Notes sur les Chams : XII. Le Cendrillon cham. - Maison ; vers l'heure du plein midi, elle se dit: « Sans doute que les gens lont son procès à Mu Gajaung, puisqu'elle ne revient pas manger. » Se voyant donc bien seule. Mu Halœk prit un bol de riz et le porta au puits dans lequel Mu Gajaung élevait son poisson. Puis imitant la voix de Mu Gajaung, elle appela : « Ohé ! Carauk, viens ici manger des grains de riz, viens donc manger avec ta sœur aînée ! » Alors le poisson croyant que c'était Mu Gajaung qui l'appelait, sauta hors du puits pour manger. Or, une nuit, elle vit en rêve son poisson lui apparaître et dire : « О sœur aînée, ne pleure plus, sèche tes larmes : si tu m'aimes vraiment de tout ton cœur, moi, ton petit frère, va déterrer mes arêtes, mets-les dans l'écorce d'une noix de coco, et va les ensevelir au carrefour de la route, afin que chaque jour, allant et venant, tu puisses me visiter, ô sœur aînée, quand tu iras paître tes chèvres.
XII, i. Une version annamite du conte de Cendrillon - Mat là the cho ông Bat nghe, roi nó lai khóc. Ông But bâo no dôm vào trvng rô хеш со can gi không. ■ Con Tant dóm vào trong rô thi chî thay cón со mot con cá bong má thai, Ông But mai bâo no dem thâ con bong ay xuong dirai gieng ma nuôi ,' cá mot ngày hai tan, moi mot bua corn no an ba bát, thi no an hai chu, cón bát mot bát de cho con bong. Luc db cam xuong gieng cho con bong an thi bâo no the nay : « Bong ai bong, lên an corn vàng cam bac nhà ta-, châ an cam Mni cháo hoa nhà ngitùi! » Con Tam nghe nhài ông But, âem nuôi con bong a dirai giêng. Cir den bira cam, nó an xong roi thi nó Iqi mang tlmng ra gieng gánh mrác, giaii bát coin vào trong ihùng de dem cho con bong. Va nódo cam xuong gieng roi nôi y nhir nhài ông Bul dâ dan nó. Ben sau, me con Cám bietý con Tarn, moi cho con Cám di rinh. Ben horn sau, me con Cam bâo con Tarn rang : « Con of con, mai con di chan Iráu, phâi chan don g xa, chá chán dony nhà, làng bát mat trim. » Tam, écoulant le Buddha, éleva le gobie dans un puits.
Cendrillon - Contes de fées, BNF. Les différentes versions du conte de Cendrillon - Site sur Cendrillon. Cendrillon est avant tout un conte populaire. Il a sut traverser les siècles : l’une des plus anciennes versions dont nous avons les traces écrites est celle du IIIe siècle plaçant la scène en égypte. En plus d’avoir traversé les siècles, ce conte a également parcouru le monde. Le conte de Cendrillon est aussi bien présent en France, qu’en Russie, en Allemagne ou encore en Chine…On compterait désormais aujourd’hui plus 300 versions du conte de Cendrillon.Nous nous proposons donc ici de vous permettre d’accéder à des informations sur différentes versions de Cendrillon : informations générales, petit résumés… Ceci permettra de voir les parallèles et les différences entre les versions.
Cela pourrait par exemple aussi par la suite faire l’objet d’une séance de travail avec des élèves de primaire sur un thème plus général peut être : Les contes dans le monde. Version chinoise : Version antique d'Élien : CendrillonCette versions de Cendrillon a été retranscrite au IIIe siècle par d'Élien. Cendrillon. Cinderella Stories. This list of variations on the Cinderella story was initially compiled by Kathy Martin from suggestions by readers of the CHILDLIT mailing list. I have added additional titles suggested by Jean Rusting and others. Doris Dale has added additional titles and bibliographical information. Internet Resources The Cinderella Project. A text and image archive of a dozen English-language versions of Cinderella published between 1729 and 1912. The texts used come from the collections of the de Grummond Children's Literature Research Collection at the University of Southern Mississippi.
