100 Email Hacks. It’s hard to believe that in 1998 when the movie “You’ve Got Mail” came out, people actually looked forward to opening their inbox. Back then “Inbox Zero” was an insult (“You have no friends, Inbox Zero-boy”). Now it’s considered a mythical utopia, a place where only a select few can ever hope to visit, and only very briefly. At SaneBox, we’ve done lots of research and thinking on ways to get better at email, and compiled this list of 100 hacks (i.e. tricks, tips, apps, methods) which will let you get to Inbox Zero every day.
Better yet, we’ve asked some of our friends, some of whom get even more email than you (VCs, journalists etc) to share their personal tips. You’ll find their opinions sprinkled throughout this book. We promise that after reading this book (some might call it a pamphlet), you’ll be able to go back in time, to 1998, when you wished you got more email. The 3 Email Commandments You’re in denial.Get out of it Email is like Tetris. Don't let email be your # 1 priority. Jason Fried: Why work doesn't happen at work. Jason Fried - Why work doesn't happen at work - Cloud Coach. Jason Fried argues that the office isn’t actually a good place to get work done. In his Ted Talk (2010), he describes how our work day is turned into ‘work moments’ the second we walk through the office door.
We go through the motions of work yet rarely accomplish any projects that are bigger or more meaningful. He compares the work day to the five stages of the sleep cycle. To get to the bigger, deeper stages of sleep you have to go through the first stages; the same goes for work. How to Use OKRs for Quarterly and Annual Planning. It’s that time of the year: you’re capping off a successful 2014 and reflecting on everything you’ve accomplished in the past twelve months. But it’s not only a time to look back; it’s a time to look ahead. What do you want to accomplish in the coming year, and what’s the best way to go about it? Many leading companies tout OKRs for successful annual and quarterly planning; in fact Google credits the process with fueling their exponential growth and success. Even if you’ve heard of OKRs, you may be curious about the details.
“What are OKRs, anyway?” OKR, which stands for Objectives and Key Results, is a planning and goal setting technique made famous by Intel and Google. OKRs are set at the company, team, and individual level. As you can see, company OKRs focus on big-picture goals, team OKRs define priorities for each department, and personal OKRs pinpoint what an individual will be working on. OKRs must be: 1. 2. 3. 4. “Why should I bother with OKRs?” What are the benefits? Vers le ménagement du management? What is your Business Model ? « YAN THOINET. Excellent videos from Strategyzer, simple, concise, easy to understand on Customer Development methodology from Steve Blank using the Busines model canvas from Alex Osterwalder !
Activate the captions/ subtitles (option only works when the video is playing) Ep 1 – Getting From Business Idea to Business Model A great business idea needs a great business model ! Many ideas fail to turn in a successful BusinessMany reasons for failing amongst which : Customers don’t care about the problem your idea solvesCustomers do like your Value Proposition but the Business model is not scalable & financially sustainable,You haven’t identified reliable channels to reach & acquire customers,You don’t have the Infrastructure you need when your business begin to grow,etcFind the right Business Model with Business Model canvas and go & test it in the real world! Ep 2 – Visualizing Your Business Model Ep 3 – Prototyping Ep 4 – Navigating Your Environment Ep 5 – Proving It! Ep 6 – Telling Your Story J'aime :
10 façons de se faire plaisir au travail. Recevez un extrait de notre guide de survie aux réunions pour transformer vos réunions en moments funs et productifs ! Non il n’est pas honteux de se faire plaisir au travail et oui il existe des façons de prendre du plaisir au travail (je ne parle pas de relations adultères avec un/une collègue de travail qui sort strictement de mon domaine de compétence). Même si c’est vrai que le mot travail vient du latin tripalium qui est un instrument de torture (« Oui, nous pouvons travailler avec plaisir » ), il faut arrêter de voir le travail comme un sacerdoce, une punition divine qui s’abat sur chacun de nous, enfin quand on a la chance d’en avoir un !
Et si la dopamine devenait la meilleure arme du manager, et si pour motiver ses équipes les managers ne proposaient plus un presse papier aux couleurs de l’entreprise ou une augmentation infinitésimale mais du plaisir à ses collaborateurs ? Bien sûr le plus important pour prendre du plaisir au travail c’est: 6 outils gratuits et collaboratifs de Création graphique | Smop It. Travailler dans la création graphique implique de nombreux échanges en interne ou avec les clients. Cette tâche est souvent périlleuse : trop de mails, trop de temps, des problèmes de compréhension, mélange des versions du projet, etc.
Voici la solution : l’outil de création graphique collaborative. Cette liste présente 6 outils pour travailler collaborativement sur vos projets graphique : c’est gratuit, simple et rapide ! Conceptboard : la gestion de projet graphique Gratuit mais limitéFonctionne sur tabletteCompatible avec les fichiers de la suite Microsoft Office, PDF, PSD, JPG et PNGSauvegarde automatiqueMode Lecture seuleFonction « Comment in-Context » : commenter directement sur l’imageAppels vocaux et vidéoChatIntégration de Google Drive à double sensIntégration de SaleForce ChatterExportationGestion de projet facileAssignation de tâcheq en mentionnant la personne dans un commentaire grâce à @NomdelapersonneAlerte emailIntégration de TrelloHistorique Mural.ly : Le tableau blanc.
Espace collaboratif. Déployer l’agile ou changer de culture - Changer de culture. Conférence Déployer l’agile ou changer de culture Déployer l’agile ou changer de culture Jean-François HELIE •juin 1, 2013conférence Déployer l'agile ou changer de culture from jfhelie Outils de coaching pour améliorer la dynamique de votre équipe Comment évaluer la culture d’une entreprise ?