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English Pool of Exercises on Tenses. English Grammar Online - free exercises, explanations, vocabulary, dictionary and teaching materials. PHRASAL VERBS. Grammar videos. El Presente Perfecto Continuo en Inglés (Present Perfect Continuous) con 'The Beatles'

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El Presente Perfecto Continuo en Inglés (Present Perfect Continuous) con 'The Beatles'

¡Hay sitio para todos! Si todavía no tienes claro cómo se utiliza el Present Perfect, pincha aquí. Vamos a ver el Present Perfect Continuous: #007 - The greatest mind ever (past tense - past perfect) Complete the text with the simple past or past perfect (simple).

#007 - The greatest mind ever (past tense - past perfect)

Two verbs require the passive.If you need to look up some words, go to (Link will open a new browser window).William James Sidis may have been the most intelligent person who ever lived, yet history hardly remembers him. The facts are true. His IQ was assessed at between 250 and 300. William James Sidis was born in 1898 to Russian immigrants, Jewish intellectual refugees with brilliant minds.