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Ancient Civilizations

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Hyperborea & the Quest for Mystical Enlightenment. Far north, somewhere near the icy regions of the North Pole, legend speaks of an ancient and mostly forgotten civilisation.

Hyperborea & the Quest for Mystical Enlightenment

Mythical in character, the Hyperborean civilisation is said to have flourished in the northern most region of planet Earth at a time when the area was suitable for human habitation. The Secret Past of Antarctica and Ruins Of Ancient City Found In Antarctica. (Before It's News) Antarctica was once Atlantis.

The Secret Past of Antarctica and Ruins Of Ancient City Found In Antarctica

An antediluvian island continent paradise from where evil nephilim overlords ruled the entire Earth with great ruthlessness using occult knowledge that included things like black magick & super advanced technology taught to them by their fathers – the watchers that fell in the days of Jared [see 1 Enoch 9:6-9]. Poseidonis was the capital of Atlantis. The island continent appeared to sink into the ocean during the Great Deluge mentioned in Genesis 6:5-7,11-13 & 7:17,19-24. Later it was flash frozen due to sudden global crustal displacement where it was covered with ice until the Nazis learned from esoteric Tibetan monks that A California TV crew missing since November 2002, a video they left behind and a mission by U.S.

Steve Quayle: The "Forbidden History" of Early Mankind. (Before It's News) “A piece of information as to how the world has been put together, I think that is something is this but please decide for yourself.

Steve Quayle: The "Forbidden History" of Early Mankind

Our history is not what we think!” Nick Mercer. Steve Quayle: Recently, UFO Magazine attended a seminar held in Los Angeles, conducted by noted Orientalist and Biblical scholar Zecharia Sitchin. Página principal - Meu Wiki. Em Crônicas de Atlântida: o olho de Agarta, continuação da série, Agarta é um império orgulhoso onde só os mais fortes se destacam.

Página principal - Meu Wiki

Quando ocorre um encontro casual entre Vasu, guerreiro agartiano, e Tlalpan, uma aventureira atlante, isso pode trazer consequências que mudarão o destino de vastos impérios. Uma geração após os acontecimentos de Crônicas de Atlântida: o tabuleiro dos deuses, ambiciosos comandantes militares de Agarta, a petulante valquíria Madhavi, a humilde serva Bakri, a orgulhosa capitã acaia Lúsia e o retorno de figuras conhecidas da saga atam os nós dessa trama épica e amorosa na qual culturas e panteões rivais se enfrentam por ideais divergentes de poder e justiça. L'Atlantide a bien existé: il suffit de lire Platon pour savoir où elle était. Temps de lecture: 9 min Stavros Papamarinopoulos pourrait être un personnage d’un roman de John le Carré.

L'Atlantide a bien existé: il suffit de lire Platon pour savoir où elle était

Il m’avait donné rendez-vous dans de grands bureaux vides, propriété d’un ami économiste, dans la ville portuaire et très peu tendance de Patras. J’avais fait le trajet en bus depuis Athènes, il m’avait fallu quatre heures pour arriver sur place. Stavros Papamarinopoulos est professeur de géophysique à l’université de Patras. C’est aussi l’expert le plus respecté au monde au sujet de l’Atlantide.

C’était une belle journée ensoleillée, comme souvent en Méditerranée. «C’est Platon, dans Phèdre», répondis-je, en omettant de préciser que je ne l’avais appris que deux heures auparavant, dans l’un des livres de Stavros Papamarinopoulos que j’avais lus dans le bus en venant, mais je pense qu’il s’en est douté. Redescobrindo o Brasil. Lemuria and the Ancient Naacal Stone Tablets. Bashar - History of Atlantis.

The Amazing History of the Dogon Tribe: Aryan Aliens in Ancient Africa. Located in Mali West Africa, the Dogon have a rich culture dating to around 3200 BCE, and are belie...

The Amazing History of the Dogon Tribe: Aryan Aliens in Ancient Africa

Located in Mali West Africa, the Dogon have a rich culture dating to around 3200 BCE, and are believed to be a hybrid ethnic group descended from a mixing of the ancient Egyptians of North Africa with various other sub-Saharan tribal populations. Deeply rooted traditions of the Dogon people speak of the Nommos who visited from a companion star to Sirius. The Nommos are known as advanced beings who have also appeared in numerous related myths found in the Sumerian and other Mesopotamian cultures. Sirius' companion star has a 50 year elliptical orbit and is not visible to the naked eye. According to some research, modern astronomers did not know the companion star existed until the Dogon myth was discovered. They tell us how the Nommos shared the knowledge of Sirius with them and left behind several artifacts. Related: The Ancient Connection Between Sirius, Earth and Mankind's History;

The 500 Year Old Map that Shatters the Official History of the Human Race. Planet Mu's Lost Civilizations. 5th September 2014 By Anne Tittensor Guest Writer for Wake Up World Through sheer hard work within the IT industry over the past 30 years and a chance meeting five years ago, I have been fortunate enough to travel globally in my quest for connective information that backs up my theories.

Planet Mu's Lost Civilizations

The Lost Lands of Mu and Lemuria: Was Australia Once Part of a Sunken Continent? Legendary Lands: Umberto Eco on the Greatest Maps of Imaginary Places and Why They Appeal to Us. By Maria Popova “Often the object of a desire, when desire is transformed into hope, becomes more real than reality itself.”

Legendary Lands: Umberto Eco on the Greatest Maps of Imaginary Places and Why They Appeal to Us

Celebrated Italian novelist, philosopher, essayist, literary critic, and list-lover Umberto Eco has had a long fascination with the symbolic and the metaphorical, extending all the way back to his vintage semiotic children’s books. THE LEGEND OF ATLANTIS FULL. Atlantis Found: Giant Sphinxes, Pyramids In Bermuda Triangle (update) By Terrence Aym Perhaps eclipsing the discoveries of Troy and King Tut’s tomb is the discovery of Atlantis.

Atlantis Found: Giant Sphinxes, Pyramids In Bermuda Triangle (update)

Now, two daring scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki, claim they’ve found it. Ancientexplorers. BONUS #1: Eye-opening video interviews with six renowned experts (value: $49) In the process of completing this film, we have spent months tracking down world-class experts on early civilizations, ancient wisdom and anthropology.


Origins of the Ark of the Covenant Knights Templar Ethiopia Freemasonary Kabbalah part 1 of 7. Sabedoria e Antiguidade. Graham Hancock's "Quest For The Lost Civilization" **FULL MOVIE** Ice Age Civilizations & Atlantis - Underwater Archeology. The Legend of Atlantis [Complete Series] Dawn of the Maya Documentary.