Ancient Greece and Greek
> Briannolan45
Moodle. In this article, adapted from Trafficking Culture, we learn about the shady dealings around the $1mil sale of the Euphronios Krater to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
The shocking story of the Euphronios Krater. An audio recording of this step is available here. Background. Twitter. Twitter. Instagram. Twitter. Twitter. Twitter. Twitter. Twitter. Twitter. The six oldest manuscripts of the Iliad with scholia. Twitter. New @manic_classics podcast episode by @girlygoblin of @CHC_Classics, which goes into the Ancient Greek tradition of oracles, prophecies, and the age-old joys of getting so high you have a seizure #humanitiespodcasts.
Helen of Troy in the Iliad of Homer. The Iliad describes the conflicts between Achilles and his leader, Agamemnon, and between Greeks and Trojans, following the abduction of Agamemnon's sister-in-law, Helen of Sparta (aka Helen of Troy), by the Trojan prince Paris.
Helen's precise role in the abduction is unknown since the event is a matter of legend rather than historical fact and has been variously interpreted in literature.
Thepatrologist. I’m asked more and more often (surprising to myself), how one goes about getting an active/communicative/spoken competency in Greek, Koine or Classical.
And I was asked again today, and I thought I would write up for more general consumption what I would recommend in the current setting: Teaching Materials Athenaze (Italian): Athenaze (2 vols) is the best current existing textbook adaptable for an acquisition based approach. It has a connected narrative, reasonably good sequencing of grammar and vocabulary. Far and away, you should attempt to obtain the Italian version, even if you don’t know Italian.
The Acropolis of Mycenae, Peloponnese, Greece.…
Erni. A complete folio: Hans Erni's illustrations for the Anchor Doubleday edition of Odyssey Swiss artist Hans Erni was still producing major work at the age of 89; there's a page on him here, if you read German... ...and a page on him in English, but it's limited to stamps.
Odysseus, Kalypso and some third party, by the placement of the illustration in the first book -- or perhaps it's mere scenery During the "Telemachiad," Odysseus' son travels by chariot. Richard Flower sur Twitter : "#Fridayfact On 8th May 372, the Roman emperors decreed that seven manuscript scribes (four skilled in Greek; three in Latin) were to be appointed to copy out and repair damaged and decayed books in the library at Constantinop. My drawing of Helen of Troy. □…
Dealing with Scilla and Charybdis in the Straits of Messina. It is said that when the god Dionysos first came to Argos accompanied by the Cretan princess Ariadne and maenadic "Women of the Sea.
Wedaneus □□ sur Twitter : "In the northern side of Acropolis, one can see parts of columns incorporated in the wall. These are parts of the destroyed temples (of Athena Polias & Pro-Parthenon) by Xerxes' army in 480BC. Athenians did that on purpose to rem. John Ma sur Twitter : "Stele at the Met: fallen hoplite about to get buttspiked, desperately prepares a last vicious stab at opponent's groin or femoral artery. Evan Levine sur Twitter : "It’s about time we got to the subject of today’s thread: Phyle, which is a wonderful example of the landscape of Northern Attica & the defensive architecture of the 4th century! Located 20km north of Athens, Phyle protected one.
Evan Levine sur Twitter : "Our next few digital day trips from #Athens focus on the border fortresses of Attica. Starting at Phyle, these amazing sites mark the limit of Athenian territory in beautiful landscapes! There might be a bit of hiking, but it’s. Admire Oracles: Delphi, Gods and Wine,
I took the liberty of making an easily-printable version here, if that's alright!
Also i AM an idiot but this is the MOST useful paper I have ever held in my own two hands because how many times in my life have I just had to say “indeed but different”??? too many.…
"Evil is a relay sport when the one who's burned turns to pass the torch" -Fiona Apple/Clytemnestra when the beacons come in from Troy…
Today's blog for #womenancient is now live: Beyond binaries. Plato's ἀνδρόγυνος. The figure of the hemaphrodite in Diodorus Siculus. Hemaphroditus in Ovid. Ovid's Iphis and Ianthe in the Metamorphoses, with readings from @eidolon_journal.
Illustrations by Gareth Hinds. Illustrations by Gareth Hinds Dates: Fall 2019 Admission: Free Visiting hours: Monday-Friday, 10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm For groups larger than 4 persons, please call 202-745-4400 to make an appointment.
