Five Ways to Help Children with ADHD Develop Their Strengths. Saline says that it’s distressing for kids when parents absorb and reflect their distress.
Children in her practice want their parents to know, “If I’m upset and then you get upset, there’s nobody to help me rein it in and get back to center. If you lose it in response to my losing it, it’s kindling on the fire.” Kids with ADHD need adults to model how to manage emotions in the face distress. Remember that self-regulation is a skill -- something that children and adults can strengthen with strategic practices such as mindfulness training. Compassion Saline likens ADHD to a constant barrage of “small ‘t’ traumas.” Saline describes compassion as “meeting your child where they are, not where you expect them to be. Collaboration. □ #ICYMI this incredible clip from... - Made By Dyslexia.
Prevalence and definition of bullying and disability based harassment. 10 IEP Tip Sheets to Pin, Tweet, and Share. At the Inclusion Lab, we love giving teachers and parents practical inclusive education tips in an easy-to-share format, and we’ve found that IEP tip sheets are some of our most-shared resources.
So today we wanted to do a roundup of 10 of our best IEP tip sheets, adapted from Brookes books and Inclusion Lab posts. (We’ve been sharing these on Twitter, but some of them you may have missed.) Here are 10 IEP favorites in one convenient post, ready to pin, share, and tweet as you wish! 1. Some tips to help you prepare in the month leading up to the meeting… 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Which tip sheet did you most helpful?
Get a printable version of the 10 tip sheets in this post! CAST UDL Lesson Builder. A Collection of Educational Websites. 70 elearning activities, templates and tutorials - Ditch That Textbook. Choice stories in Google Slides: How to + ideas for class - Ditch That Textbook. You come to the foot of a mountain and notice a cave.
If you want to enter the cave, turn to page 56. If you want to continue up the mountain, turn to page 84. I was in LOVE with Choose Your Own Adventure stories like this as a kid. In these books, the reader was confronted with several choices throughout the story, each leading to a different outcome. I loved choosing what the characters did and seeing the outcome. (Whenever I got dragged along to garage sales with my mom, I was always digging through tables and boxes of books on the lookout for CYOA books!)
DL #20: Online Inclusive Education: Guidelines and Considerations for Planning Virtual Lessons. Given the new reality for learning in public schools this fall, planning for online instruction is essential.
Planning for instruction is an ongoing part of every teacher’s responsibilities, but it is particularly challenging when also navigating how to maintain continuity within inclusive classrooms from face-to-face classes to online learning. What principles of best-practice in face-to-face instruction transfer over to distance learning and what are the principles of best-practice for online instruction? Universal Design for Learning (UDL) provides a means for planning, then implementing, online instruction. UDL, already familiar to many educators, is a means for both general education and special education teachers to promote thoughtful planning with intentionality for engagement, representation, and action/expression.
Keeping the big picture in mind when planning virtual lessons is key. School Leadership Professional Development Inclusive Schools. What will you guarantee every single student who steps foot inside your building?
Equitable access to the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) or general education curriculum? Inclusive Schools Network. The Center for the Advancement of Christian Education. When I think about sanctification, the term used to signify being set apart or to be made holy, I am equally excited, grateful, and impatient.
No one expects me to be perfect, yet it is something that I long for–being free of sin, guilt, shame. I also know that sanctification comes at a cost. The process isn’t easy; in fact, it’s often painful. But it is necessary. The standard of sanctification is wrapped up in the “Greatest Commandment.” Center on Technology and Disability (CTD) Front Page Report - New Assistive Technology. Evidence-Based Practices. What are Evidence-based Practices?
An evidence-based practice is an instructional/intervention procedure or set of procedures for which researchers have provided an acceptable level of research that shows the practice produces positive outcomes for children, youth, and/or adults with ASD. What EBPs have been identified? The National Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence and Practice (NCAEP) recently released their new report idenityfing EBPs. The new report reviews literature published from 1990-2017 and identifies 28 EBPs and 10 manualized interventions that also met criteria. The list of EBPs is here. UDL in the Classroom. Inclusive Education and Community Resources. Best Practice Educational Consulting - All Belong. Our Dyslexic Children - 2020 - Full Film. Home Page. How to Write IEP Goals. How to Write IEP Goals.
IEP goals are the future. IEP Present Levels is where the child is now; goals are where we want them to be. Writing IEP goals, while based on data, is part art, part science.