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Spray Paint Art Tutorials. [Gnomon绘画教程系列III]How To Render Matte Surfaces-Shad. Webisode 2: Painting the Eye. Dynamic Sketching I With Peter Han. DON'T BE AFRAID TO PAINT WITH WATERCOLORS Try this exercize. Twelve years ago I decided to get a grip and TRY to paint with watercolors.As usual I tensed up, by stomach got knots in it and I felt this sinking feeling.

Well it's hard to master. We are afraid of making a mistake, of doing something foolish, of looking ridiculous and we are afraid of FAILURE. I told myself I was afraid of wasting time, wasting paper, wasting paint and wasting my mind with worry but really I was afraid of failing. Somehow I got through it, and painted this very neat, careful, pinched, teeny, restricted and very lame little safe watercolor of a white and yellow bowl with teeny, weeny little yellow flowers. It was kinda cute, not all THAT embarrassing, and I forged on. In this article I'm going to give you an exercize that if you have never painted with water colors, will give you confidence to forge on, so stay with me. Anyway here’s how you get started. Here is a simple approach. The grapes in the fruit picture were painted one at a time. Here's another tip. Rock Poster Design: From Concept Development to Execution.

50 Illustrator Tutorials Every Designer Should See. Adobe Illustrator can be a little tricky to get your head around, particularly after getting used to the workflow of applications such as Photoshop. The differences between layer use and the creation of objects and shapes can be really strange at first hand.

Luckily there’s a range of help available for free online in the form of tutorials. Here is my collection of hand-picked articles from various sites that every designer should see, whether you’re a beginner or advanced user, there will be something here for you! Vector Tracing a Photo Create the Photoshop CS2 Splash Graphic Illustrating a Summer Field Landscape How to Turn Glasses into a Great Geek Icon Create a Vector Film Slate Icon A Guide to Illustrator’s Paintbrush Tool and Brush Panel A Guide to Illustrator’s Blend Tool How to Create a Cute Bunny Vector Character Design with Swirls and Flourishes Swirl Mania in Illustrator and Photoshop Designing a Sleek Pencil Icon Illustrator Watercolour Brush Tutorial Creating a Vector Folder Icon. Book Cover Creator. ReadWriteThink has a variety of resources for out-of-school use. Visit our Parent & Afterschool Resources section to learn more.

More Download the plug-in tools you need to use our games and tools, or check to see if you've got the latest version. Learn more Home › Parent & Afterschool Resources › Games & Tools Tool Why Use This Tool Here's What To Do More Ideas To Try Send Us Feedback Why Use This Tool The Book Cover Creator allows users to type and illustrate front and back covers, and full dust jackets. Back to top Here's What To Do A variety of templates allow users to create just a book's front cover, front and back cover, or a full dust jacket. More Ideas To Try Send Us Feedback We invite you to share your experiences with this resource and provide us with any feedback on how it can be improved. Tell us what you thought about this Game or Tool.

Art Courses

Artist Peers. Draw with Photoshop Elements 10 Pencil Tool. Drawing with the Pencil tool in Photoshop Elements 10 creates hard edges. You can’t get the soft, feathery edges that you can with the Brush tool. In fact, the edges of a pencil stroke can’t even be anti-aliased. Keep in mind that if you draw anything other than vertical or horizontal lines, your lines will have some jaggies when they’re viewed up close. But hey, don’t diss the Pencil just yet. Follow these steps to become familiar with the Pencil tool: Select the Pencil tool from the Tools panel.You can also press the N key. Digital Photography Glossary adapter Device used to attach certain lenses or filters to your digital camera. Adobe Photoshop The leading professional image-editing program for your computer. Adobe Photoshop Album A program that enables you to view one or several of your images at the same time, all in one easily navigated workspace.

Adobe Photoshop Elements A less expensive version of Photoshop with fewer of the ultra-high-end features the professional version includes. blog. The Art of Sycra Yasin - Concept art, Caricatures, Life drawing. Sycra's Art Videos. How to Draw Interesting Poses. How to Draw: Foreshortening with the Coil Technique. How to Draw - Proportions of the Adult Male Head.

How to Draw - Proportions of the Adult Female Head. Femaleheadproportions.jpg (2550×1374) Maleheadproportions.jpg (2550×1374) Forum. Emilia Clarke Speed Painting. Zarza Speed Painting. 5-Pencil Method — Learn to draw realistically. Digital art.

Nude Figure Studies

Maggot Art. (56) Maggot Art. Ifunny_ Pheed Channel (illusions_) ArtFreck: Sketchbook Feature: Inward outward! i want to draw. Art. Painting Tutorials. Ps. Tutorials (photo & drawing mostly) Tutoriais Photoshop. Art. Ctrl+Paint - Digital Painting Simplified. Art / Creative. The 10 laws of Photoshop etiquette | Photoshop. Designers, freelancers, lend me your ears. Whether you work as the former or the latter, at some point in your career you will have a job where end goal is to to pass your Photoshop files onto someone else.

Many of us have been on the receiving end of that relationship. And there's come a time when we've opened up that PSD file and thought "What the hell? ". I've personally experienced an instance in which a creative agency's contract for a particularly large design job was terminated due to the fact that they had supplied messy PSD files that no one could make head or tail of. Want to avoid damaging client relationships and getting yourself a bad rep within the design community?

01. As boring and mundane as it sounds: name your layers. Once labelled, organise these layers into group folders; allowing you to move and show/hide various large sections with ease. 02. Establish a simple naming convention that not only works for you, but would also work if your granny had to read it. 03. 04. Commission ~ Artistmyx Warp Zone. 3 Ways to Color Your Drawing in Photoshop ~ Artistmyx Warp Zone. 'Primary Sky' Painting Demo. Hello Zazzlers and friends.Today I bring you a list of programs you can use to pursue your creative endeavors.

Some are free to use, others will have some limitations but still you can download it and give it a try. I'll be upadating this list as I can.1. Adobe Creative Suite - A few posts ago I mentioned that Adobe is giving away an old version of Adobe Creative Suite with serial number and everything. This is a very good software even if an old version. You can use it to make your first contact with Adobe. 2. Inkscape provides source tarballs for Linux (binary packages are offered by the distributor), packages for Windows XP/Vista/7 (fully self-contained installer), and Mac OS X (DMG). 3. Supported Platforms GNU/Linux (i386, PPC)Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista)Mac OS XSun OpenSolarisFreeBSD 4. DrawPlus Starter Edition System SpecsPentium PC with mouseMicrosoft Windows® 8, 7, Vista, or XP (32-bit) operating system512MB RAM250MB free hard disk space1024 x 600 monitor resolution 6. 7. 8. 9. (3) Shawn Welch - Google+ - Announcing My New “Shoot Like a Pro” Tour<...

Rendering Reflective Surfaces: Schoolism online course. Traditional media sketch enhanced in Photoshop.