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Cultura e civiltà classica (greca e romana) - Classics

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Museo Radici del Presente: collezione archeologica Assicurazioni Generali. Il Museo - Museo Radici del Presente. Coliseo de Roma / Roman Colosseum - 3D model by Néstor F. Marqués [544c64b] Tour Virtuali. Viaggio digitale tra otto musei civici e i loro capolavori. Parco archeologico del Colosseo sito ufficiale. World History Encyclopedia (formerly Ancient History Encyclopedia) Appia antica. Valley of the Temples - Agrigento, Sicily. Herculaneum, Italy Walking Tour in 4K. Pompei. ROMANO IMPERO. "Non so se valga davvero la pena raccontare fin dai primordi l'insieme della storia romana.


Se anche lo sapessi, non oserei dirlo, perché mi rendo conto che si tratta di un'operazione tanto antica quanto praticata, mentre gli storici moderni o credono di poter portare qualche contributo più documentato nella narrazione dei fatti, o di poter superare la rozzezza degli antichi nel campo dello stile. Foro Romano - Atavistic. Progetto Traiano. New Digital Research Tool For Classical Scholars. (the “Website”), is operated by HERITAGEDAILY What are cookies?

New Digital Research Tool For Classical Scholars

Cookies are small text files that are stored in the web browser that allows HERITAGEDAILY or a third party to recognise you. Cookies can be used to collect, store and share bits of information about your activities across websites, including on the HERITAGEDAILY website and subsidiary brand website. Cookies can be used for the following purposes: Ancient Graffiti Project. Ancient Graffiti Welcome to The Ancient Graffiti Project, a digital resource for locating and studying handwritten inscriptions of the early Roman empire.

Ancient Graffiti Project

These ancient messages and sketches offer a window into the daily life and interests of the people who lived in the ancient world, especially in Herculaneum and Pompeii. They provide perspectives on Roman society, the ancient economy, religion, spoken language, literacy, and activities within the ancient city. (N.B. LOLCats: Latin. Annate storiche di Atene e Roma - 1979-1999. Helps - Antigone. Open-access resources for the Classics-keen and curious The Antigone team are pleased to pool together here the most useful, freely accessible Classics tools online.

Helps - Antigone

There are eighty-odd items as it stands, each chosen on the grounds of utility. If you think we really should have something we don’t, please drop us a line. To explore any of the sites, just click on the caption and crack on! Pace yourself, now… Latin Language Greek Language Latin Literature. Stunning animation of rich house in Pompeii « IMPERIUM ROMANUM. An Interactive Map of Odysseus' 10-Year Journey in Homer's Odyssey. The Odyssey, one of Homer’s two great epics, narrates Odysseus’ long, strange trip home after the Trojan war.

An Interactive Map of Odysseus' 10-Year Journey in Homer's Odyssey

During their ten-year journey, Odysseus and his men had to overcome divine and natural forces, from battering storms and winds to difficult encounters with the Cyclops Polyphemus, the cannibalistic Laestrygones, the witch-goddess Circe and the rest. And they took a most circuitous route, bouncing all over the Mediterranean, moving first down to Crete and Tunisia. Next over to Sicily, then off toward Spain, and back to Greece again. If you’re looking for an easy way to visualize all of the twists and turns in The Odyssey, then we’d recommend spending some time with the interactive map created by Gisèle Mounzer. “Odysseus’ Journey” breaks down Odysseus’ voyage into 14 key scenes and locates them on a modern map designed by Esri, a company that creates GIS mapping software.

Play Caesar: Travel Ancient Rome with Stanford's Interactive Map. Scholars of ancient history and IT experts at Stanford University have collaborated to create a novel way to study Ancient Rome.

Play Caesar: Travel Ancient Rome with Stanford's Interactive Map

ORBIS, a geospatial network model, allows visitors to experience the strategy behind travel in antiquity. ORBIS: The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World. "Rome in 3D" reboot - detailed reconstruction of the City center - History in 3D. After a relatively long pause, we’re returning to the “Rome in 3D” project.

