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Neo Eco Ethica. Neo Techno Ethica. New EthicOs. Web World Things. Integrity (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy/Fall 2009 Edition) First published Mon Apr 9, 2001; substantive revision Sun Aug 10, 2008 Integrity is one of the most important and oft-cited of virtue terms.

Integrity (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy/Fall 2009 Edition)

It is also perhaps the most puzzling. For example, while it is sometimes used virtually synonymously with ‘moral,’ we also at times distinguish acting morally from acting with integrity. Persons of integrity may in fact act immorally—though they would usually not know they are acting immorally. Thus one may acknowledge a person to have integrity even though that person may hold importantly mistaken moral views. When used as a virtue term, ‘integrity’ refers to a quality of a person's character; however, there are other uses of the term. Integrity is also attributed to various parts or aspects of a person's life. Ordinary intuitions about integrity tend to allow both that integrity is a formal relation to the self and that it has something to do with acting morally. 1. What is a formal relation to the self? 2. 3. 4. Native American Code of Ethics. Wisdom Commons. Virtue is a quality of moral goodness or excellence.

Wisdom Commons

When we speak of individual virtues, we are talking about qualities that we aspire to. Civility At Work. PBS: Religion & Ethics. Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues Research. The Human Genome Project (HGP) was completed in 2003.

Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues Research

One of the key research areas was ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI). This page has more information about this research. The U.S. Practical ethics. Ethical Guidelines - International Association for the Study of Dreams. The International Association for the Study of Dreams is a non-profit, international, multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the pure and applied investigation of dreams and dreaming.

Ethical Guidelines - International Association for the Study of Dreams

Its purposes are to promote an awareness and appreciation of dreams in both professional and public arenas; to encourage research into the nature, function, and significance of dreaming; to advance the application of the study of dreams; and to provide a forum for the eclectic and interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and information. Abbreviated Ethical Statement The International Association for the Study of Dreams acknowledges the value and importance of the study of dreams and recognizes the responsibility inherent in such study and its consequent applications. The Association encourages its members to exemplify the highest standards of ethical behavior in whatever involvement they may have with dreams. In Defense of the Science of Morality. Discussions about morality invariably involve someone with clerical qualifications.

In Defense of the Science of Morality

Even scientists often defer ethical matters to the religious without objection; such is the degree that the religious have dominated our moral discourse. A moment’s reflection reveals the consequences of this concession. As Sam Harris said in The Moral Landscape: Knowing what the Creator of the Universe believes about right and wrong inspires religious conservatives to enforce this vision in the public sphere at almost any cost; not knowing what is right – or that anything can ever be truly right – often leads secular liberals to surrender their intellectual standards and political freedoms with both hands. It remains the case that the majority of people, including the majority of scientists, believe that science is incapable of posing moral questions, let alone answering them.

“The Moral Landscape”: Why science should shape morality. To call Sam Harris a divisive figure is to put it mildly.

“The Moral Landscape”: Why science should shape morality

Harris — along with Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett and Christopher Hitchens — is considered one of the most influential members of the so-called New Atheism movement, a term that generally refers to nonbelievers who seek a true separation of church and state, civil rights for atheists, and the freedom to openly criticize religious belief. In his previous book, “Letter to a Christian Nation,” Harris aimed to “demolish the intellectual and moral pretensions of Christianity in its most committed forms.” In the wake of the book, theologist Madeleine Bunting wrote an article in the Guardian comparing Harris’ arguments about Islam to “the kind of argument put forward by those who ran the Inquisition.”

MoralEcology. Parsing the neural correlates of moral cognition: ALE meta-analysis on morality, theory of mind, and empathy. Introduction Moral behavior is a building block of human societies and has classically been thought to be based on rational consideration.

Parsing the neural correlates of moral cognition: ALE meta-analysis on morality, theory of mind, and empathy

Aristotle (fourth century BC/1985), for example, argued that being a “good person” requires reasoning about virtues. Kant’s (1785/1993) famous categorical imperative was similarly rational, demanding that one should act according to principles that could also become a general law. An Edge Question: WHAT NOW? From: David Deutsch Date: 10.25.01 What happens now is that we (by which I mean the West) eradicate state-sponsored terrorism.

An Edge Question: WHAT NOW?

And we can achieve that only by replacing all political systems that perpetrate or collaborate with terrorism, by systems that respect human rights both domestically and internationally. This will require, first of all, war. Then, it will require spectacular success at the notoriously difficult task of improving other nations' political systems. But we have done such things before: we did it for Germany and Japan in 1945. But more: it will require changes in us. Sam Harris Responds : Cosmic Variance. Update and reboot: Sam Harris has responded to my blog post reacting to his TED talk.

Sam Harris Responds : Cosmic Variance

In the initial version of this response-to-the-response-to-the-response-to-the-talk, I let myself get carried away with irritation at this tweet, and thereby contributed to the distraction from substantive conversation. Bad blogger. In any event, Sam elaborates his position in some detail, so I encourage you to have a look if you are interested, although it didn’t change my mind on any issue of consequence.

