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Read + Listen to the Latest. Stain Removal 101 – For the Love of Clean. With any stain, the sooner you get it taken care of, the easier it will be.

Stain Removal 101 – For the Love of Clean

If that’s not an option, we have many variations to help remove even the most stubborn stain! Try one or mix to get your perfect stain fighter! Food If this stain is oil based (pizza, fries, canola oil, vegetable oil, motor oil, etc), dish liquid will be your go to.Apply a small amount to the stain and scrub in. Add a drop of water and keep scrubbing. Protein Protein stains are almost inevitable. Grass Stains Brush off excess grass. Blood The sooner you treat a bloodstain, the better! Urine/Feces The first thing you want to do with feces is remove any excess. Ink Stains. Binchotan Charcoal Water Filter for Pitcher - Large. Plastic-free water purification - the way it should be.

Binchotan Charcoal Water Filter for Pitcher - Large

The Japanese have been using Binchotan charcoal for centuries to purify water. No need for the disposable plastic casing typically used to hold charcoal granules as the charcoal stick is a natural absorber of impurities. One stick of the large size Binchotan charcoal for pitcher lasts up to six months, purifying up to 2 litres / 0.5 gallons of water per day.

Just let the stick sit in the water overnight for best results. Binchotan charcoal is a unique charcoal exclusive to the forests of Wakayama, a province in southern Japan. Care and use: It is recommended that the stick be boiled in a shallow pan of water for 10 minutes every month or so to keep the exterior pores open and make it last longer. Additional Information: Please note that exact dimensions are not available for the binchotan charcoal filters because each one is hand cut and the diameters and lengths vary quite a bit in size. How to Freeze Food Without Using Plastic - The Zero-Waste Chef. When I post pictures of my jar-filled freezer on social media, I get lots of questions about it, usually along the following lines: Is it safe to freeze food in glass?

How to Freeze Food Without Using Plastic - The Zero-Waste Chef

(Yes)Do you use special glass for the freezer? (No)Don’t your glass containers break? (Only that one time…) I have had little trouble freezing food in glass. Always leave headspace when freezing liquids. Occasionally I’ll use pyrex round or rectangular containers with plastic lids, which I bought before I went plastic-free. Don’t overstuff your freezer with jars stacked all over the place willy-nilly.

wASH. How to wASH - Mediamatic. Ik ontmoet Caroline Jacob net voordat de workshop begint.

How to wASH - Mediamatic

Ze haalt een grote thermosfles met hibiscusthee voor alle deelnemers uit MediamaticETEN. Dat is het restaurantgedeelte van Mediamatic. Samen wandelen we naar het Bio Clean Lab, dat is een van de locaties van Mediamatic waar de workshop plaatsvindt. How To Make Your Own Eco-friendly Dish Sponge. We love making our own cheap, safe, and effective home cleaning products and cleaning equipment to protect our health and the health of our planet.

How To Make Your Own Eco-friendly Dish Sponge

We make a conscious effort to avoid toxic industrial cleaners (i.e. window cleaners, dishwashing soap, laundry detergent) and cleaning equipment that is detrimental to the environment and our health (i.e. synthetic sponges, disposable mopping pads). One of our favorite DIY cleaning equipment projects is making a tawashi scrubber or sponge, which is a type of sponge that originated in Japan. The tawashi scrubber is an eco-friendly dish sponge made from old socks or tights.

Here are 4 reasons we love it: It allows us to stay away from synthetic sponges treated with harsh chemicals and that are made from ingredients derived from petroleum.This eco-friendly dish sponge can be sterilized in the washing machine and used for many months, longer than an ordinary sponge. So, are you ready to make your own eco-friendly dish sponge?!

Iets wat nog goed is doe je niet weg… Al een tijdje houd ik me bezig met stop- en maastechnieken.

Iets wat nog goed is doe je niet weg…

Vroeger maakten deze deel uit van het handwerkonderwijs, eigenlijk onlosmakelijk verbonden met het leren breien. Bij sommige oudere breisters roept dat soms traumatische herinneringen op. Wat ik vaak hoor is dat wanneer je als jeugdige pas beginnende breister met hangen en wurgen een katoenen kous had gebreid, de juf er een gat in knipte dat je dan moest stoppen.

Collectie Stadsmuseum Almelo. This Japanese DIY Is The Coolest Way to Repair Ripped Denim - The Chalkboard. Collagen powder has become a staple in the modern wellness pantry.

This Japanese DIY Is The Coolest Way to Repair Ripped Denim - The Chalkboard

Between its positive impact on our gut health to its ability to give us the glow of our dreams, supplementing with collagen feels like a health and beauty no-brainer. But how it collagen actually produced in the body? Costa Rican-born herbalist and founder of NYC’s modern apothecary, Anima Mundi, Adriana Ayales, has mastered the power of plants. Her unique blend of bioavailable herbs that boost collagen are one of the many reasons we trust her herbal magic. The herbs Adriana uses help our bodies produce more of its own collagen through the plants’ unique chemical and energetic properties, while most collagen-boosting supplements are made of collagen alone.

Annuaire : où trouver un magasin Zéro Déchet pour faire ses courses ?