Maker Studio - STEM Curriculum Resources by Dr. Wesley Fryer. Balsa Towers. Each TeachEngineering lesson or activity is correlated to one or more K-12 science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards.
All 100,000+ K-12 STEM standards covered in TeachEngineering are collected, maintained and packaged by the Achievement Standard Network (ASN), a project of JES & Co. (www.jesandco.org). In the ASN, standards are hierarchically structured: first by source; e.g., by state; within source by type; e.g., science or mathematics; within type by subtype, then by grade, etc. Click on the standard groupings to explore this hierarchy as it applies to this document. Introduction/Motivation Your engineering design challenge today is to build a structurally sound tower with a favorable strength-to-weight ratio. STEAM: A Framework for Teaching Across the Disciplines. Intel Innovation Toolbox. STEM to STEAM: Resource Roundup. Bumper_Bot_Instructions.pdf. Bumper Bot by MakerBot. An Alarming Idea: Designing Alarm Circuits.
The Ultimate STEM Guide for Kids: 239 Cool Sites. Residential Street Speed Watch. STEM Education Resource Center. Air Command Water Rockets Home. Curiosity Machine. Curiosity Machine. National Science Board Releases an Interactive Online STEM Education Resource Website. The National Science Board (NSB) recently released an interactive STEM Education Resource Website which provides data, trends, and analysis about science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education and careers.
The new service includes observations and findings on student proficiency, college STEM degrees, and jobs in science-related occupations. Based on data from the Science and Engineering Indicators, the website includes information in the form of central questions organized by education level. Sowing Seeds for Girls in STEM When I was in 2nd grade, my aunt asked me if I knew how to spell "engineer": E-N-G-I-N-E-E-R.
My aunt is an aerospace engineer, and, not surprisingly, my first STEM role model. As the years went on, she would always have me recite "engineer" back to her whenever she came in town to visit and would share stories about what she was working on with Boeing. My pediatrician was female. My first science and math teachers were female. I almost obsessively watched Bill Nye the Science Guy, a man. I pursued my childhood dream and became a professional dancer, but once I realized my dancing life had an expiration date, I chose the career that was familiar all my life. Today I am a chemical engineer working with FirstBuild, an innovative new microfactory that fosters co-creation and getting products from mind to market in months.
I recently had the opportunity to speak to a first grade class where I asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up? " "Firefighter! " "Drives trains? " How to get girls into STEM. Just one in seven engineers are female, only 27% of all computer science jobs are held by women, and "women have seen no employment growth in STEM jobs since 2000" reports Forbes.
Women who work in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math, and those who campaign for higher numbers of women in these fields, think they have some solutions to this growing problem. 1. Finding Starter Projects: Teacher to Teacher. Sometimes the best way to get started with making in the classroom is to go make friends outside of it!
In that spirit, today’s edition of our series on Finding Starter Projects shares some of the many professional development (PD) opportunities out there available to teachers who want to meet other like-minded teachers — those who know they want to be a part of the Maker movement and bring their kids into it too. We find that when we get a few teachers together, one of the first things they do is compare notes to talk about cool projects they’ve seen and done. 10 STEM to STEAM Projects. Looking to incorporate art and design into your STEM subject learning?
Here are 10 cool STEAM suggestions we found from School Specialty. These STEAM projects will help your students grasp science, tech, engineering and math concepts through the creative process. 1. Architecture for Kids. If you have children, you’ve probably heard of the STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) education initiative in most school districts in an effort to gain lost ground the US educational system has experienced in comparison to other nations.
Goals for promoting STEM courses are to create a future workforce that can compete for the highly technical and high paying jobs, as well as move the United States forward in being able to capture the technology industry. As a parent, I completely buy into these goals for my kids in order for them to have a bright future. The trick for me is to know how to support their education in the sciences and in math.
To be frank, it can kind of be a dry topic, so how can we make learning technical concepts fun and interesting? Well, toys is probably the number one easiest way. I recently found Roominate, which is a toy designed by two female engineers with the goal of developing STEM skills. ISTEM: Indiana Science Technology Engineering Mathematics. Bridges and Structures. How to build a pasta bridge - WD-STEM. This is the Pasta Bridge that Munn built!
STEM - Additional STEM Resources. STEM Collaborative.org - Home. Put on Your Thinking Caps. Proportional Reasoning Math Skills. CMK 2014 Resources. Education: STEM Ambassador Resources. Folding-Wing Glider: Rockets Up … Glides Down! As a kid, I remember my dad talking about this seemingly magical balsa wood rocket glider.
With the wings folded back, the glider shot into the air using a hand held rubber band attached to a stick catapult. Wind resistance held the wings back, then when the glider reached its peak, the wings popped open for a long and graceful glide down. Especially exciting to me, was when the glider began to wear out, he would attach a fire cracker to it and then launch it into a shower of balsa wood confetti glory. About ten years ago I began thinking about this glider and whether or not it was still available. I found a science supply company who sold one for about ten bucks that looked similar so I bought three or four. I began researching on the internet about the glider and there was very little information to be found. With these gliders out of production, I had to have a new stock of my own. Videos of Flight – My Son Video of Flight – Me Downloads. MIT BLOSSOMS. The 10 Best STEM Resources.
By Phil Nast, retired middle school teacher and freelance writer.
STEMResourcesfromPBS. The 10 best resources for K-12 STEM projects. [Listed in alphabetical order] 1. STEAM tips and resources you can use right now. By Laura Devaney, Managing Editor, @eSN_Laura Read more by Laura Devaney March 3rd, 2014 STEAM advocates and supporters can share these tips with curriculum directors and teachers The need for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and proficiency is nothing new. But a movement is growing for STEAM education, in which the “a” stands for Arts.
Cultivating scientific and mathematical viewpoints and experiences through arts education is a critical need in today’s schools, STEAM advocates say. Search, Collect, and Share. STEM Education Resource Center. ME Program. Schools > Living Toolbox fast house sale scotland | RagRetail | watch game of thrones online free. DESIGN SQUAD NATION . Home. Come play again later!