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English (ESL) Literacy and Vocabulary Exercises Online beginning English exercises numbers 0 - 10readnumber names, zero to ten:read spell A - a, B - b, C - c ...readthings in the classroom:read spellcolors:read spelldaily activitiesread spell months:read spellfamily:read spellvegetables:read spellfruit:read spellclothing:read spell places around the neighborhoodread spell rooms in a houseread spell accessories:read spell farm animals:read spellfast foodread spell intermediate and advanced English exercises kitchen equipment:read spell transportationread spell things in an office:read spell kinds of moviesread spell wild animals:read spell tools:read spellsea creatures:read spellspace:read spell San Francisco tourist places:read spell the Earthread spell insectsread spell fabric patternsread spell punctuation marks:read spell Greetings teachers of English as a second language (ESL), You should note, however, that although the game-like element adds some excitement, the simplicity of these exercises makes them somewhat monotonous. Cheers, Kurt

How To Learn English Tips and ideas on the best ways to learn English faster. Tips for Beginners You are like a new babyBabies learn their language slowly.First they learn to listen.Then they learn to speak.Finally, they can read and write.Listen to English every dayListen to English radio.Watch English TV.Go to English movies.Use online lessons.Make an English/ESL friendMake up conversations.Practise dialogues.Use beginner textbooks.Read English storiesStart with children's storybooks.Try ESL readers.Read advertisements, signs and labels.Try for Young Learners.Write down new wordsStart a vocabulary (new word) notebook.Write words in alphabetical order (A...B...C...).Make example sentences.Always use an English-English dictionary first.Keep an English diaryStart with one sentence.How do you feel?How is the weather?What did you do today? Why do you want to learn English? Set goalsIf you know why you want to study, setting goals is easy. Have fun learning English! It's simple. 1. 2. 3. 4.

My Best of series You can find all of my “Best” lists in broad categories here. The link to that page can also be found at the top right of my blog: My Best Of Series I also have them all on another page where they are listed in the chronological order in which I originally posted them. You can find that link at the top of my blog by first clicking on About and then scrolling down to Websites of the Year. Two thousand “Best” lists are a lot of best lists! In an effort to make them both further accessible and to update many of them, I began posting “Best Lists Of The Week.” I’ve created about sixty-five of them so far and they encompass a few hundred “Best” lists. You will find these newly categorized lists on a page titled My Best Of The Week, and they’ll be shown as “buttons” (you can see what they look like at the top of this blog post) listed alphabetically (more-or-less). I hope you find the lists, and the way they’re organized, helpful! The Best Pink Panther Fight Scenes For English Language Learners

Time4English A German woman in Darmstadt found a wallet containing €1000. She refused to give it back to the owner unless she was given a €120 reward. She got the reward, but the pensioner who owned it tipped off the police and the woman was arrested. Police said: "It was a bit stupid. She could have just kept the wallet." tipped off - told Volunteers were cleaning rubbish from the top of Britain's highest mountain when they found a piano. puzzled = don't know how as to = about instrument = piano ended up at = got to German police are stunned by the theft of an entire roller-coaster. stunned - very surprised Big Dipper - name of a kind of roller-coaster Six-year-old Maximiliano Arellano, from Mexico City, has been studying medicine on his own at home. Maximiliano Arellano = boy's name on his own = alone / by himself prodigy = child genius / child who is many years ahead of other children his/her age enable = allow

First Day (or First Week) Activities, Icebreakers, or Introductory Activities for ESL Classes | Eslkevin's Blog If you are interested in online sites for yourself or your students, you can check out this page: Introducing Your ESL or EFL Students to Online Tutorials and Quizzes .–kas First Day (Week) Activities or Introductory Activities for ESL Classes Shared by Kevin Stoda and many others It is a new school (or college) term and it is time for ESL students and teachers to make new resolutions and preparations for the semester (or school year–for some). Here is an example: I was recently asked to come up with a list of icebreakers and first day (or first week) activities for students and new EFL (ESL) classes at the institution I am working at. I like to use a variety of bingo games, too. (1) You could try a “true or false” game. Get each student to write three statements about themselves. eg: 1. One is false…. (2) Find the person Level: Intermediate Language: asking questions Procedures: 1. (3) Names A to Z

Laurence Anthony's Software FireAnt (Filter, Identify, Report, and Export Analysis Toolkit) is a freeware social media and data analysis toolkit with built-in visualization tools including time-series, geo-position (map), and network (graph) plotting. [FireAnt Homepage] [Screenshots] [Help] PayPal Donations and Patreon Supporters: Click one of the following if you want to make a small donation to support the future development of this tool.

Learn English If you're trying to learn English, check our courses below about adjectives, adverbs, articles, gender (feminine, masculine...), negation, nouns, numbers, phrases, plural, prepositions, pronouns, questions, verbs, vocabulary, excercises... to help you with your English grammar. Below are our free English lessons. Enjoy our courses! English Lessons Information about English English belongs to the Indo-European family, Germanic group, West Germanic subgroup and is the official language of over 1.7 billion people. The words "England" and "English", come from the word, "Angles". We hope the lessons above helped you learn English.

Language In Use It is great to show and offer students many examples of English language in use. Meaning, students appreciate that there are many ways to say the same thing and like to see the "nuance" of the English language. Here are some images showing different ways / expressions to communicate a similar thing. Might be handy.