Directions and Visitor Information Artist Talk Friday, September 13, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm Registration for this event is closed. Overview This exhibition features watercolor illustrations from Gareth Hinds’s graphic novel adaptations of the epic poems, The Iliad and The Odyssey. Hinds uses traditional and digital media to create vivid depictions of the action and emotion in each epic. About the Artist Gareth Hinds is the creator of critically-acclaimed graphic novels based on literary classics, including Beowulf, King Lear, The Merchant of Venice, Romeo and Juliet, and Macbeth. For more information about Gareth Hinds and his publications, visit his website: Statement from the Artist. "The fate for unbridled mouths And lawless foolishness Is misfortune. The life of peace And prudence Is unshaken and cements together Human homes."
De Gruyter Classics sur Twitter : "How far can Digital Classics go? To find out, read this #OpenAccess book edited by @Monica_Berti with contributions by @diyclassics @jtauber @neelsmithhc and many more #ClassicsTwitter…
Dario B.D sur Twitter : "Achille benda Patroclo produzione attica, del 500 a.C.. l'eroe Achille fascia il braccio e si prende cura dell'amico Patroclo. Quasi una scena intima..straordinario.. #arteinquarantena #DBArt #arte #cultura…
Prof. Tom Martin of @holy_cross Classics in the @washingtonpost considers the causes and consequences of the epidemic that struck Athens in the 5th c. BCE in "A plague can wipe out peoples. “What is a person? What is not a person? A human is a dream of a shadow” τί δέ τις; τί δ’ οὔ τις; σκιᾶς ὄναρ / ἄνθρωπος #Pindar #SweetDreams. "Hey, Alcibiades, do you think that a man can agree with a woman about wool-working when he doesn’t know anything about it and she does?"
A Penis on the Screen: Playing a Bard During a Plague. Homer, Odyssey 11.333-334.
Flint Dibble □□□ sur Twitter : "My third thread on the Athenian plague of 430 B.C.E. looks at the archaeological evidence uncovered for this disastrous epidemic This is a tale of death, but also of resilience and shared humanity (CW archaeological skeleta. Rebecca Levitan sur Twitter : "and a final bit of painterly perspective. These fragments are housed at my alma mater, @EmoryUniversity 's @carlosmuseum, inv. 2002.043.081. You can explore their collection online here #MuseumFromHo. ❧Palazzo Fortuny❧ sur Twitter : "#FortunyStory oggi ci porta in Grecia, nel 1935, tra i siti archeologici di Delfi, Corinto, Atene e Capo Sunio. Sfogliamo uno degli album fotografici di Fortuny di questo fantastico viaggio□ #iorestoacasa con @visitmuve_it.
Evan Levine sur Twitter : "There’s no better place to get a feel for #Athens than Mt. Lycabettus. Even on a rainy day like today you can see past the Acropolis to the sea. But with the city shut down, I found myself missing the familiar noise of the Athen. Margini in/versi sur Twitter : "Io già sento primavera che s’avvicina coi suoi fiori: versatemi presto una tazza di vino dolcissimo. #Alceo #poesiagreca traduzione di #SalvatoreQuasimodo #primavera #GiorniDiVersi #MondoDiVersi #giornatamondialedellapoesia.
This a great article about the work of my friend and fellow classicist, Suzanne Lye. "Being no more than a man, you cannot tell what tomorrow will bring, nor for how long a man may count on happiness. For the overturn of the quick-lifting wings of the dragonfly is no more swift than is the fate of man. In honor of a certain awful take on Thucydides, @zacharyherz and I thought it might be fun to come up with some intentionally bad takes on other ancient authors and texts...
Sorry but somebody had to do it! #PedicaboDirtyHands #CatullusClean…
Buongiorno Piotr, un viva alla vita di □Margaret Murray Cookesley.…
I have co-authored too books about reading Homer with @eltonteb the wicked cheap and the open access.
Loeb Classical Library. And it snows and thunders as if winter is all around us (Aristophanes fr. 46)
Dr Hannah Čulík-Baird sur Twitter : "P. Oxy. 7 = P. Lond. Lit. 43. Fragmentary papyrus from Oxyrhynchus from 3rd c. CE. Containing parts of lines Sappho fragment 5. With Anne Carson's translation. I've marked each to show how they line up. #womenancient…
My tongue freezes. Fire, Delicate fire, in the flesh. Blind, stunned, the sound Of thunder, in my ears.
