase de fermeture, où l’on fait converger notre travail Gamestorming In Action ! Fini le bla bla, que c’est-il vraiment passé lors de cette soirée ?

Conclusion. Agile thinking. Emmanuel GONON. C-K, c’est quoi ? Co création ! Et après ? La co-création, ou comment innover avec le client? Management de la co-création (thèse de doctorat) You Need an Innovation Strategy. Executive Summary Why is it so hard to build and maintain the capacity to innovate? The reason is not simply a failure to execute but a failure to articulate an innovation strategy that aligns innovation efforts with the overall business strategy.

Without such a strategy, companies will have a hard time weighing the trade-offs of various practices—such as crowdsourcing and customer co-creation—and so may end up with a grab bag of approaches. They will have trouble designing a coherent innovation system that fits their competitive needs over time and may be tempted to ape someone else’s system. And they will find it difficult to align different parts of the organization with shared priorities. As Corning, a leader in glass and materials science, has found, an innovation strategy must address how innovation will create value for potential customers, how the company will capture a share of that value, and what types of innovation to pursue. HBR Reprint R1506B. Co-creating brand meaning - By Nigel Hollis | October 13, 2014 The MSI publishes a regular article with the title “Five things I know about marketing.”

A statement made by Susan Fournier, Professor of Marketing, Questrom Professor in Management, and Faculty Director of the MBA Program at Boston University, in one of these articles got me thinking again about the different levels at which marketing works. In the article Fournier states, “My doctoral student Claudio Alvarez has shown empirically that brands have less shared meaning than they have idiosyncratic or personalized meaning. Yet, our entire branding philosophy is founded on the task of finding one differentiated meaning and repeating it until everyone develops shared knowledge and familiarity with that positioning.” Fournier suggests that things would change radically if the paradigm was refocused to encourage idiosyncratic meaning but I am not sure that is desirable (or even achievable). So what do you think? Rooftop Expert Co-creation Session for KLM - By Fronteer Strategy. Fronteer Strategy: what is co-creation? Co-creation: The Movie - Fronteer Strategy.

Éloge des designers. Dans Les Échos paraît aujourd’hui un éditorial de David Barroux intitulé « L’ingénieur et le commerçant« . Tout est fait pour que les lecteurs du grand quotidien économique se reconnaissent dans cet éditorial : certains ont fait des écoles d’ingénieur (c’est mon cas), d’autres ont fait des écoles de commerce. Chacun peut découvrir entre les lignes sa contribution à l’innovation et à la croissance : Pour le consommateur, l’ingéniosité de l’ingénieur vaut autant que l’agressivité commerciale du vendeur. Le premier tire l’innovation et fait naître de nouveaux besoins. Le second les rend accessibles en cassant les prix et en démocratisant l’accès. Pour les salariés, les contribuables ou un pays en général, l’ingénieur est (…) plus fondamental que le commerçant. Le savoir-faire du premier contribue à faire naître un marché que le second fera prospérer, mais, sans le génial inventeur, nos sociétés manquent des briques de base capables de tirer notre marché du travail comme notre croissance.

Consulting-Organisation. Synthèse : le CRM se limite souvent à la mise en oeuvre et (difficile) exploitation d'un outil informatique selon la croyance que l'outil va solutionner l'ensemble des problématiques. Les entreprises doivent se tourner vers la mise en oeuvre d'un CRP - Customer Relationship Program, qui impose par essence même de devoir être piloté au plus haut niveau et considère dans son ensemble la relation entre l'entreprise et ses clients ou prospects.

A l'origine, le CRM (version canal historique) définit un ensemble de tactiques et moyens utilisés par l'entreprise pour développer des relations avec ses clients, ou bien encore avec ses prospects afin qu'ils deviennent clients. Dans les faits, l'outil magique a encore une fois été fantasmé et le CRM se retrouve en général classé au rang de "super outil informatique serpent de mer" auquel pas grand monde ne comprend vraiment grand chose.

Actuellement, la tendance est au Social Business. J'avoue personnellement essayer de comprendre. Co-creation in organisations - a model for creating shared value. A simple, unbureaucratic, speedy and cost effective methodology is required where important changes in strategy, process, product line or service requires key stakeholder analysis to be conducted and the key stakeholders have to be involved in evolving the solution and be incorporated in the decision making before moving forward. It will ensure that whatever solution is decided on has been co-created and there is a greater chance that the new implementation will be fit for purpose and will be adopted positively by the stakeholder group. Stakeholders can be employees, managers, customers, partners and suppliers. Measures for the success of the implementation should be determined by the stakeholders. The process can have several key components - it is important to note that these components must be addressed at pace and with the minimum of bureaucracy Notes on facilitation of the co-creation process: