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Division of Powers

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Federalism the division of power. How does Federalism divide powers of government? History The Framers of the Constitution were dedicated to the concept of limited government.

How does Federalism divide powers of government?

They believed (1) that any governmental power threatens individual liberty, (2) that therefore the exercise of governmental power must be curbed, and (3) that to divide governmental power is to restrict it and thus prevent its abuse. What is federalism? Federalism is a system of government in which a written constitution divides the powers of government on a territorial basis. Question 3. National vs State Government. National versus State Government After the American colonies won their independence from England, the thirteen colonies became thirteen states.

National vs State Government

The new states formed a league so they could work together. Their system of government was described in a document called the Articles of Confederation. In this system, the state governments had most of the power. The national government was very weak. Vin Diagram Chart 2. Vin Diagram Chart. Question 2. Political cartoon. Question 1. Chart. Definition. Division. Division.