A picture I took on crisp late winters morning.…
A glimpse of Ancient Athens through incredible 3D models. Delphi shining rocks – Recherche Google. I may have used the term "humiliation fetish. GreekHistory Podcast sur Twitter : "New video by @marianuncsum, which looks at Dionysus and Greek theatre in context, compares/contrasts it to our own, and gives a crash course on individual tragedies and playwrights, including Aeschylus, Sophocles, Eurip.
'Ancient ‘curse tablets’ discovered down a 2,500-year-old well in Athens'
: Links. A note about fonts.
Some of the pages listed below will use one of several polytonic Greek fonts available for Windows and Mac. This matter of fonts is generally very irritating. The Perseus font help page has probably the best overview of fonts available, and fairly good instructions on how to install and use them. Homeric Links Prof. Greek Texts and Scholarship Greek and Latin Texts with facing vocabulary and commentary, from Geoffrey Steadman. General Greek Links A page giving the current best understanding of how Greek sounds should be pronounced, with audio.
Sources. Callimaque et le Βοῦς Μέγας aux Εnfers. CALLiMAQUE et le βοΰς μέγας aux enfers 381 d'Hadès : le inonde souterrain n'est que πολύ σκότος, une révélation à laquelle Gallimaque (ou en tout cas l'interlocuteur du mort) répond, tout désolé, άπωλόμεθα.
A l'exclamation chagrinée du poète le mort donne une réponse qui occupe le distique final, et qui — comme il est très fréquent dans les épigrammes de Callimaque (1) — contient la pointe (2).
9780198147732: Frogs (Clarendon Commentaries on Aristophanes) - AbeBooks - Aristophanes: 0198147732. Among extant Greek comedies, the Frogs is unique for the light it throws on Classical Greek attitudes to tragedy and to literature in general.
It merits a much more extensive commentary than it has so far received, and the establishment of the text itself has rested for over a century on collations which were inadequate and inaccurate.
Aristophanes - Aristophanes - Oxford Scholarly Editions. 2. Dirk Obbink, Sappho Fragments 58–59: Text, Apparatus Criticus, and Translation. Dirk Obbink “The New Sappho” actually comprises a group of papyrus fragments, quotations, and testimonia for Sappho’s poetry dating back more than two millennia.
Scholars who were amazed to learn that Sappho had “composed a new poem” when Edgar Lobel published it a half-century ago—she had, after all, been dead for over 2600 years—would have been even more surprised at finding the same fragmentary poem’s missing line-ends, conjecturally and limpingly supplied by scholars since Lobel, now actually supplied by another papyrus manuscript of the same poem, overlapping but preserving the other ends of the lines, that appeared as late as 2004.
The result, like so much else in the archaeology of our textual knowledge of the ancient past, has raised more questions than it has answered about the complex interrelations of language, performance, and context of poetry, as well as its transmission and reception. Text. Acropolis of Lindos, #Rhodes island,#Greece.…
"Receipts": Ar. Eq. 1281-4, Vesp. 1280-3, Pax 883-5, fr. 926.
Daniel Libatique sur Twitter : "#Classics #ClassicsTwitter #TeachAncient, what is your favorite Greek pot that clearly depicts an erotic or sexual scene? Asking for, uh, a friend, who may be teaching a class on Greek and Roman gender and sexuality this se. .@ASCSAthens has taken over Delphi for Day 7 of the C. Greece trip…
Legonium sur Twitter : "This is the book that brought me to Latin. When I read it I was working at an advertising agency, had done one year of French in Year 7 and no elective history. Before finishing the book I’d resigned from my job and enrolled in an. Casey Dué Hackney sur Twitter : "Scholion on Iliad 6.490–493: Asterisks are placed next to the following four verses, because they are found here correctly and before the slaughter of the suitors [Odyssey 21.350–353], but in the first book of the Odyssey.
What happens when women translate the Classics. Sign Up for Our free email newsletters "Tell me about a complicated man.
" This first line of Emily Wilson's translation of the Ancient Greek epic poem The Odyssey raised a lot of eyebrows when it was published in 2017. The translation reinvigorated the interest in the story of Odysseus and his 10-year struggle to return home to his wife Penelope and their son Telemachos on the island of Ithaca, after having fought in the Trojan War. Wilson is so far the only woman to publish a translation of The Odyssey in English, a translation considered by many as groundbreaking. Wilson might be the first woman to translate The Odyssey into English, but she's not the first woman to translate an Ancient Greek text into a contemporary language.
