Le mythe de la courbe de l’adoption des technologies. Vous connaissez certainement la courbe de l’adoption des technologies du Gartner (le Hype Cycle – Wikipédia -, c’est-à-dire comme on devrait le traduire plus littéralement « le cycle du battage publicitaire des technologies ») publiée chaque année par cet institut d’études américain pour distinguer les technologies les plus prometteuses et celles en passe de tomber dans l’oubli.
Nicolas Nova sur le blog de la conférence Lift en faisait récemment une critique plutôt instruite, reprenant les propos de plusieurs blogs qui ont éreinté la méthode. Image : La courbe générale du Hype Cycle par le Gartner. La réflexion est partie du travail de Julian Bleecker qui essayait de dresser une typologie des façons dont on représente le futur. La courbe du Gartner décrit un cycle des produits et des technologies, mais estime que tous connaissent un pic d’attentes démesurées, puis, après une période de déception, qu’ils finissent par être adoptés par les gens.
Autre reproche. Psychology of Social Product Launches – Part 3, Storytelling. Sparking creativity in teams: An executive’s guide - McKinsey Quarterly - Strategy - Strategy in Practice. Although creativity is often considered a trait of the privileged few, any individual or team can become more creative—better able to generate the breakthroughs that stimulate growth and performance.
In fact, our experience with hundreds of corporate teams, ranging from experienced C-level executives to entry-level customer service reps, suggests that companies can use relatively simple techniques to boost the creative output of employees at any level. The key is to focus on perception, which leading neuroscientists, such as Emory University’s Gregory Berns, find is intrinsically linked to creativity in the human brain. To perceive things differently, Berns maintains, we must bombard our brains with things it has never encountered. This kind of novelty is vital because the brain has evolved for efficiency and routinely takes perceptual shortcuts to save energy; perceiving information in the usual way requires little of it. Immerse yourself Overcome orthodoxies What business are we in? The value of an idea. As an optimist, I believe that ideas have value, but when I put on my management hat I realize that ideas have value only once they are implemented.
So to answer the question, "what's the value of an idea? " I'd have to answer: zero. Unfortunately, ideas are a dime a dozen. Ideas that are implemented and become new products and services are very valuable. I guess ideas, like fine wines and cheeses, just get better with age. This calls into question how an organization or team can justify (financially) trying to improve innovation and idea management. How does one justify the expense of improving innovation, idea management, brainstorming and the "fuzzy front end"? There are probably many answers to this question, but here are few more likely ones: - Build it and they will come. . - We can't justify it so we should not invest. These two arguments are at the far ends of the spectrum - build without justifying and don't build since we can't justify.
An effort to get my ideas straight on what the web is about. What is Adding Value and How it Applies to Social Networking. As a social media advocate I often discuss adding value to the conversations, to the communities or to the relationships.
I guess I assumed everyone already knew what the term means and how it applies to them until I started to get questions from people. So what exactly is adding value and how? Is it just an over-used marketing jargon? An illusion of a feel-good emotion? The more I use the term “value” the more I feel like it’s loosing its soul (I’m guilty as charge at times). One of my favorite artists, the awesome Hugh MacLeod had a great piece about Adding Value with the quote, “The aim of “adding value” is a hard one to argue with… who doesn’t want to add value to their current enterprise?
Well, obviously there are many ways to look at it but here is how I perceive the meaning of adding value. Let’s face it, most businesses wants to add value to the bottom line which means making sales and growing profits. The Meaning of Knowledge Emotion Trumps Logic.