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The ‘sellable semblance’: Employability in the context of mental-illness. Introduction Employability is a broad concept and intersects with a range of life aspects.

The ‘sellable semblance’: Employability in the context of mental-illness

Amongst others, these may include the political, social, citizenship, education, skills, behaviour and lifestyle. A significant feature embedded within the notion of employability is the expectation to continuously become ‘more’ employable (Costea et al., 2012: 33; Cremin, 2010). The ongoing journey of improving one’s employability may be related to a number of aspects such gaining certain skills, experiences and qualifications. How To Organize Important Documents in an Emergency Binder or Household Notebook - Decluttering Your Life. How To Make an Important Documents Home Management Binder • Do you know where all your important documents and paperwork are?

How To Organize Important Documents in an Emergency Binder or Household Notebook - Decluttering Your Life

Does anyone ELSE know where to find that important information? What the mysterious boredom divide teaches us - BBC Future. One is narcissism – not the ordinary kind, in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and greatness, characteristic of certain politicians, but “covert narcissism”.

What the mysterious boredom divide teaches us - BBC Future

This type involves people feeling like they’re fabulously talented, but they aren’t being given due credit for it. “They're like ‘If only the world knew’,” says Danckert. Flirting with colleagues may reduce stress — study. Stock Photo Casual flirting, such as compliments and jokes, with colleagues at work may help reduce one’s stress levels, a new study suggests.

Flirting with colleagues may reduce stress — study

A study published in November in the journal Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes found that “positively experienced social sexual behavior” can help relieve stress. Author Leah Sheppard, an assistant professor at Washington State University, shared the findings after conducting a series of surveys with hundreds of workers in the US, Canada and the Philippines. Together with her co-authors Jane O’Reilly, Marius van Dijke, Simon Lloyd D. TIMELINE: The long road to justice for Maguindanao massacre victims. A Replacement for Religion Book. Available to buy as eBooks on: Many of us find ourselves in the odd situation of not believing in religion, but nevertheless being interested in it, moved by it and sympathetic to some of its aims.

A Replacement for Religion Book

We may enjoy religious art and architecture, music and community, and even some of the rituals - while being unable to believe in the divine. HuffPost is now a part of Verizon Media. Everyone at the office calls your deaf coworker Diane, but she is better known in the deaf community as “Bright.”

HuffPost is now a part of Verizon Media

Bright is a genuine person who is always smiling and positive. Her cheerful name sign captures her personality way better than the name “Diane” ever could! Many hearing people are surprised to learn that the deaf community has it’s own unique naming system. Pinoy Rap Isn't "Jeje" and We Shouldn't Be Ashamed to Like It - When In Manila. Words by Kelly Punzalan I don’t care what anyone says, “Kabet” and “S2pid Love” are the greatest songs of all time.

Pinoy Rap Isn't "Jeje" and We Shouldn't Be Ashamed to Like It - When In Manila

I’m half-kidding but they are my go-to karaoke numbers. Why Dogs and Humans Love Each Other So Much. How Beauty Is Making Scientists Rethink Evolution. Perhaps no living scientist is as enthusiastic — or doctrinaire — a champion of Darwinian sexual selection as Richard Prum, an evolutionary ornithologist at Yale University. In May 2017, he published a book, “The Evolution of Beauty,” that lucidly and passionately explains his personal theory of aesthetic evolution. It was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for general nonfiction, but within the scientific community, Prum’s ideas have not been as warmly received.

Again and again, he told me, he has asked other researchers for feedback and received either excuses of busyness or no reply at all. Women Who Regret Motherhood Share Their Stories. Regretting motherhood is a dark secret many women hide.

Women Who Regret Motherhood Share Their Stories

But pretending it doesn’t happen, or passing judgment when it does, are insidious ways of diminishing the truth about women’s lives. So many of us already know that being a mother might not be easy. But it’s also generally accepted that parenthood is worth it. Susan Potter gave her body to science. Her cadaver became immortal. When Potter died of pneumonia at 5:15 a.m. on February 16, 2015, at the age of 87, her body was collected from the Denver Hospice, where she’d been admitted the week before.

Susan Potter gave her body to science. Her cadaver became immortal.

The cadaver, measuring five feet one inch from head to heel, 10 inches from back to front, and 19 inches from elbow to elbow, was placed in a freezer and frozen solid at minus 15 degrees F. About two years later Spitzer and an assistant used a two-person crosscut saw to cut Potter’s frozen corpse into four sections, a preliminary step in an ongoing process that will take years. Ultimately, Spitzer will resurrect and reconfigure Potter’s body as a kind of digital avatar that can talk to medical students and help them understand how, in life, she was put together.

Anatomy is the bedrock of medicine. An analysis of three Covid-19 outbreaks: how they happened and how they can be avoided. A crowded restaurant to celebrate the Chinese New Year; 100 workers infected inside a 19-story building; a group of devout Buddhists travelling by bus for a religious ceremony.

