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What You Didn’t Know About Our President Donald John Trump…Because They Hid It From You. A Sordid History of Kansas City Election Fraud. Share this story Published September 9th, 2020 at 6:00 AM Above image credit: Boss Tom Pendergast.

A Sordid History of Kansas City Election Fraud

(Contributed | Terence O'Malley) It’s likely, over the next two months, that voters may hear rhetoric about rigged elections. If so, they can take cold comfort in knowing the Kansas City area has a rich legacy of election fraud, stretching from before the Civil War to after World War II. Over the years voters have been intimidated, bullied and beaten. Ballots have been bought and sold, buried beneath random woodpiles and, in one case, stored as evidence in a courthouse vault before a convicted bank robber just out of Alcatraz federal prison -– according to a recent book — blew that vault open and stole them. Local elections have long inspired vivid language.

Gofile. 2020 election: Congress restarts electoral count Wednesday night after mob stormed Capitol. Lawmakers in both parties made clear they were determined to finish the count following the chaos at the US Capitol, which delayed the proceedings for more than five hours while lawmakers were forced into lockdown by a pro-Trump mob that overran US Capitol Police.

2020 election: Congress restarts electoral count Wednesday night after mob stormed Capitol

The Senate resumed its session to consider an objection to Arizona's election results, picking back up where they were when both the House and the Senate were forced to recess. Vice President Mike Pence, who was evacuated from the Senate earlier Wednesday, was back presiding over the session. Electoral College certification derailed after protesters storm Capitol. Protesters stormed the U.S.

Electoral College certification derailed after protesters storm Capitol

Capitol Wednesday afternoon in a major security breach as lawmakers were just starting the process of certifying the electoral win for President-elect Joe Biden. The intrusion into both the House and Senate forced lawmakers to evacuate to secure locations. There was a least one shooting victim who was transported from the U.S. Capitol shortly before 3 p.m., Fox News has learned. US Capitol secured after rioters stormed the halls of Congress to block Biden's win. Shortly after 1 p.m.

US Capitol secured after rioters stormed the halls of Congress to block Biden's win

ET Wednesday hundreds of pro-Trump protesters pushed through barriers set up along the perimeter of the Capitol, where they tussled with officers in full riot gear, some calling the officers "traitors" for doing their jobs. About 90 minutes later, police said demonstrators got into the building and the doors to the House and Senate were being locked. Shortly after, the House floor was evacuated by police. Remove Donald Trump now. He unleashed mob violence on the U.S. Capitol.

Caos a Washington, Congresso evacuato: scontri e feriti. Rare 1986 document reveals Biden's views on Israel and Saudi Arabia. Nashville explosion: Officials search home connected to person of interest, have more than 500 tips: report. Authorities have identified a person of interest related to the Nashville bombing on Christmas and searched a home linked to that person, law enforcement officials said.

Nashville explosion: Officials search home connected to person of interest, have more than 500 tips: report

The home investigated by federal and local officers Saturday is in Antioch, about 10 miles southeast of the explosion, authorities told the Associated Press. A name of the person of interest was not released. Officials have received more than 500 tips regarding the suspect in a Friday explosion downtown, U.S. Attorney Don Cochran announced Saturday. FBI and ATF agents search a home Dec. 26, 2020, in Nashville, Tenn. Authorities are calling the bombing "an intentional act" and have found possible human remains in the area. 9 cose da sapere su BlackRock, la più grande società di asset management del mondo, che sta per entrare nel governo Biden.

McConnell riconosce vittoria Biden, è nuovo presidente - Ultima Ora - ANSA. Trump crede che la Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti si sia "tirata indietro" a causa di una causa elettorale - World. WASHINGTON, December 14.

Trump crede che la Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti si sia "tirata indietro" a causa di una causa elettorale - World

/TASS/. The members of the Supreme Court were frightened and did not make a decision on the lawsuit of the state of Texas to review the results of the elections held on November 3 in the country, US President Donald Trump wrote on Sunday on Twitter. "The fact that the Supreme Court wouldn’t find standing in an original jurisdiction matter between multiple states, and including the President of the States, is absurd. It is enumerated in the Constitution. They just "chickened out" and didn’t want to rule on the merits of the case. Meanwhile, members of the US Electoral College will cast their vote for the President on Monday. Formally, on November 3, people did not vote for the new president and vice president of the United States, but members of the electoral college.

Supreme Court Rejects Texas Lawsuit Challenging Biden's Victory. Mr.

Supreme Court Rejects Texas Lawsuit Challenging Biden's Victory

Trump’s campaign did not immediately issue a statement. In an appearance on the conservative network Newsmax soon after the decision was announced, Rudolph W. Giuliani, Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer, said that the campaign’s legal effort would continue, insisting that his team had originally planned for “four or five separate cases.” Supreme Court on Texas Suit 121120zr p860.

Il disperato tentativo del Texas di ribaltare il risultato elettorale. Biden’s speech impediment. Does Joe Biden write his own speeches?