"Rome in 3D" reboot - detailed reconstruction of the City center - History in 3D

During the last months, as we all know, not everything went as we initially planned. But we did not abandon the project despite the difficulties. Today, I want to share a first intro to the Rome project in a new form. Mariamilani Ancient Rome. Biblioteca Pinacoteca Accademia Ambrosiana. AWOL - The Ancient World Online. Plastico di Roma imperiale. Explore Greece. Cultura classica - Classics Community a cura di Licia Landi. Capitolivm - La Storia e l'Arte di Roma. GRIMM. Augusto: nascita di un impero - Speciale SuperQuark. ROMA IMPERIALE (Ricostruzioni virtuali 3D) Bored at work? Here’s a Google-style digital map of the Roman Empire to play with. Zac Goldsmith, the people’s dog-whistle-prone freedom fighter against the scourge of Heathrow expansion, has lost his pointless and taxpayers’-money-wasting campaign to be re-elected as an independent MP for Richmond Park & North Kingston in an unnecessary by-election that he himself forced.

Bored at work? Here’s a Google-style digital map of the Roman Empire to play with

Sad! But in the midst of all this Heathrow grandstanding, preceded as it was by the advert-scattered battle between Heathrow and Gatwick, another London “hub” has been quietly expanding. In July, Philip Hammond, Chris Grayling and Sajid Javid clubbed together in their new roles as chancellor, transport secretary, and communities and local government secretary respectively, and announced a £344m expansion programme for London City Airport. The plan included an extended terminal, new taxi lanes, and more parking spaces for places. Rome Reborn.

I primi insediamenti e lo sviluppo nell'antica città di Roma. Cronache dall antichità La fondazione di Roma Storia cronache 10 fondazioneroma. Teaching with ORBIS: Maps, Environments, and Interpretations in Ancient Rome - American Historical Association. After a few minutes of tinkering with ORBIS: The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World, one of my students exclaimed, “It’s like Google Maps, but for Rome!”

Teaching with ORBIS: Maps, Environments, and Interpretations in Ancient Rome - American Historical Association

She wasn’t the first to make that connection. Four years ago Curt Hopkins noticed the similarity in an article for Ars Technica. At first glance it makes a lot of sense. Ancient Rome Live. Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft – Wikisource. Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE) ist die umfangreichste Enzyklopädie zum Altertum.

Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft – Wikisource

Sie wurde ab 1890 von Georg Wissowa (1859–1931) herausgegeben und 1980 abgeschlossen. Sie führte die von August Friedrich Pauly (1796–1845) begründete Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Alterthumswissenschaft in alphabetischer Ordnung (1837–1864) fort und war als komplette Neubearbeitung konzipiert. Bis heute gilt die RE als Standardwerk der Altertumswissenschaft. EAGLE Portal. Online Coins of the Roman Empire. Online Coins of the Roman Empire (OCRE), a joint project of the American Numismatic Society and the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University, is a revolutionary new tool designed to help in the identification, cataloging, and research of the rich and varied coinage of the Roman Empire.

The project records every published type of Roman Imperial Coinage from Augustus in 31 BC, until the death of Zeno in AD 491. This is an easy to use digital corpus, with downloadable catalog entries, incorporating over 43,000 types of coins. As of April 2017, OCRE provides links to examples present in nearly 20 American and European databases (both archaeological and museum in context), including the ANS collection, the Münzkabinett of the State Museum of Berlin, and the British Museum, now totalling over 100,000 physical specimens. Epigraphy Enchiridion: A List of Open Access Books for Teaching Greek and Roman Inscriptions – SARAH E. BOND. A famous funerary epigram now at the British Museum (IG XIV, 2131) and dating to the second century CE has a skeleton lying in repose.

It reads: “Who can say, passerby, looking on a fleshless corpse, whether it was Hylas (i.e., a beautiful youth) or Thersites (i.e., a bow-legged, ugly man)?” I first learned about this inscription in a Greek epigraphy class at Duke University taught by Kent Rigsby. Resources for Teaching Ancient Geography – SARAH E. BOND. Making Maps Antiquity À-la-carte: “The Antiquity À-la-carte application is a web-based GIS interface and interactive digital atlas of the ancient world, featuring accurate historical, cultural, and geographical data produced by the AWMC in addition to the entire Pleiades Project feature set. The map is completely searchable with customizable features, allowing for the creation of any map covering Archaic Greece to Late Antiquity and beyond.

