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On Japan’s Okinawa Island, nicknamed the “island of longevity”, locals refuse to die.

Residents suffer from low levels of heart disease, cancer and dementia, and Okinawans’ robust social life and strong sense of ikigai (a unique purpose in life) often keeps them alive and healthy past the age of 100. As one of the world’s five “Blue Zones” of longevity, Okinawa is also unique because of the close bonds between residents. Most join one or more moai, an informal group of friends and peers who meet regularly, bond over shared interests and pool monthly contributions to help members in need or support public works. According to the book Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles, Okinawans eat a diet rich in vegetables and antioxidant foods, consume just a third of Japan’s average sugar intake and eat their meals on small plates.

The secret to a long life, it seems, begins where our curiosity, intuition and friendships meet. Trouver votre Pourquoi : Un guide pratique pour découvrir sa raison d’être. Temps de lecture estimé : 20 minutes Imaginez que vous savez exactement pourquoi chacune de vos journées compte, que vous débutez chaque matin en sachant que vous allez vivre une journée inspirante, faire ce que vous aimez et rentrer chez vous avec la même satisfaction.

Trouver votre Pourquoi : Un guide pratique pour découvrir sa raison d’être

Tout le monde à un Pourquoi, un but profond, une cause ou une croyance qui est à la source de nos passions et de notre inspiration. Vous pourrez ne pas savoir quel est le vôtre ou comment l’exprimer avec des mots justes, mais je vous garantis que vous en avez un. Dans Trouver Son Pourquoi : Guide Pratique pour découvrir son moteur et celui de son équipe, les auteurs Simon Sinek, Peter Docker et David Mead nous partagent un guide pratique pour partir à la découverte de notre Pourquoi, nous aider à comprendre ce qui nous embarrasse, ce qui nous motive et nous inspire. Si vous êtes prêt, je serai votre guide pour explorer les vestiges de votre personnalité. Atelier "Trouver son Ikigai" - Oser Rêver Sa Carrière. Ikigai 4.0 — Flourishing Me – Michael Sillion. What is your quest?

Ikigai 4.0 — Flourishing Me – Michael Sillion

What is your roles in todays and tomorrows society? What are you so curious about that you will make it your next adventure in life? Theconversation. THE POWER OF FIVE. Sometimes I feel like I’m engulfed in red flames.


I don’t want to be afraid or anxious any more. There are two banks to the river: on one bank are all the regrets, guilt…past. On the other bank are all the worries, anxieties…future. I lived most of my life on the bottom of the river, clinging to my fears of being swept up by all the currents. It’s hard to let go. But the only way to get to the ocean is by letting go of the fears and anxieties. I know it’s easier said than done, but this helps me. Everyone knows the first one: This isn’t quite true but you get the idea. That’s the first.

It may sound corny but surrounding me in this room… The original sketches Joe Harris put together when he was pitching his 60s cartoon “Underdog”. I try for it to be gratitude, abundance, health, value, and WOW! I put “eat” in quotes because I include mental food. If you can’t think of five things, then build up. 3 Simple Tests To Finding Your Authentic Self - The Institute for Global Happiness. Finding Your Ikigai – Jan Tegze – Medium. Ikigai is a Japanese concept used to describe ‘why I wake up in the morning”.

Finding Your Ikigai – Jan Tegze – Medium

In its simplest form, Ikigai is composed of two words; iki, which refers to life, andkai, which concerns the insight into one’s hope and expectations. The Japanese are renowned for their diligent lifestyle and culture especially compared to the rather laid-back approach of western life. One of the secrets of the hard-working and purpose-driven Japanese culture is the way adherents take delight in and value their Ikigai. According to the Japanese, every single person on the surface of the earth has an Ikigai — a reason for being or a purpose in your life. So, there you have it, you have an Ikigai and you need to discover it. Ikigai is a very personal experience. Do you know why you wake up in the morning?

How to find your ikigai. Ikigai is a Japanese concept meaning "a reason for being".

How to find your ikigai

Everyone, according to the Japanese, has an ikigai. Finding it requires a deep and often lengthy search of self. Such a search is regarded as being very important, since it is believed that discovery of one's ikigai brings satisfaction and meaning to life. Many (smart) organisations are trying to find a way to motivate and engage their work force in order to provide more value to their customers. Luckily for them a lot of consulting companies acknowledge this fact and there is a huge amount of options available to get things moving. Japon : l'ikigai, secret d'une longue et heureuse vie. Les Japonais sont réputés pour vivre très longtemps et pour préserver leur forme et leur bonne santé.

Japon : l'ikigai, secret d'une longue et heureuse vie