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Utopia. Community or society possessing highly desirable or perfect qualities A utopia focuses on equality in such categories as economics, government and justice, with the method and structure of proposed implementation varying based on ideology.[2] Lyman Tower Sargent argues that the nature of a utopia is inherently contradictory because societies are not homogeneous and have desires which conflict and therefore cannot simultaneously be satisfied.


According to Sargent: There are socialist, capitalist, monarchical, democratic, anarchist, ecological, feminist, patriarchal, egalitarian, hierarchical, racist, left-wing, right-wing, reformist, free love, nuclear family, extended family, gay, lesbian and many more utopias [ Naturism, Nude Christians, ...] Does spirituality help well-being, or do we just need to be good to each other? - Institute for the Bio-Cultural Study of Religion. Details Published: 30 May 2013 Written by Connor Wood.

Does spirituality help well-being, or do we just need to be good to each other? - Institute for the Bio-Cultural Study of Religion

Appreciative Inquiry. Modern Socio Paths. Why you should take the blame. I was at a party in Greenwich Village in New York City.

Why you should take the blame

Transcendence. Live Long and Prosper.

Agree Ability

GROK. Ensemble. Human Condition. Go Team! Prospero. Emergent Survivalism. Self Sufficiency. Re Habilitatio. CrowdFunDing. New Found Moolah. The 10 Happiest Cities In The World. The U.S. is a pretty unhappy place compared to Europe, Australia, and South America.

The 10 Happiest Cities In The World

That’s according to a survey of 10,000 people in 29 countries from market research company GfK Custom Research. Conducted in 2009, the Anholt-GfK Roper City Brands Index, claims that San Francisco is the only U.S. city to crack the list of the 10 happiest cities in the world. Flourishing as a Goal of International Policy. The discipline of positive psychology studies what free people choose when they are not oppressed.

Flourishing as a Goal of International Policy

I call these desiderata the elements of “well-being,” and when an individual or nation has them in abundance I say it is “flourishing.” The Future We Want. The Long Now Foundation - Fostering Long-Term Thinking. Union of Intelligible Associations. Interplay of generic dimensions "union of international associations" 3rd June 2007 | Draft Interplay of generic dimensions of any "union of international associations" Development of the argument in Dynamic Reframing of "Union": implications for the coherence of knowledge, social organization and personal identity (2007) Commentary.

Interplay of generic dimensions "union of international associations"

Global Sufficiency Network. Integral permaculture « moving toward a culture of enduring health for people and planet. View the World Through an Energy Lens - A Prosperous Way DownA Prosperous Way Down. Design for interruption. We used to design for the web.

Design for interruption

At first, this was just electronic print, but we realized it should be interactive; then personalized. Today, more people access the world through mobile devices. Designers are trying to teach clients that you can’t mouse-over or right-click on a tablet—and you can’t swipe well on a computer. “Mobile first!” How Technology Is Destroying Jobs. Given his calm and reasoned academic demeanor, it is easy to miss just how provocative Erik Brynjolfsson’s contention really is. ­

How Technology Is Destroying Jobs

Brynjolfsson, a professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, and his collaborator and coauthor Andrew McAfee have been arguing for the last year and a half that impressive advances in computer technology—from improved industrial robotics to automated translation services—are largely behind the sluggish employment growth of the last 10 to 15 years. A Beginner's Guide to Mind Mapping Meetings. Science & Environment - Timeline of the far future. A slow hiker's guide to Yellowstone National Park. League Of Extraordinary Minds Webcasts. What Authors Say About Jay "Jay Abraham has identified the limiting patterns in marketing that restrict most business success.

League Of Extraordinary Minds Webcasts

He is one of the few people who realize that most industries only seem to know one particular way to market — even though as many as 50 or more effective and profitable marketing options may actually be available to them. Jay learned how to take success concepts from different industries and combine them to give a powerful advantage to the clients he advises. BigPictureSmallWorld: Home. Autopoiesis. Sustainable Communities Wheel. World Future Fund. World Transformation Movement. Transition Culture. International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011. Ecovillage Findhorn: new frontiers for sustainability. Home - Future World Project. How Do You Create A Culture Of Innovation? This is the third part in a series by Scott Anthony, author of The Little Black Book Of Innovation.

How Do You Create A Culture Of Innovation?

OpenIDEO - Home. 15inno by Stefan Lindegaard. Journey to the Sinking Lands. Delphi Method. The Delphi Method, III: Use of Self-Ratings To Improve Group Estimates. An analysis of the validity of using self-rating as a technique for selecting more accurate subgroups in applications of the Delphi method for eliciting group judgments. A series of experiments was conducted using 16 groups of upper-class and graduate college students answering almanac-type questions (20 subjects per group and 20 questions per subject).

The findings indicate that if the difference in average self-rating between the subgroups is substantial, and if the subgroups are held to reasonable size, both the degree of improvement and the total number of improvements are greater than when feedback alone is used. This study augments the results reported in RM-5888 and RM-5957. This report is part of the RAND Corporation research memorandum series. The Research Memorandum was a product of the RAND Corporation from 1948 to 1973 that represented working papers meant to report current results of RAND research to appropriate audiences. Are Past Lives Real? Could They Be Important for Our Health and Well Being Today? Interview with Dr. Roger Woolger Recently, renowned British psychologist Roger Woolger, PhD, shared with SuperConsciousness his research with patients who have gone through a Near Death Experience.

Vivre Ensemble. Innovation and co-creation.