Biden’s speech impediment

Surely not. Yet his campaign says Biden was his own speechwriter for the address he made to the nation a week after the election, when he stressed his campaign theme: ‘We must restore the soul of America.’ The Soul of America is the title of a book by the historian Jon Meacham and the New York Times figured out that Meacham had helped with the speech. The campaign’s national press secretary, TJ Ducklo, was forced to concede that, yes, Biden had ‘consulted a number of important, and diverse, voices as part of his writing process, as he often does’. Corte suprema respinge istanza di Trump sul voto in Pennsylvania - Nord America - ANSA. After the Deep State Sabotaged His Presidential Bid, Bernie Sanders Mocks Those Who Believe it Exists - Glenn Greenwald.

At what would be the peak of Bernie Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign, the U.S. intelligence community, using anonymous leaks to The Washington Post, dropped a devastating bomb on the Vermont Senator.

After the Deep State Sabotaged His Presidential Bid, Bernie Sanders Mocks Those Who Believe it Exists - Glenn Greenwald

“U.S. officials have told Sen. Bernie Sanders that Russia is attempting to help his presidential campaign as part of an effort to interfere with the Democratic contest," the paper announced, citing “people familiar with the matter” whom the paper allowed to speak “on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive intelligence.” The Biden Popular Front Is Doomed to Unravel. Trump didn’t sell out his supporters.

The Biden Popular Front Is Doomed to Unravel

In fact, his presidency saw something extraordinary, even if it was all but invisible from the country’s globalized cities: the first egalitarian boom since well back into the twentieth century. In 2019, the last non-Covid year, he presided over an average 3.7 percent unemployment rate and 4.7 percent wage growth among the lowest quartile of earners.

All income brackets increased their take. That had happened in the last three Obama years, too. The difference is that in the Obama part of the boom, the income of the top decile rose by 20 percent, with tiny gains for other groups. WVW-TV Exclusive: Lt. General Michael Flynn's First Interview Since President Trump's Pardon. Intervista esclusiva a Flynn e appello di Gabbard per la grazia ad Assange e Snowden - La democrazia americana ha davvero resistito? Forse no. It takes no great leap into speculation to show that Trump has taught his would-be successors very powerful lessons in just how to steal an election. Indeed, he’s shown that there’s already political and judicial structure in place that will make it far easier to pull off in elections to come, at least for Republicans, who hold most of the reins in state legislatures.

Like the German military who saw the Spanish Civil War as a testing ground for the Luftwaffe, the GOP may come to see 2020 as the election that illuminated the path to seizing power over the will of American voters. Israeli military instructed to prepare for Trump strike on Iran: report. Donald Trump autorizza la transizione di poteri - USA 2020. Biden e l’America Latina, ritorno al passato? (di N. Bilotta) Election 2020: Setting the Record Straight - Dominion Voting Systems. Women crucial to Biden's win, even as gender gap held steady. Ask Virginia voter Mary Hayes why Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump, and she does not hesitate.

“Women won this election!” Says Hayes, 56, a mother of three and Biden supporter from Leesburg, Virginia. In particular, she credits two categories of voters that she herself is part of: Black women and suburban women. Foreign Policy and American Leadership Plan. Read Joe Biden’s essay on Why America Must Lead Again Joe Biden laid out his foreign policy vision for America to restore dignified leadership at home and respected leadership on the world stage. Arguing that our policies at home and abroad are deeply connected, Joe Biden announced that, as president, he will advance the security, prosperity, and values of the United States by taking immediate steps to renew our own democracy and alliances, protect our economic future, and once more place America at the head of the table, leading the world to address the most urgent global challenges. In a Biden administration, America will lead by example and rally the world to meet our common challenges that no one nation can face on its own, from climate change to nuclear proliferation, from great power aggression to transnational terrorism, from cyberwarfare to mass migration.

Tim Murtaugh: “We Have Provided Eyewitnesses To Bad Behavior” Email Embed Embed Code Embed the following code on your website: <script type="text/javascript" src=" the latest video at <a href=" On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, Trump 2020 Director of Communications Tim Murtaugh described what exactly the campaign is looking for when looking for examples of voter fraud and what kind of evidence they've presented. Attenzione! Police Protests Helped Biden Win. Photographer: Chris McGrath/Getty Images Ever since the killing of George Floyd in May set off a wave or protests against police violence across the U.S., there have been grumblings that messages attached to those demonstrations would either derail Democrats’ hopes for Election Day, fire up President Donald Trump’s base, or both.

In reality, pretty much every city in the U.S. that hosted protests—and, yes, riots—went for President-elect Joe Biden, as did many suburbs, despite concerns by anti-Trump and progressive organizers that they wouldn’t be able to mobilize white, middle-class voters turned off by the Black Lives Matter and Defund the Police movements. It appears that, if anything, the protests helped Democrats in 2020 rather than hurt them, due to a galvanization of Black, urban voters. Police violence protests led to a “heightened awareness and increase in people across the country wanting to be engaged,” said NAACP President Derrick Johnson. Sulla frode elettorale nel 2020. One in five coronavirus patients develop mental illness within 90 days. Procuratore generale Usa autorizza indagini sui brogli elettori. Achieving the impossible, Trump may leave the Middle East worse than he found it.