A translation is the result of a series of choices that the translator makes.
After @chiggi @gdnlongread my many open questions for @ChristiesInc. With thanks to Mike Sampson Brent Nongbri @candidamoss @JoelBaden and @museumofBible. Philopappos Hill at sunset is quite something. #athens…
Michael Press sur Twitter : "An open secret about remains of the past is that we don't have precious few of them, but that we're drowning in them and can't handle them all. A BMCR review today of a Sappho volume begins with a footnote to Obbink with no discussion of provenance or other concerns. □
Coincidentally, today’s also the day @gdnlongread dropped this piece on Obbink. The Digital Syriac Corpus had a busy year with new text additions. In case you missed any of our new texts, here's a list of everything we added in 2019.
A Visit with Patrick Leigh Fermor, Part 2. Emily Wilson sur Twitter : "I have been mostly off Twitter recently for mental health. I am in the midst of my current translation projects, and I would not feel comfortable creating comparative translation threads, looking at other people's work and trea. Amy Pistone sur Twitter : "Filing this away for my ongoing series of digressions in Greek class where I tell students cognates for Greek words in hopes that they'll be mnemonically useful, but the cognates are entirely unhelpful because it's an obscure En.
And when I die I shall not be forgotten.
Wonderful book about the transmission & preservation of Classical knowledge after the Fall of Rome. Knowledge that was kept alive in cities like Baghdad & Toledo.
Michel Lara sur Twitter : "A brief & superb work on the historical process by which Christianity was Hellenized & Hellenic civilization became Christianized. The similarities b/t Greek philosophy & Christian thought. Early Christianity and Greek Paideia (
A monumental history of the Hellenistic Age w/ more than 900 pages (including notes).This book will take time to absorb its richness of insights & erudition "Alexander to Actium: The Historical Evolution of the Hellenistic Age. Not buying this theory #Parthenon…
Privacy settings. Greece's Parthenon temple has had the wrong name for centuries, new research by archeologists claims μέσω @telegraphnews. Dr Rob Cromarty sur Twitter : "For #PhallusThursday today, we go for a famous one: the young couple making love on an Attic red-figure oenochoe from Locri, attributed to the Shuvalov painter, ca. 430 BC (Berlin, Germany, Antikensammlung, Staatliche Museen. Great Pic Thread #Troy. Thank you.…
Dr Hannah Čulík-Baird sur Twitter : "The Hinton St. Mary Mosaic, 4th c. CE @britishmuseum. Possibly one of oldest surviving depictions of Jesus Christ, from a Roman villa in Dorset (UK). Behind his head are the letters chi (X) and rho (P), the first 2 let. Michel Lara sur Twitter : "A thread/photographic essay of humans among Classical ruins where Time, master of men, reigns supreme. A Peloponnesian shepherd sits among the ancient ruins of the athletes' entrance to the Olympic stadium in Olympia, Greece c.1.
Amy Pistone sur Twitter : "I talked for like 10-15 minutes in class about the background on the thefts, and then we read some passages from the New Testament that were found on trafficked papyri. And they're doing responses right now, with these prompts h. Today in #TeachAncient: I’m planning a murder mystery for my beginning Greek students to practice interrogative pronouns. It’s an alternate vision of Plato’s Symposium in which someone in the room poisons Agathon (horror!).
Celebrate Open Access Week with Hesperia! All Hesperia articles from 1932 to 2011 are available to download as open access PDFs #OAWeek #OAWeek2019 #OpenAccessWeek…
American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 2. Dirk Obbink, Sappho Fragments 58–59: Text, Apparatus Criticus, and Translation. Durrell Society sur Twitter : "Ah, but Diana you should see the landscape of Greece — it would break your heart. It has such pure nude chastity; it doesn’t ask for applause; the light seems to come off the heart of some Buddhistic blue stone or flower. —
Durrell Society sur Twitter : "You come upon Lindos through a narrow gulley of rock. It is as if you had been leaning against a door leading to a poem when suddenly it swung open letting you stumble directly into the heart of it. — Lawrence Durrell #rhode.