An analysis of three Covid-19 outbreaks: how they happened and how they can be avoided

These were the scenarios for three outbreaks of Covid-19 that have been carefully documented by the authorities. What happened in each one? What were the risk factors? What lessons can be learned, now that we are trying to get back to normal and return to restaurants, offices and other shared spaces? The office In a single wing of a call center in Seoul, in South Korea, the risk of infection was multiplied by four key factors: close, prolonged contact between numerous people, in an enclosed space. The staff at the call center on the 11th floor work together at desks containing 13 work stations. Bonobo Sex and Society. At a juncture in history during which women are seeking equality with men, science arrives with a belated gift to the feminist movement. Male-biased evolutionary scenarios--Man the Hunter, Man the Toolmaker and so on--are being challenged by the discovery that females play a central, perhaps even dominant, role in the social life of one of our nearest relatives.

How Growing Up Poor Impacted My Thoughts On Parasite. I walk out of the movie theater; behind me is a very “American” upper-class family: a dad (probably called Richard) and a mom (probably called Carol) and their two kids (let’s call them Ashley and Brian). They talk about how amazing Parasite was, especially about the symbolism of the word “parasite.” Throwing her soda can into the trash, Carol says, “Yeah it’s a shame. But we should look into installing a better security system at the house. I am a little paranoid now.” What Do You Love Me For? -The Book of Life. Sometimes, and it often happens in bed, we face an acute test at the hands of a lover to whom we have pledged our affections. We are asked, with little warning, and in a serious tone: ‘What do you love me for?’ Few moments in a relationship can be as philosophical as this – or as dangerous. A good answer has the power to confirm and enhance the union; a bad one could blow it apart.

As we try to make headway, we immediately recognise that we can’t simply say ‘everything’. We’re being asked to make choices – and our love will be deemed sincere to the extent that the choices feel accurate to their recipients. The Unspoken Loneliness Of The “Physical Touch” Love Language. Google “friends love language” or “how to show friends you care using their love language” and you get a myriad of ideas for the other four: gifts — easy, words of affirmation — why not? , quality time — of course! , and acts of service — sure! But when it comes to “touch,” there’s only one suggestion, which comes up again and again: give a hug “hello,” and another when you say “bye!”

(Maybe an extra thrown in if they’re feeling particularly low.) Why procrastination is about managing emotions, not time - BBC Worklife. Choice page. The Philippine Diary Project – Diary entries from Philippine history. Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Doctors. The Egg. The Egg. Books to help you answer big questions about yourself. 10 Ideas for People Afraid to Exit a Relationship. 1. You are, to a far greater extent than you perhaps realise, already alone. What are the Gabaldon School Buildings? Why Simone Weil is the patron saint of anomalous persons.

Education Week. Language matters. Kristin Neff Argues Self Compassion Works Better Than Self Esteem - The Atlantic. I am not always very attached to being alive. Content warning: this essay contains vivid language about suicide and suicidal thoughts. Arrival is a stunning science fiction movie with deep implications for today. Wicked Women of the East – Mantle Magazine. What White, Western Audiences Don't Understand About Marie Kondo's 'Tidying Up' How capitalism allows extreme views about sex to flouish. The Truth About Where Hair Extensions Come From. ADHD Is Different for Women. Why it's so hard to #DeleteFacebook: Constant psychological boosts keep you hooked.

Distinction Bias: Why You Make Terrible Life Choices. Religion as social unifier. The Sweatshop Feminists. The Feminism of Black Panther vs. Wonder Woman – Shoshana Kessock. The Tyranny of Convenience. Newton Tech4Dev Research Identifies Ad and PR Executives as "Chief Architects" of Fake News Production and Social Media Trolling - Newton. Luvvie Ajayi: Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

The Ecumenism of the Pro-Life Movement – Public Orthodoxy. The Real Causes Of Depression Have Been Discovered, And They're Not What You Think. The spiritual message hidden in 'Star Wars' What makes a modern Filipina? Facebook Finally Blinks. A philosopher of sex says sexual freedom is destroying desire. How movies embraced Hinduism (without you even noticing) Most Personality Quizzes Are Junk Science. I Found One That Isn’t. ZEN PENCILS » 172. ISAAC ASIMOV: A lifetime of learning. Photographer Spends 2 Years Photographing Animals That May Soon Be Extinct, And It Breaks Our Hearts.

ZEN PENCILS – Cartoon quotes from inspirational folks. Philosophy in the classroom: ‘It’s okay not to find an exact answer’ A psychologist explains the hard limits of human compassion. Where do kids learn to undervalue women? From their parents. Silent Witnesses: Why do females make up most of those investigating crime using science? Minds turned to ash. Neoliberalism: the idea that swallowed the world. When life is a fate worse than death. Quora. The New Science of Exercise. Sheila Michaels, Who Brought ‘Ms.’ to Prominence, Dies at 78 -

The future of feminism: The gender revolution has stalled because feminists think empowement is more important than power — Quartz. The decline of critical thinking. 23 Ways You May Have Internalised Misogyny Without Even Realising. This Article Won’t Change Your Mind - The Atlantic. When Evidence Says No, but Doctors Say Yes - The Atlantic.

Talking to Boys the Way We Talk to Girls - 11 Things People Don’t Realize You Are Doing Because Of Your Anxiety. Forbes Welcome. China and the Nine Dash Lies. Dan Dennett: Let's teach religion. Moana and the Austronesian.