WORDPRESS PLUGIN/TOOL: So machst du aus deinem Blog eine App Dein Blog und… Schreiben fürs Netz – 4 Tipps und eine Checkliste für die Praxis. Seven Ideas for Avoiding Blogging Burnout. I just realized that somewhere in the last few months, this blog turned ten (though it started out as a Myspace blog and moved to Blogger later).
So, here are my thoughts on some things to do in order to write a blog that won't die out. Blogwerkstatt. Blogs. Orte des Austauschs. Bilder selber machen! Immer wieder gibt es Unsicherheiten und Probleme im Bezug auf Bildrechte.
Woher kriege ich Bilder, die ich im Web verwenden darf? Und für Social Media? Zwar gibt es viele auch kostenlose Bilddatenbanken, aber hier braucht es ein genaues Studium der AGBs, um zu wissen, welche Bilder man wo und mit welcher Quellenangabe nehmen kann. Blog Platforms. Schreiben fürs Netz – 4 Tipps und eine Checkliste für die Praxis. PB045: „In der Schule mehr ins Internet reinschreiben!“ Stephan Noller, Hilli Knixibix, Maxim Loick im Gespräch.
From Text to Sketchnotes: A How-To Guide for Novice Visual Note Takers. My recent sketchnotes of Jonah Lehrer’s book Imagine: How Creativity Works were the result of a new process of visual note-taking that I was testing out for the first time.
I found that process very useful, so I decided to share it with you here. What follows is not the only way of going from verbal ideas to visual ideas, but it works for me. Keeeb. Storify-Test: Paulus - der ewige Provokateur · deuxpont. Digitales Religionsbuch. 45 Simple Twitter Tips Everyone Should Know About. Are you a tweetin’ teacher?
Do you rely on tweets for your extended PLN? Whether you use the service or not, there’s a whole world of information being shared and you should start taking part. But if you’ve been too nervous or unsure about HOW to actually use Twitter as efficiently as possible… the wait is over. We’ve offered up plenty of tips and tricks for Twitter but never anything like this. It’s an elegantly organized set of infographics detailing the step-by-step process of using Twitter and making it work for you. Key Questions Answered Did you know SEO played a role in your Twitter profile? View Tips As Slideshow. Articulate. I get a lot of questions asking how to become an elearning pro.
The obvious answer is to acquire some knowledge and then practice applying what you learned. Doing that gives you experience and with each experience you get feedback and learn to improve your craft. The other question is how to actually do all of that. Blogsammlung. Folder. Responsive Showcase Perfect for Creatives and Designers.
Folder is a responsive HTML 5 template that adapts to any devices and browser sizes. Perfect for creatives showcase and business. Its retro and minimal design gives importance to the content and gives a friendly air to the visitors. Features. Web 2.0 Kurs - René Scheppler - Klasse(n)blogs - 28.5.2014. Lehrerblog-Schau - Aufruf zu einer Blogparade. Micro-Blogging: An Idea to Experiment With. In the 1930s, broadcast radio introduced an entirely new form of storytelling; today, micro-blogging platforms like Twitter are changing the scene again.
Andrew Fitzgerald takes a look at the (aptly) short but fascinating history of new forms of creative experimentation in fiction and storytelling. By the way, I’ve been struggling through a lengthy migraine. I am taking some recovery time off, so comments are switched off for this post. I’ll be back in a few days. Cheers everyone! Dokumente, Audio und Video – was in einem WordPress.com-Blog geht und was nicht. Lehrer-Blogs – sich anregen lassen und von anderen lernen. Inspiring Students to Reflect & Write by Blogging! 20+ Ideas & Resources. “A blog is in many ways a continuing conversation.” ~ Andrew Sullivan One of the best ways to get students learning beyond our classroom walls is through blogging.
We can set up a class blog where we showcase student work and post assignments or we can allow students to reflect in their own blogs. I prefer individual blogs. Writing online means they can always go back and see how they’ve grown. It also means they are digital publishers and get to share and interact with peers, friends, and family from around the world. Safe Platforms. 5 Terrific Web Tools to Create Academic Digital Portfolios.
January 5 , 2014 Digital portfolios are great ways for students to showcase their work and keep track of their learning.
There are now a wide variety of web tools that allow users to easily create digital portfolios and share them with others. In a previous post here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning I featured a few of these tools and today I am adding more to this list. 1- Pathbrite. Blogging: Who Should, and Why. If there is one subject that most bloggers have written about, it is probably the act of blogging. I know for me, as well as many of my blogging friends, it is nothing like we imagined before we were immersed in the “blogosphere”. Bloggers start their blogs for many different and personal reasons.
One step common to all however, is that it does take an act of courage to publish that first blog post. Legereaude : Simplified #Blogging ... Wozu helfen Blogs im Unterricht? (Profession Lehrkraft – 15) ZusammenfassungBlogs sind inzwischen recht einfach zu erstellen und können den Unterricht vielfältig unterstützen:als Link-Katalogals Quelle für Arbeitsblätter und Beschreibungen von Unterrichtsmethodenals Unterrichts-Protokollund mehr: z.B. Reflexionsebene, Diskussionsforum, PortfolioIch mache Mut zur Erkundung und zum Experiment. Einen Blog zu starten ist inzwischen recht einfach. – Ich ermutige zu Experimenten. Inzwischen ist es nicht mehr schwer, einen “Blog aufzusetzen”, wie die Blogger sagen, also einen Blog einzurichten.
Ich habe mehrjährige, gute Erfahrungen mit der Bloggersoftware WordPress.com und kann dieses Paket empfehlen. Wozu helfen Blogs im Unterricht? (Profession Lehrkraft – 15) Wozu helfen Blogs im Unterricht? (Profession Lehrkraft – 15) WordPress.