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Warhol-Style Pop-Art Effect with Photoshop Elements. In this tutorial we’ll use Photoshop Elements to create an effect similar to Andy Warhol’s iconic pictures of Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor et al.

Warhol-Style Pop-Art Effect with Photoshop Elements

We’ll use layers and blend modes to build up the effect, making it easy to correct mistakes or change the look at a later stage. 1. The first thing we need to do is cut our subject away from the background. Select the Lasso tool from the toolbox. Choose a starting point with the mouse and click to start the selection. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Vector Illustration: Basics of Creating Vector Images. How to Create a Vector Girl using Adobe Illustrator or CorelDraw. Final Image Preview In this Adobe Illustrator tutorial Alexandra Honcharova will demonstrate you the process of creation of a real vector art.

How to Create a Vector Girl using Adobe Illustrator or CorelDraw

Tutorial: preparare una foto al disegno digitale - Roba da Disegnatori. How these amazing BAFTA 2016 posters were drawn and painted. 26 Best Adobe Illustrator Portrait Tutorials. Illustrator is the best design,modify and editing vector graphics program which is powered by Adobe and over the years Adobe Illustrator has become the standart software among graphic designers.It is flexible and lets you create high resolution artworks.

26 Best Adobe Illustrator Portrait Tutorials

We have showcased very detailed and high quality Adobe Illustrator tutorials in the past and in today’s post we are featuring portrait tutorials created using Adobe Illustrator.Thanks to all graphic designers for these beautiful portrait tutorials. You may also take a look at our past illustrtor tutorial collections; How to draw birds: 18 illustration tips. Come disegnare un’immagine vettoriale con Adobe Illustrator. Create vector portraits in Photoshop.

19 character design tips from pro creatives. Character design can open up boundless commercial possibilities when twinned with specialist skills in illustration or motion graphics.

19 character design tips from pro creatives

This marriage reflects the interdisciplinary nature of modern-day practice, and the frequent cross-over of animation, illustration, typography, digital media and everything in-between. Building your skills in any one of these areas is a valuable asset for any creative career, since the realm of character design is an enduring field that has disseminated on a global scale.

Subscription offer Developing an understanding of how to construct a successful character and bring together the components required to execute it commercially is a hard-won skill, but with this expertise comes a wealth of opportunity for those with the passion, drive and imagination to pursue it. How to create realistic hair in 4 simple steps. The most important thing when approaching hair is to think about the general appearance, which should suit the character's face.

How to create realistic hair in 4 simple steps

I always sketch different haircuts before settling on the right one. You must also consider the nature of the hair: is it curly or straight, thin or heavy? Once you've decided on the hair type you can establish the colour scheme. I always start with a mid tone; it's easier to add light and shadows onto one. Don't forget that hair is reflective – it's affected by the environment’s light and colours, so don't hesitate to add, for example, some touches of blue if the character is outside.

Subscription offer Regarding the details and the texture, I always paint the base with a basic hard round edge set to a large diameter. How to Create a Polygonal Vector Mosaic in Illustrator. Final Image Preview You can download the source vector file for this tutorial.

How to Create a Polygonal Vector Mosaic in Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop tutorial: Create a low-poly portrait. How To Draw CharactersComputer Graphics. On the wire. Yes, something very simple, but it somehow didn't want to leave my head unless I finally drew it.

On the wire

So why not post it? Boredom on the wire, very ugly birds and battle with anatomy. It went fast and I didn't waste much time on this one but maybe you will like it. And don't let yourself be fooled! Those feet took me most of the time I invested in this drawing! If you have any questions or you see mistakes I could fix to make it better - let me know! At first I just place the idea on the paper, planning the composition as always, without thinking too much about the anatomy (well, it's still not automatic thing for me, I am not all that good with anatomy). I start with the head. I move to his hair, on the beginning drawing just dark shape. Hair is repaired in a similar manner. Next thing is painting his left hand. I quickly draw second arm and sleeve (well, for now it still looks sketchy) and I move to trousers very fast.

Corso di Illustrazione a Milano - IED, Istituto Europeo di Design. L’illustrazione è una cultura antica che va di pari passo con la storia dell’umanità; l’illustratore deve saper ascoltare, dare forza alle parole, tradurre le idee in immagini, interpretare i testi moltiplicandone il senso, esprimere il proprio mondo poetico con fantasia e immaginazione in sintonia sia con il testo sia con il lettore, suscitando emozioni attraverso la narrazione.

Corso di Illustrazione a Milano - IED, Istituto Europeo di Design

Fin dai primi giorni del Corso Triennale di Illustrazione e Animazione lo studente impara a disegnare, cioè a vedere, capire e comunicare per mezzo del disegno. Amy - Vector triptych on Behance.