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Never trust a corporation to do a library’s job — The Message. WE ARE - LearnMaker. Taylor & Francis Libsite - Use of social media by the library. Skip to navigation Social media has the potential to facilitate much closer relationships between libraries and their patrons, wherever they are based, and however they choose to access library services and resources.

Taylor & Francis Libsite - Use of social media by the library

This white paper has been researched and compiled by Taylor & Francis to provide an overview of current practices relating to the use by libraries of social media, from a world-wide perspective, against which individual institutions can benchmark their own activities and be inspired to try new approaches. Read the Taylor & Francis white paper on social media use in libraries Learn more about the key findings from the white paper: Watch the presentations from the UK launch event | Read the transcript Visualisation of key findings from the white paper on social media use in the library: Discover Best Practice: listen to our webinar on social media in the library Do you want to get more out of your library’s social media accounts?

Listen to the webinar | Read the transcript. The National Academies Press. 250+ Killer Digital Libraries and Archives. Hundreds of libraries and archives exist online, from university-supported sites to accredited online schools to individual efforts.

250+ Killer Digital Libraries and Archives

Each one has something to offer to researchers, students, and teachers. This list contains over 250 libraries and archives that focus mainly on localized, regional, and U.S. history, but it also includes larger collections, eText and eBook repositories, and a short list of directories to help you continue your research efforts. death The sites listed here are mainly open access, which means that the digital formats are viewable and usable by the general public.

So, such sites as the Connecticut Digital Library (iCONN) are not listed, as they operate on the premise that the user has a Connecticut library card in his or her possession. Digital Libraries: Cataloguing and Indexing of Electronic Resources. Electronic Resources Cataloging in a Nutshell. Electronic Resources Cataloging. A Digital Preservation Conference. Copyright Office: Photocopy and Computer Notices. Prescribed Notices for Equipment Including Photocopiers, Computers Etc.

Copyright Office: Photocopy and Computer Notices

Under the Copyright Act 1968, prescribed copyright notices are required to be on or near all University equipment that can be used for copying or communicating copyright material in any format. These notices provide some protection for the University in the event of staff or student infringements. Faculties, Departments and Libraries are asked to ensure that the appropriate notices are clearly visible. Equipment able to create print reproductions: The print reproductions notice of the Copyright Act is to be displayed on or near any University photocopiers, scanners, PCs and any other equipment that has print copying facilities. Equipment able to create audio-visual reproductions: The audio-visual reproduction notice of the Copyright Act is to be displayed on or near any University equipment that has the ability to reproduce audio-visual material. Creative Commons v3.0. If you have any questions about the Creative Commons Licences, you can see if they have already been answered on the CC FAQ list.

Creative Commons v3.0

If you have any questions about the Creative Commons licences and data or databases, check out their Creative Commons Frequently Asked Questions about Data page. The Licences Attribution CC BY (Default Licence for Australian Government Departments and Agencies) This licence lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licences offered. View licence Deed | View Legal Code Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA This licence lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and licence their new creations under the identical terms.

View licence Deed | View Legal Code. Cataloging Electronic Resources. By Jay Weitz, Senior Consulting Database Specialist, OCLC WorldCat Quality Management Division, Revised 2006 July 11.

Cataloging Electronic Resources

Introduction This document originally combined and superseded two older sets of OCLC guidelines for dealing with electronic resources: "Cataloging Electronic Resources: OCLC-MARC Coding Guidelines," by Rich Greene, first published in February 1998; and "OCLC Guidelines on the Choice of Type and BLvl for Electronic Resources," by Jay Weitz, first published in March 1998. This consolidated document was originally prompted by the issuance in June 1999 of " Guidelines for Coding Electronic Resources in Leader/06" by the Library of Congress Network Development and MARC Standards Office. Like the two superseded OCLC documents, this revised set of guidelines is intended to assist catalogers in creating records for electronic resources in WorldCat, the OCLC Online Union Catalog. These guidelines pertain to OCLC-MARC tagging (that is, content designation).

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