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marti zuidam

user generated content editor,visualizer, webmaster

Switzerland Magic Beauty in the Heart of Europe.


Schrijven in het Zwitserlandforum. Pearltrees videos. Help. Zwitserland krant Switzerland Press. Zuidam - Marti Zuidam a partagé la photo de The New... Seitenblick: Ein bisschen verheiratet - NZZ Kolumnen. Die uralte Institution der Ehe geniesst immer noch eine ungebrochene Anziehungskraft.

Seitenblick: Ein bisschen verheiratet - NZZ Kolumnen

Wären alternative Modelle wie die «Ehe light» die bessere Lösung? Eine verhaltensökonomische Abwägung. Nietzsche verglich die ideale Ehe einmal mit einem langen, nie endenden Gespräch. Heutzutage kann man sich im Jargon der Telefontarife fragen, ob es für Beziehungen tatsächlich noch einer Vertragsbindung bedarf oder ob nicht flexiblere Formen zeitgemässer sind. Die Einführung einer «Ehe light», also eines Personenstands zwischen Konkubinat und klassischer Ehe, wird zurzeit politisch sowohl in der Schweiz als auch in Deutschland diskutiert. Fakt ist: Die Anziehungskraft rechtlicher Rahmenbedingungen für das Zusammenleben ist ungebrochen.

Das Konzept der «Ehe light» scheint dem Zeitgeist stärker zu entsprechen, sie steht für eine leichtere Eingehung und Auflösung, eine Optionenvielfalt. Zuidam - Marti Zuidam a partagé la photo de... Eine fremde Pflanze bedroht in der Schweiz Land und Leute. Das muss jeder Schweizer sofort beachten. How to Use Facebook Custom Audiences for Increased Reach Social Media Examiner. Looking for new ways to reach people on Facebook?

How to Use Facebook Custom Audiences for Increased Reach Social Media Examiner

Have you explored custom audiences? Facebook custom audiences provide many ways to increase your chance of getting your content in front of the right people. In this article I’ll share how to use Facebook custom audiences to increase visibility and reach. Discover how to use Facebook Custom Audiences for increased reach. #1: Upsell Products and Services While Facebook is an excellent place for branding or getting sales, one of the best uses for Facebook custom audiences is to upsell.

Create a custom audience of everyone who recently purchased a specific product or service, and then target this audience with upsells. Replicate Amazon’s People Who Bought This section to upsell your products and services. For example, target people who recently purchased a MacAir via your website and upsell them MacAir accessories like a CD drive, airplane adapter, the Apple magic mouse and so on. #2: Target Traffic Sources Individually To do this, go to Campaigns. Switzerland and More Chronicle. Zwitserland krant Switzerland Press. Switzerland Travel Guide. Geneva Zürich Lucerne Interlaken Bern Basel Zermatt Lausanne Lugano Lauterbrunnen Grindelwald Kandersteg Montreux Thun Wengen Engelberg Schaffhausen Locarno Mürren Chur Sion Gruyères Rapperswil Neuchâtel Vevey Saint Moritz Sankt Gallen Brienz Fribourg Winterthur Stein am Rhein Saas-Fee Meiringen Spiez Pilatus Appenzell Bellinzona Gimmelwald Brig Ascona Adelboden Andermatt Scuol Davos Poschiavo Alps Solothurn Gstaad Nyon Cern.

Switzerland Travel Guide

How to Write Social Media Content. If you post on social media, you’re a writer.

How to Write Social Media Content

Being a writer is an important distinction to make. You’re a writer because you publish what you share online for public consumption. Once you press “post” the content is no longer in your hands. And even though you can delete your social media content, as long as someone took a screenshot or shared your content, it will continue to exist. When you begin to think of yourself as a writer, the social media landscape changes. So where do you start? Step 1: See if someone has done part of the work for you.

When possible, click the “share” buttons on the blog and see what pops up. As you can see from the screenshots above, either no text is provided or the text is very generic and a regurgitation of the article title. Step 2: Read the article. If you’ve already read it once, re-read the key sections. The title of this article alone reveals that there are six secrets. The article also has some great images. Travel on Flipboard. Road trip through Switzerland's tranquil lakes and mountains. Last time we talked about Sidi-Omar Alami, it was to talk about his road-trip across America.

Road trip through Switzerland's tranquil lakes and mountains

No one would think to go to Switzerland for this kind of trip. Except that Sidi just did and let’s be honest, it looks even better. The 21-year-old photographer told us he first had to fly to the neutral state to shoot pictures for a bag brand. (Map: Swiss Backpacker News) Like before all his travels he shared a status on his Facebook page to meet the locals and shares some adventures.

The result of Sidi-Omar’s images is fifteen tales loaded with fresh air, mud, blood, love stories and adventures. Derborence (Photo: Sidi-Omar Alami) “A fantastic memory. “This is my buddy Arnaud, underwater. Sanetsch “With my buddy Morad, we ventured by a snowy mountain pass. On the road to Simplon Pass “That was the first time I ever took photo while driving.

Simplon Pass “We were totally tired and dirty after hours waling in the snow and the mud with our super heavy adventurers backpacks. Simplon pass waterfall Laax. Destinations➹ sur Twitter : "Switzerland is a beauty □□...