There are a number of posts out there by people who know what they are talking about and surely articulate it better than I do, including Russell Blackford and Julian Sanchez (who, one must admit, has a flair for titles), and I should add Chris Schoen. But I wanted to try to clarify my own view on two particular points, so I put them below the fold. Michael Shermer » The Science of Right and Wrong. The Science of Right and Wrong Can Data Determine Moral Values?

Michael Shermer » The Science of Right and Wrong

Ever since the rise of modern science, an almost impregnable wall separating it from religion, morality and human values has been raised to the heights. Episode 24 - Bioethics and Public Policy, Part 1. April 12, 2010 Part one of a two-part lecture on bioethics by Center for Inquiry president and CEO Ronald A. Lindsay. In On September 19, 2008, Dr. Lindsay presented a lecture entitled “Bioethics and Public Policy” at the Center for Inquiry / Transnational in Amherst, New York. Sexual capital. Origins[edit] The term erotic capital was first used by British sociologist Catherine Hakim in the early 2000s. Hakim defined it as separate from and building upon French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu's concepts of economic, cultural and social capital.

She says erotic capital is independent of class origin and therefore enables social mobility, and argues that makes erotic capital socially subversive, which results in the prevailing power structures devaluing and trying to suppress it.[1] Definition[edit] Economic[edit] Marcel Mauss: our guide to the future. Durkheim assembled a team to promote his vision for sociology, but he and Mauss were a double act like Marx and Engels.

There was room for only one leader of the movement, so we speak of the Durkheimians and the Marxists. Mauss and Engels each assumed leadership of the movement they jointly founded after their partner’s death, but the intrinsic inequality of the partnership was made worse in Mauss’s case by age difference, kinship seniority and his inability to write books of his own. The publication of an abridged English translation of Marcel Fournier’s Marcel Mauss: a biography allows us to reconsider his historical relationship with Durkheim, as well as his legacy for anthropology, history and the social sciences today. French scholarship on Mauss is, of course, much more advanced than its Anglophone counterpart and it is less confined to academic anthropology.

This short review essay accordingly has two parts. LECTURE 9 GIFTS AND RECIPROCITY: THE IDEAS OF MAUSS AND SAHLINS. Durkheim and Mauss. As every sociology grad student knows, the famous thesis of Dukrheim and Mauss’ (1962: 11) essay on Primitive Classification is that “the classification of things reproduces…[the] classification of men [sic].” This is a controversial argument that has served as one of the primary inspirations for contemporary work in the sociology of knowledge.

Durkheim and Mauss went on to argue for instance, that if persons divided themselves into two groups, then they divided the world of animals, plants, etc. into two kinds; if they divided themselves into four groups organized as hierarchies (with subgroups nested within larger groups), we would find an analogous classification system for nature (with sub-kinds nested within larger kinds), and so on.

I want to propose that a form of “Primitive Classification” is alive and well in contemporary social theory. Qualitative%20Sociology%20Final. Mauss's Lectures to Psychologists: A Case for Holistic Sociology. 4concept, the habitus (i.e. Habitus (sociology) Marcel Mauss. Marcel Mauss. The Pioneer Sociologist Marcel Mauss on Gifts and Exchange. iPhone Confession App Receives Imprimatur. Developers Use Technology to Promote Sacramental Life | 9833 hits By Genevieve Pollock.

How Congress helped created the very mental illness that resulted in the Giffords shooting. Nuclear Testing: CTBTO Preparatory Commission. Member States: CTBTO Preparatory Commission. Verification Regime: CTBTO Preparatory Commission. War Is a Lie. Once a war is underway, however, we don’t continue it in order to defeat the evil enemies or to bestow benefits on them; we continue wars primarily for the good of our own soldiers currently deployed on the “battlefield,” a process we call “supporting the troops.”

Office of the Historian - Milestones - 1921-1936 - The Kellogg-Briand Pact. The Avalon Project : Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928. Aristide Briand - Biography. Titled. Daily chart: Weapons of mass distribution. Peacemaking. Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations. National Endowment for the Humanities. National Endowment for the Arts Home Page. The Henry Luce Foundation Mission Statement. The Henry Luce Foundation was established in 1936 by Henry R. Luce, the co-founder and editor-in-chief of Time Inc., to honor his parents who were missionary educators in China. Mission Statement of BLTC Research.

OEC - Codes of Ethics in English. National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) Code of Ethics for Engineers. On Being a Scientist: Responsible Conduct in Research, Second Edition. Guidelines_for_Ethics_in_Research. The Metaphysics Research Lab. Theoretical egalitarianism as Primitive Classification. SpiralScouts International.

Remember Cloud Readers. 754.full. THE GOD HELMET (Koren Helmet) Michael Persinger. God Helmet Replication Study. Neurotheology Team Proves “God Helmet” Is Real, Eliciting Mystic States, Visions & God-Like Presence. Behaviours Extend to Others. Ethos of Us. Fumbling Ecstasy. Human Condition. ALL Behaviours Begin at Home. Being Human. Philosophikos. World Beliefs. Well Read. Seven Generations. One World. Live Long and Prosper. Socio Fiscal Responsibility. Better On! Cultural References. Polymath Renaissance. Seriously? Issues. Re Habilitatio. RE: Think Again.