Inglés IV
> Mdelciglesias
BBC Learning English - The Sounds of English. All English Lessons. 35 great tips for learning English!
50 Story Starters. Games - Games to Learn English – For Students. Lecturas en inglés. English exercises - grammar exercises - learn English online. NPR : National Public Radio : Sitio de podcasts educativos en inglés sobre noticias y eventos alrededor del mundo.
The evolution of English
Learn English from movies. 5 Great Infographics for Language Teachers and Learners. Infographics are great learning materials.
The colourful graphics, clear text and their size make them ideal for classroom integration. I have been posting some of the ones I deem educationl to help teachers leverage this resource to create engaging, relevant and personalized learning experiences in their classes. In this regard, I am introducing you today to a series made up of four parts all containing the best infograpgics about English language teaching and learning.
Las Partes Del Cuerpo Para Niños, Our Body Parts In Spanish For Kids (Video Infantil)
The Indian Tribes of North America. Native American Indian Tribes: Federally Recognized Tribes. This page not only lists all the federally recognized tribes of Native Americans, but also has links from those tribes for their official websites, stories and legends, books, photographs and artwork.
This is a work very much in progress and will take a long while to complete [unless you all help with this resource]. Right now I have links to over 150 website locations from about 26 different tribes on this page. I will try to add comprehensive links to an additional one or two tribes each month (moon). Latest Update: Southern Ute lndian Tribe of the Southern Ute Reservation, Colorado; 2 December, 2004 To use this website, scroll down the page to the listing of tribes, use the Quick Index below, or the Searching Tip to see if the tribe you are interested in has been researched for links. Also see: Our Bookstore & Library, Books on Native American HealingOur Personally-Reviewed Selection of Special Native American WebsitesOur Pages on and by Dr.
Quick Index :
Guide to Grammar and Writing. Ingles vocabulario de la playa. Visual dictionary. Writers Write is your one-stop resource for writers.
Use these 45 ways to avoid using the word ‘very’ to improve your writing.
LearnEnglish Kids. English news and easy articles for students of English. Infografías de inglés. Infografías de inglés He reunido mis 50 infografías favoritas en un solo PDF.
EL PDF incluye temas de expresiones y collocations, lecciones varias y gramática. Te dejo el índice para que veas lo que te puedes llevar por solo 2.99€. (Pincha en la foto para agrandarla)
Parts-of-speech. Common Abbreviations. Games to learn English - Learn English through games, On this site you can learn English grammar and vocabulary through games. Each grammar point is presented in a graphical way and then the grammar and vocabulary are practised in games.
Teach 9 irregular verbs in one lesson. It is much more memorable to teach or learn irregular verbs in a story.
The verbs, especially their meaning, are easier to remember and retrieve from memory. Moreover, teaching verbs in a story is fun. In this post there are several activities: a mind map, a worksheet, an MP3 drill and an interactive quiz. These activities will make the teaching and learning enjoyable and fun.
How To Use Delicious For My Business?
How to Use Delicious Delicious is a pretty new social media platform with a brand new way for people to share what they are surfing, particularly their bookmarks, which are the sites that they frequent the most, so before we go into how to use Delicious lets take a look at what it is exactly first.
How to Use Delicious | What’s Its Purpose? Delicious describes itself as a Social Bookmarking service. We all love to bookmark our favorite sites, but we all know how difficult it is to manage all of our bookmarks, share them our friends, and we definitely can’t access them from different computers than our own. With Delicious we can do all of those things with one service.
Language In Use. It is great to show and offer students many examples of English language in use.
Meaning, students appreciate that there are many ways to say the same thing and like to see the "nuance" of the English language. Here are some images showing different ways / expressions to communicate a similar thing. Might be handy. Also, view as a slideshow or you can purchase and edit in ppt. If interested in this kind of approach, you might be interested in my ebook "Get TALKing" which has 28 lessons all based around language chunks.
Classroom Timers - Fun Timers. How To Learn English. Tips and ideas on the best ways to learn English faster.
Tips for Beginners You are like a new babyBabies learn their language slowly.First they learn to listen.Then they learn to speak.Finally, they can read and write.Listen to English every dayListen to English radio.Watch English TV.Go to English movies.Use online lessons.Make an English/ESL friendMake up conversations.Practise dialogues.Use beginner textbooks.Read English storiesStart with children's storybooks.Try ESL readers.Read advertisements, signs and labels.Try for Young Learners.Write down new wordsStart a vocabulary (new word) notebook.Write words in alphabetical order (A...B...C...).Make example sentences.Always use an English-English dictionary first.Keep an English diaryStart with one sentence.How do you feel?
How is the weather?
Adult and Family Education Home. First Day (or First Week) Activities, Icebreakers, or Introductory Activities for ESL Classes. If you are interested in online sites for yourself or your students, you can check out this page: Introducing Your ESL or EFL Students to Online Tutorials and Quizzes .
–kas First Day (Week) Activities or Introductory Activities for ESL Classes. Learn English ESL Irregular Verbs Grammar Rap Song! StickStuckStuck with Fluency MC!
