PBS LearningMedia. Proportional Relationships Unit Plan Materials. Sugar Packets. Math = Love: Sugar Packets and Proportions. After spending three days working with my 8th graders on a road trip project, I needed a one-day activity that was fun, interactive, and tied to the 8th grade Oklahoma math standards.
Looking for inspiration, I turned to the Internet where I soon found a link to Dan Meyer's Three-Act Math Tasks via Pinterest. While I have been following his blog for years, I had never actually tried out any of his ideas in a classroom. My students still needed some more practice with proportions, so I decided to go with the Sugar Packets video. Ratio & Proportion Activities. Websites for Math Ratios & Proportions BBC Skillwise – Ratio & Proportion Game BBC Skillwise – Ratio & Proportion Quiz Quia – Ratio & Proportion Jeopardy Quia – Ratios, Proportions, & Percent Jeopardy Quia – Solving Proportions Rags to Riches.
PROPORTION BATTLESHIP. Design-A-Dragon - fun Ratio & Proportion lesson! by CaptainLoui - Teaching Resources - Tes. Inbox (219) - mckayk - Billings Public Schools Mail. A free tool to personalize learning. Number Talks. Problem Solving Decks (K-8) - Mathematics. There are many commercial resources available to challenge students to become better problem solvers.
This is a collection of favorite problems originally created by the members of the TEAM project. Problems of the Month. Problem solving is the cornerstone of doing mathematics.
A problem that you can’t solve in less than a day is usually a problem that is similar to one that you have solved before. But in real life, a problem is a situation that confronts you and you don’t have an idea of where to even start. If we want our students to be problem solvers and mathematically powerful, we must model perseverance and challenge students with non-routine problems. Administrators, teachers and parents should facilitate and support students in the process of attacking and reasoning about the problems.
The solution is not as important as the process of problem solving. The educator or parent should not be impatient with the student’s struggle. The principal should embrace the concept of problem solving and model problem solving leadership, being a facilitator of non-routine problems. What is a performance task in math. Hardingmathspecialist [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Performance Tasks and Test Items. Www.rda.aps.edu/mathtaskbank/pdfs/tasks/5Dist/t5BridgeBuilding.pdf. Performance Tasks - Mathematics - Moving To the Common Core. 2012_02_29_Kansas.pdf?1330631219. The University of Arizona - Institute for Mathematics & Education. The Common Core State Standards in mathematics were built on progressions: narrative documents describing the progression of a topic across a number of grade levels, informed both by research on children's cognitive development and by the logical structure of mathematics.
These documents were spliced together and then sliced into grade level standards. From that point on the work focused on refining and revising the grade level standards. The early drafts of the progressions documents no longer correspond to the current state of the standards. It is important to produce up-to-date versions of the progressions documents. They can explain why standards are sequenced the way they are, point out cognitive difficulties and pedagogical solutions, and give more detail on particularly knotty areas of the mathematics. This project is organizing the writing of final versions of the progressions documents for the K–12 Common Core State Standards.
Common Core Resources. KATM Supports the Implementation of the Common Core State Mathematics Standards NCSM position paper Kansas Common Core Myths and Facts Websites, files, and discussion related to the Common Core State Standards: PPTX VIEWER for Windows PDF VIEWER for Windows Structuring the mathematical practices Bill McCallum In the progressions project we’ve been discussing how best to represent the standards for mathematical practice.
Summer Academy 2012 The Sylvester’s powerpoints: Flipbooks The Common Core “FlipBooks” are a compilation of research, “unpacked” standards from many states, instructional strategies and examples for each standard at each grade level. Www.turnonccmath.net. Essential Strategies for Supporting Fraction Sense. Interactive Support for the 10 Essential Strategies.
Our fractions tools support the instructional strategies found in this innovative new book about teaching fractions. 10 Essential Strategies for Supporting Fraction Sense, Grades 3-5 Julie McNamara and Meghan M. Shaughnessy This excellent instructional resource with its 10 Essential Strategies offers a unique and insightful approach to helping teachers excel at teaching fractions. We have collaborated with Julie McNamara to support the strategies in the book with our dynamic software tools.
Click below to find direct support for the 10 Essential Strategies, including ideas for using the tools and several classroom activities. Common Core State Standards. Review, Practice, & Mastery Sample Pages These are PDF documents.
If you have Adobe Acrobat, simply click on the link and print out your copy. If not, download Adobe Acrobat Reader software for free. We highly recommend that you download the PDF files to your computer before opening them. This program is SOLD ONLY TO educators and sent to school or district addresses only. Georgia CCS. · CCGPS Mathematics Grades K-5 · CCGPS Mathematics Glossary Third grade teachers working on unit revisions at GaDOE (June 2013)
Mastery Connect. Tasks, Units & Student Work - Common Core Library NYC. Keywords (optional) Enter keywords (e.g., K.OA.3, informational text, arguments, quadratic equations, etc.)
Grade (select at least one) Subject (select one) NYC educators and national experts are developing Common Core-aligned tasks embedded in a unit of study to support schools in implementing the Citywide Instructional Expectations. Educators may choose to adopt these resources in their entirety or adapt the materials to best address students’ diverse needs. Search a growing assortment of Common Core-aligned tasks, units and student work by keyword, grade level, subject area and Common Core Learning Standard.