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Is Technical Writing Part of UX? By Janet M.

Is Technical Writing Part of UX?

Six Published: August 24, 2015 Send your questions to Ask UXmatters and get answers from some of the top professionals in UX. In this edition of Ask UXmatters, our panel of UX experts discusses the need for the work of technical writers to be an integral part of the UX design process. Strong technical writing can play an important role in a product’s success. In my monthly column, Ask UXmatters, our panel of UX experts answers our readers’ questions about a broad range of user experience matters.

The following experts have contributed answers to this edition of Ask UXmatters: Q: I am a digital writer for a financial services/insurance company. Tech Writer This Week for August 8-9, 2015. Simplicity is under-rated.

Tech Writer This Week for August 8-9, 2015

A corollary to that rule notes that the bigger the organization, the more complicated simple becomes. Okt. Understanding the Business. Boxes and Arrows is delighted to share this excerpt from Kim Goodwin’s excellent Designing for the Digital Age.

Understanding the Business

When I recently taught a class on user experience design, I found few good resources on gathering business requirements. I was so happy when I cracked open Kim’s book and found exactly what my students needed. And thanks to her generosity, and Wiley’s, we are able to reprint the chapter in its entirety. ~Christina Wodtke, January 2013. InfoDevelopmentWorld sur Twitter : "Content Leadership: Bridging Silos and Building Teams at @InfoDevWorld w/ @leenjones #CX #UX. Okt. Content Leadership: Bridging Silos and Building Teams Wednesday, September 30 — 9:00am-5:00pm Colleen Jones Principal Content Science Without the right people collaborating behind the scenes, you can't sustain even the most brilliant content strategy.


There is no content fairy to plan, execute, maintain, and optimize your content, plus ensure all of your different stakeholders understand and contribute appropriately. Prioritization is deciding. How to Use Persona Empathy Mapping. “No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care”-Theodore Roosevelt Empathy: it’s a buzzword in the UX design world.

How to Use Persona Empathy Mapping

Everybody’s doing it! But what exactly are they doing? A Complete Guide to Crawling Inside Your Customer's Head With Empathy Maps. Love what you build. Build what you love. 10 things Product Managers must do I love being a Product Manager.

Love what you build. Build what you love.

Hunter Walk defines product management as being where Science meets Art. Balpha : This @trello password field... CraigLuna : The real side of software... Tim Brown urges designers to think big. Johnmaeda : Steve Jobs on the disease of... IBM's French R&D lab is paving the way for their new mobile-focused business. When people think about the most dominant tech giants today, many often overlook the granddaddy of them all, IBM.

IBM's French R&D lab is paving the way for their new mobile-focused business

Having evolved profoundly since its founding over 100 years ago and grown into to 430k employee-strong, $100 billion/yr company, IBM continues to be a tech powerhouse, particularly in enterprise products and services (e.g. social enterprise, cloud computing, enterprise mobility services, systems and services, etc). Despite their mega-size, innovation continues to be at the heart of IBM’s goal to “make the world a smarter place”.

They’re continuously developing new technologies, products and services and which is illustrated by the fact that they’ve been #1 in terms of US patents filings for the last 20+ years. In order to drive this continuous innovation, IBM looks both externally (130+ acquisitions completed since 2000) and internally, via such activities as with a network of Innovation Labs around the globe. BarookG : Ironic how eye drops have the... Mm: Accidentally tried to assemble... DJSnM: This is a real dialogue box... Letter from the UK: Design-Led User Documentation. Visma Software has invited me to speak at their developer conference, which is being held at the end of March in Latvia.

Letter from the UK: Design-Led User Documentation

I’ll be talking about how some major software companies are rethinking their approach to user documentation. This approach could be called “design-led documentation.” For example, IBM is introducing a design-led approach to software design. Talking to a technical writer I know at IBM UK, I understand this design-led approach includes how they’ll be designing the user documentation. Citrix is another company taking a design-led approach. Teaching to See. What happens when placeholder text doesn’t get replaced. By Rian on 24 February 2014.

What happens when placeholder text doesn’t get replaced

User don’t hate change. They hate you. — Design + Startups. Recently, more than the color of the leaves on the trees has been changing. Everyone seems to be redesigning. Apple’s OS7, Slate, new features on Twitter, Google, the Yahoo logo (and much of Yahoo) — even my kid’s school website. And users are angry, annoyed, exhausted, eye-rolling… not delighted. And so the usual comment comes: users hate change. Designing People-friendly Organizations. Domestic Folklore, or Washing Machines for Men.

A selection of the Ginetex Textile Care Labels BERG announced Cloudwash this week, a very smart (in both senses of the word) prototype that uses their Devshield to turn a regular washing machine into a connected washing machine.

Domestic Folklore, or Washing Machines for Men

Washes can be scheduled and programmed from your phone, and – on pressing a button – you can order laundry detergent directly from Amazon. Mattetti: As a programmer and a parent,...