How To Make A Miniature Roll Top Bread Box From Mat Board. I was asked to make a roll top or tamboured bread box, that worked.
This is the result and I hope you enjoy it. I have tried to imitate oak in a faux bois finish. I said tried. If you want to have your bread box with a painted finish all you need to get ready with is to paint a small piece of mat board, (2" x 2") the color of your choice. If you want to try out my oak faux bois you will need a base color the color of oak. I've painted a piece of mat board and a piece of card stock with two coats of the base color I mixed. The piece of mat board is probably 5" x 6". *****Do you see the red cap on my paint? For the graining I used a 1/4" wide brush. I used Delta's Autumn Brown for the graining. Don't forget to paint the piece of card stock, too. As I mentioned earlier, you can just paint the finished bread box. I've shown you these before. To use the sponge get it wet, wet. I used the Autumn Brown mixed with a glazing medium to sponge over the grained mat board.
Make A Dollhouse Plate Rack. How To Make A Vintage Miniature Toaster. How to make a miniature toaster, 1:12 scale.
This toaster is in my Kitchen Room Box and my First Apartment Room Box. It's modeled after the classic ToastMaster toasters. I've given a diagram with measurements. If you would like actual patterns, please e-mail me. Set A: cut 2 pieces #1 from 1/16" thick basswood Set B: cut 3 pieces #2 from 1/16" thick basswood Set C: cut 2 pieces #2 from 3/32" thick basswood The two 3/32" thick pieces from pattern#2 are the toast slots.
I hope you like your new toaster, this fits in the late 1930's up to now, I've seen these in the stores. Creating Bottles From Holiday Tree Lights. In the winter of 2011, while shopping, a string of LED lights caught my eye because they were bottle-shaped, in an almost perfect scale.
I didn't purchase any at the time but they stayed in the back of my mind. This year we needed some replacement lights for outdoors and my husband brought home the wrong size…but to my delight they were the exact same shape as the ones I had seen the year before….only a smaller string and less expensive. Which meant I could justify experimenting with ease and I did….It was fun to see a little project I had in the back of my mind for over a year come to life with ease I had wanted to get this project out to you as an apropos New Year’s Eve themed project but the holidays were just so filled that miniatures had to take a back seat. So rather than waiting yet another year to show you these darling bottles, here they are So, good luck hunting down the lights, your search will be worth the time involved. Joann. Miniature Goblet & Wine Glass Tutorial. How To Make A Vintage Kitchen Table. This is the table that matches the chairs in the last month's tutorial.
The whole kitchen is in a blog under "Kitchen Room Box". I made my original table from basswood. I am making this one out of mat board for the tutorial. If you want to use basswood the directions are pretty much the same. How To Make A Metal Tubular Kitchen Chair. This is the chair from the Vintage Kitchen, I have several pictures of this room box on the blog, one picture is in the July 29, 2009 posting.
How To Make A Vintage Miniature Refrigerator. This refrigerator starts out as a block of wood, just about anything will do.
How To Make A Vintage Miniature Kitchen Sink. I have had a request for centimeters for my sink in the vintage kitchen I am just going to go through it again adding the centimeters to the instructions.
How To Make A Vintage Miniature Stove. This is the picture of the stove I copied for the Kitchen Room Box.
It's from "Better Homes and Gardens", April, 1941. I find these magazines at antique malls, it's good to have a few. I would really like to have some magazines from the 1920's, but those are hard to find and cost more. This stove will be made from basswood. It is painted with oil base enamel. Use wood glue for everything, until I mention the tacky. First you will need a block of wood measuring 3 1/16" wide, 2 9/16" high and 1 13/16" deep. Cut a bottom, this is the toe kick, 3 1/4" wide, 1 5/8" deep and 3/8" high.
How To Make A Kitchen Dresser From Mat Board With An Aged Finish. You might think this is a lot of trouble to go through when you are using mat board and not basswood to make this kitchen dresser.
Mat board is easier to get, I think, it's cheaper than basswood and you don't have to have a table saw and scroll saw to cut it. You need only an Exacto knife/craft knife. So, building painted furniture is accessible to more people. You might not want mat board furniture in your finest dollhouse, but painted mat board furniture is certainly fine for small projects and gift projects. Painted mat board furniture makes fine rustic country cabinets but don't leave out a more delicate look for the shabby chic touch. How to Build a Dollhouse Trestle Table & Benches. Build An Ascot Boiler For A Doll's House.