AWMC welcomes feedback from community members on the experience of using the application and welcomes suggestions and comments. Click here ... to launch the map application. This application works best with Firefox, Chrome, or Safari. LEGO Build with Chrome: “is a web application that allows users to explore and build a world of digital LEGO creations. CartoDB: “is a Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud computing platform that provides GIS and web mapping tools for display in a web browser. Ve la antigua Roma en Google Earth. Omnes Viae: Itinerarium Romanum - Tabula Peutingeriana e Itinerarium Antonini.

Benthos: Digital Atlas of Ancient Waters. Introducing Benthos AWMC is pleased to introduce a beta version of Benthos: Digital Atlas of Ancient Waters; at present this project is in its most preliminary changes, but as always AWMC welcomes feedback from the community. Aims. Iconiclimc. Simple search (?) Boolean search (?) 51577 images in the database Additional information. A History of Ancient Rome. History - Ancient Worlds. History - Ancient History in depth: The Colosseum: Building the Arena of Death. Warburg Institute digital copy antiquities. Catalogue Articles You are not logged in | My saved items (0 items) | Login Give Feedback.

Classical Reception Studies Network. The Classical Reception Studies Network (CRSN) aims to facilitate the exchange of information and to encourage collaboration in the field of classical reception studies by bringing together departments and individuals from across the world. Classical Reception Studies is the inquiry into how and why the texts, images and material cultures of Ancient Greece and Rome have been received, adapted, refigured, used and abused in later times and often other places. For more information on the Network and its history, please go to the Network page which explains who we are and what we do. The Events section lists current and future Classical Reception conferences, seminars, workshops and performances.

"Happy Birthday, everyone - and many happy returns! " Propylaeum: Interdisciplinary. VROMA. LacusCurtius — Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. LacusCurtius Educational Resource: a Selection of Articles from A 19th-Century Classical Encyclopaedia William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D.: A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities John Murray, London, 1875.

PSWPC Home. Home - Classics - LibGuides at Credo Reference. Credo LibGuides can be linked to from your institution's webpage. For LibGuides subscribers, these guides may be freely copied and modified to create or supplement your own LibGuides. Learn how to copy a LibGuide. Classical Studies. Classical Studies Resources. UC Press E-Books Collection, 1982-2004: Search Results. Ancient Rome for Kids and Teachers - Ancient Rome for Kids. Home - The Classical Art Research Centre and The Beazley Archive. Homerica - / ORBIS: The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World. Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire. Ancient World Mapping Center. THEOI GREEK MYTHOLOGY, Exploring Mythology & the Greek Gods in Classical Literature & Art. ICONOS: Le Metamorfosi d'Ovidio. Mitologia Greca.

Mitologia classica greca e romana. GRIMM. Welcome. Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale Multimediale sul Teatro Antico. Loebolus. Itinera Electronica: Du texte à l'hypertexte. Maecenas: Images of Ancient Greece and Rome. 408,330 visitors before 21 March, 2002, visitors since then Images are copyrighted, but may be used for non-commercial purposes. Click here to see the images If the search engine is out of service, you can use back-up search engine. Also, the back-up search engine may index recent additions of images sooner than the main search engine does. If you find this website useful, you can send me a picture postcard of your town or school.My mailing address is Leo C. About this site Awards received by Maecenas UB College of Arts and Sciences. The Stoa Consortium.

Gnomon Online. TOCS-IN main page. Diotima: Women & Gender in the Ancient World. Call for Collaborators to The On-line Companion to The Worlds of Roman Women The On-Line Companion to the Focus Reader, The Worlds of Roman Women, expands the book's wide representation of Latin texts by and about women dating from the earliest periods through the fourth century CE. The medium of a website, moreover, offers the opportunity to integrate visuals to texts, thus enabling users to make connections between language and material culture.

Herodotus Timemap. Book 1, Ch. 1. PELAGIOS Project Overview. DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly: Digital Geography and Classics.

Galleria fotografica riguardante la villa di Catullo a Sirmione (I sec. a. C. - I sec. d. C.). – licialandi

Omero e il mistero di Temesa. Itinerari culturali per la scuola. Ancient Rome for Kids - The Roman Empire Facts. Primary History - Romans. Ancient Rome for Kids - Middle School History for Kids. Ancient Rome for Kids and Teachers - Ancient Rome for Kids. Nūbifera - home. Minimus. Dressup_page. Imagines cum vocabulis.