Simple English Videos. Phrasal Verbs. English Listening. Voice of America - Learn American English with VOA Learning English. 10 English jokes to make learning English fun.
Laughter is the best medicine Jokes are an essential part of any language and culture and are a great way of understanding the target language through the play on words and a culture’s sense of humour.
The English Language is filled with witty, clever jokes that illustrate the play on words such as homophones, double entendre and puns like this: Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He’s all right now. Every evening I share a joke on my Facebook Page under the title of Evening Fun. “I’m not sure that’s what they mean by now reduce the wine” 1. 2.
Ammmi added the same item as you to FESTIVALS. Ammmi added: Christmas Traditions in England, Scotland and Wales (A British Christmas)
© Copyright Mandy Barrow 2013 Mandy is the creator of the Woodlands Resources section of the Woodlands Junior website. The two websites and are the new homes for the Woodlands Resources.
10 Examples of Homonyms You Might Be Getting Wrong. [Download This Guide] Text Version: Is the English language trying to trip people up? Because it sure seems that way. Otherwise, why in the world would someone have created homonyms?
Irish Saints. There are hundreds of Irish saints. Here they are by name alphabetically, or by feast day. Many of these saints were canonized in the early middle ages, and not much is known about them except for their names and possibly a feast day. A B C D E F G H-I J-K L M N O-P R S T-U If you haven't done so already, non-Irish speakers please see the the pronunciation guide. * names in italics represents names that have no etymological connection to the Irish name, but were used as English "translations" based upon the fact that they have similar sounds or meanings.
ENGLISH QUIZ: Can YOU complete these proverbs? - Rediff Getahead. Food 1 & 2. Red fruits and vegetables. Drinks. Food. What Is There In The Fridge?
Clothes and Accessories (interactive book (present simple and continuous)
Clothes Match Up. Tone/Attitude Words.
TheMusicalAdjectivesProject - Adjectives & Words. Panicky, Shivering, anxious, cowardly, frightened, terrified, horrified, terror stricken, scary, menacing, trembling, Belligerent, Uncaring, Furious, Vexed, Wrathful, Exasperated, Infuriating, glowering, Frustrated, Aggravated, Annoyed, Irritated, Enraged, Aggravating, Mad, Untrusting, splenetic, warlike, thunderous, jealous, vengeful, vindictive, cursing, maledictive. How Much Is It: A Shopping Lesson Plan. By Chris Gunn Time: Up to 4 hours depending on how much the teacher wishes to use. Materials: To give to the students. Introductory Vocabulary Exercises.
Information Gap. Games to Learn English - For Students. Linking Words — A complete List of English Connecting Words. Character and Personality Adjectives - Tasks. Here you can find the list of adjectives that describe character and personality. Daddy finger - song. Family Members and English Introductions. Family and feelings (song)
Family (picture dictionary)
Family exercises - members. United Kingdom. HISTORY The first Britons (people who live in the United Kingdom) were the Picts, who arrived about 10,000 years ago. In the eighth century B.C., the Celts arrived from Europe and pushed the Picts north into Scotland. In A.D. 43, the Romans invaded and ruled for nearly 400 years.
Film Links. Until quite recently it was difficult to find pedagogically sound film material to help students improve their language through watching film, and teachers had to spend many hours creating their own materials.
However, with the advent of the Internet there are now a wealth of online resources for both language teachers and their students.
The Difference between the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England Explained. Musical Instruments Vocabulary ESL Worksheets. Musical Instruments Picture Dictionary ESL Worksheet A picture dictionary (pictionary) & poster ESL worksheet for kids to study musical instruments vocabulary. Look at the pictures and study the musical instruments.
Food Quantifiers. Cooking verbs. English vocabulary for music. Seven Songs for Teaching Past Simple. I have created a list of songs, which are perfect for teaching Past Simple tense in English. All of the songs are relatively new and popular, so they would especially be suitable for teaching teenagers. While the primary goal would be teaching Past Simple, you can always add a few more exercises in order to work on vocabulary or grammar.
Coldplay – Paradise Past Simple is often used for retelling the events that happened in the past.
Past Simple Tense. How to talk about the past. How To Teach Past Simple VS Present Perfect. National Museum of the American Indian. El Blog de Espe. Activities. Funnyclasses. Generador de Crucigramas. Titulo Instrucciones Complete el crucigrama También puedes usar nuestra función Copia-y-Pega Rápido.
English Grammar Online - free exercises, explanations, vocabulary, dictionary and teaching materials. English Pool of Exercises on Tenses. #007 - The greatest mind ever (past tense - past perfect)
El Presente Perfecto Continuo en Inglés (Present Perfect Continuous) con 'The Beatles'
Grammar videos. PHRASAL VERBS. HACERUNEXAMENEOI. Integrating pronunciation into classroom activities. The Answer To How Many Triangles. Abilities/ Modal Auxiliary Verb Can - English Language. 12 Things to Do in Los Angeles !
An introduction to Britain. Animals Parts of Body. The Animal Sounds. Animal Parts.