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Career Videos. YouTube. CV tips, templates and examples for effective curriculum vitaes templates, cover letters samples, examples and CV's writing tips for career change, career development and career training. Home » writing/communicating » curriculum vitae writing tips and templates how to write a CV - curriculum vitae templates, cv samples and examples If you want a quick easy CV without the supporting advice and techniques for career training, go straight to the quick CV writing guide, CV phrases examples and CV template.

Here's a good free quick easy CV template (doc file - MSWord) or CV template (odt file - OpenOffice), and CV template guide PDF. Here are the previous doc and pdf versions of these files, with text boxes: CV template doc file, and CV template guide PDF. Text boxes can be tricky - if in doubt use the versions above. If you are just using the CV template, see the notes about CV/Curriculum Vitae in the heading and personal details in a CV. Here's a very direct local job-hunting method and tool, which is adaptable for your own situation, and can help put your CV in front of local employers very quickly and effectively. index - writing the best possible cv Internships N.B.

Get the right CV template for you | Guardian Careers | Here's a selection of CV templates to help your job application stand out. Photograph: Alamy Every jobseeker, no matter how experienced, needs to make a great first impression with their CV. But starting the writing process can be tricky – how do you know what format would suit your career choice? What do recruiters find easy to read? Well, help is at hand — once you've identified which career description best fits your circumstances and experience from the options below, click on a word document CV template and start scribing.

Graduate or first-jobber? If you have recently qualified, either as a postgraduate or in further education, a qualification-style CV is for you. Don't be tempted to rely on a good grade, though. Download the qualifications-based template. Going for promotion? This CV type used to be the most common, as it favoured individuals that had progressed their career in one sector and possibly with one main employer. Download the reverse chronology-based template. How to write a successful CV. Probably the first CV was written by Leonardo Da Vinci 500 years ago. You can view it here. Since then things have moved slightly on, and now it's essential to have a well presented professional CV, but still many graduates get this wrong. The following page will give you all the tips to make an impressive CV What is a CV?

Curriculum Vitae: an outline of a person's educational and professional history, usually prepared for job applications (L, lit.: the course of one's life). Another name for a CV is a résumé. A CV is the most flexible and convenient way to make applications. An application form is designed to bring out the essential information and personal qualities that the employer requires and does not allow you to gloss over your weaker points as a CV does. There is no "one best way" to construct a CV; it is your document and can be structured as you wish within the basic framework below. When should a CV be used? When an employer asks for applications to be received in this format.