Biden’s Covid-19 task force includes Dr. Atul Gawande and other doctors, public health experts. Media "Fact Checking": President Trump "Censored" by CNBC. Media "Fact Checking": President Trump "Censored" by CNBC. Le date da qui all'insediamento di Joe Biden. Trump refuses to accept election results, says it's 'far from over' Election 2020: McConnell says stimulus Senate's top priority before year end. Trump, lunga tradizione di problemi elettorali in Usa - Ultima Ora - ANSA. Trump makes baseless election fraud claims in White House address. US election 2020: Why Donald Trump lost. Statement from President @realDonaldTrump. Joe Biden Delivers First Speech as President-Elect. Business as usual: gli USA di Biden e il Medio Oriente. Meet the contenders for Biden’s Cabinet.

Le elezioni americane, il Covid e le rivolte razziali. US election result: What Biden's victory means for rest of world. Georgia Counties Using Same Software as Michigan Counties Also Encounter ‘Glitch’ Watch Live: Trump election press conference held at Four Seasons Total Landscaping in Philadelphia. Fact check: Biden vote spikes and county recount do not prove Democrats are trying to steal the election in Michigan and Wisconsin. Opinione: Il vero colpevole dei ritardi nel conteggio delle schede elettorali in Pennsylvania.

2020 Election Results: Biden Won, But the Democrats Lost. Learning from Pennsylvania's Election Chaos. Political insider explains voter fraud with mail-in ballots. Viral Posts Take Biden Quote on Voter Fraud Out of Context. Joe Biden, Edward Luttwak frena gli entusiasmi: "L'establishment dem sconfitto, anche se vincesse il raggio d'azione è limitato" – Libero Quotidiano. Here are the top political donors from Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft. Only one is backing Trump. - Protocol. Pacei voterfraudcases. Democrats renew calls for Twitter to suspend Trump for spreading misinformation. Elezioni Usa 2020, Trump evoca brogli: "Discariche di voti per posta". Staff chiede riconteggio in Wisconsin, ricorsi anche in Pennsylvania e Michigan. Biden replica: "A conteggio finito avremo vinto"

Cambiamenti sospetti nella notte. Trump accusa i Dem – Il Tempo. National Guard brought in to help with Wisconsin ballot counting issue. LIVE: President Donald J Trump. Usa 2020, ecco 'come rubare un'elezione' Where Biden Could Lose Faithful Catholic Voters. Usa 2020, anche se Trump non venisse rieletto potrebbe uscirne vincitore: vi spiego perché. Hunter's ex-partner recounts meeting Joe Biden, claims family 'paranoid' about hiding former VP's involvement.

Trump e Biden sparano da lontano al municipio. Fact-Checking the Final Presidential Debate. Community and Close Contact Exposures Associated with COVID-19 Among Symptomatic Adults ≥18 Years in 11 Outpatient Health Care Facilities — United States, July 2020. Trump: 'Biden family treated the vice presidency as a for-profit corporation' Meet The Companies Poised To Build The Kushner-Backed “Coronavirus Surveillance System”

Pelosi contro Trump ma.... Il punto di Gramaglia. Pence exposed Democrats’ lurch to the left. Twitter censura Trump per paragone Covid a influenza. Live updates: Donald Trump's Covid-19 diagnosis and reactions. Trump tests positive:White House sows confusion about Trump's condition as source tells reporters next 48 hours will be critical. Presidential Approval Ratings. Right-Wing Militias Are Bracing for Civil War. Trump - Biden, dibattito infuocato: insulti e interruzioni a ripetizione - la Repubblica. 10 false or misleading claims Biden and Trump make about each other. Trump taxes are 'national security' issue, Nancy Pelosi says. Trump’s Taxes Show Chronic Losses and Years of Income Tax Avoidance.

Plongée dans les dix pages Facebook pro-Trump qui comptent. Perché Trump ha scelto Barrett per la Corte suprema. Scrive Martino. Trump wants new Iran sanctions. The world is flipping him the bird. Netanyahu and UAE, Bahrain foreign ministers set to ink peace deal in White House ceremony: Live updates. Dem Convention Made No Mention Of Russiagate Or Impeachment, Because Those Were Fake Things. Faces of Power: 80% Are White, Even as U.S. Becomes More Diverse. The Presidential Election Officially Starts Today. «Biden distruggerà la grandezza americana» Joe Biden è ufficialmente il candidato del Partito Democratico statunitense. Stati Uniti, il discorso di Michelle Obama alla convention dei democratici: "Sapete che odio la politica, ma ho a cuore questo Paese" "QAnon", la teoria del complotto più diffusa nella politica americana. Kamala Harris Is Basically Obama-Clinton 2.0, but Worse.

Cosa sta succedendo a Portland.