Information about Judy Sierra's book, Cinderella (cited below), including a sample chapter ("Allerleirauh, or the Many-furred Creature") is available through the Oryx Press Home Page. The variants Tattercoats, Cap o'Rushes, and The Princess and the Golden Shoes from the Tales of Wonder site. The Twelve Months, a Slav Legend by Alexander Chodzko, adapted by Frances Olcott Jenkins.
Teaching ideas by Jean Rusting: Articles. 09.01.04: Cinderella: A Cross-cultural Story. Multicultural Cinderella Stories | Offices of the American Library Association. Book Links: May 2000 (v.9 no.5) by Mary Northrup The story of Cinderella, perhaps the best-known fairy tale, is told or read to children of very young ages. But Cinderella is not just one story; more than 500 versions have been found—just in Europe! The tale’s origins appear to date back to a Chinese story from the ninth century, “Yeh-Shen.”
Almost every culture seems to have its own version, and every storyteller his or her tale. Charles Perrault is believed to be the author, in the 1690s, of our “modern” 300-year-old Cinderella, the French Cendrillon. Famous children's writers and illustrators have interpreted Cinderella, including Arthur Rackham, Marcia Brown (her version won the Caldecott Medal in 1955), Nonny Hogrogian, Paul Galdone, and Amy Ehrlich. Male Cinderellas do appear, and not just in parodies, such as Helen Ketteman’s Bubba the Cowboy Prince and Sandi Takayama’s Sumorella, listed below. Africa Climo, Shirley.
Onyefulu, Obi. Phumla. Steptoe, John. Americas Native American Asia. The Cinderella Bibliography. Cinderella. Aarne-Thompson-Uther folktale type 510A and related stories of persecuted heroines translated and/or edited by D. L. Ashliman ©1998-2015 Return to D. L. Contents The Cinder Maid Europe (Joseph Jacobs) Once upon a time, though it was not in my time or in your time, or in anybody else's time, there was a great king who had an only son, the prince and heir who was about to come of age. Now there was among the nobles of the king's court one who had married twice, and by the first marriage he had but one daughter, and as she was growing up her father thought that she ought to have someone to look after her.
You can imagine how excited they all were when they heard the king's proclamation called out by the herald. Now when the night came for the royal ball Cinder Maid had to help the two sisters to dress in their fine dresses and saw them drive off in the carriage with her father and their mother. And with that the little bird on the tree called out to her: Cinderella; or, The Little Glass Slipper. The Annotated Cinderella. Themed Reviews (Cinderella Stories) Cinderella Stories Abadeha: the Philippine Cinderella Adapted by Myrna J. de la Paz llustrated by Youshang Tang Part of a series of retold Cinderella stories from various cultures; Abadeha features all the elements that make this ancient format ever popular. The author researched the traditional Filipino folk tale, "a casualty of more than three hundred years of Spanish colonization and a century of Americanization," and lovingly presents the beautiful daughter, wicked stepmother and stepsisters, absent father, and Spirit of the Forest who magically rescues the heroine.
Instead of white mice, there is a sarimanok, "a chicken with long flowing tail and feathers the color of the rainbow. " Instead of a hearth of ashes, there is a mat torn up by a wild pig to be rewoven like new. Adelita: A Mexican Cinderella Story Written and illustrated by Tomie dePaola Drawing on the Cinderella story, Tomie DePaola offers an original tale with a Mexican setting. Cinderella Project: Home Page. Special feature through the kindness of the author: David Delamare's Cinderella Welcome to the Cinderella Project, a text and image archive containing a dozen English versions of the fairy tale. The Cinderellas presented here represent some of the more common varieties of the tale from the English-speaking world in the eighteenth, nineteenth, and early twentieth centuries.
Materials to construct this archive were drawn from the de Grummond Children's Literature Research Collection at the University of Southern Mississippi. The transcriptions, HTML coding, and digital images were prepared by Michael N. Salda and a group of 23 graduate English students enrolled in a course on Bibliography and Methods of Research. Special thanks are due to Dee Jones, former curator of the de Grummond Collection, for her advice and assistance throughout the construction of the archive. The transcripts attempt to represent accurately all textual matter, including obvious typographical errors.