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Providia. Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News. Tripwire magazine – Graphic and Web Design Blog. Blog. This is an entertaining How To Screen Print video made by Bob Campbell.


Bob runs a screen printing business part time working in his basement. Check out his video. This video by Ryonet goes over the basics of How To Screen Print. Most of the commercial screen printing exposure units have a vacuum blanket made of rubber. Industrial design courses ? designboom. Watch your favorites. Anytime. For free. Help. The Best Star Wars Easter Eggs « The Star Wars movies are filled with little Easter Eggs that you normally have to go frame by frame to see.

The Best Star Wars Easter Eggs «

Some, like the infamous Return of the Jedi tennis shoe (more on this below) are impossible to see. Others, such as E.T. in The Phantom Menace or the Millennium Falcon in Attack of the Clones, are easier to spot. Below you’ll find five of the best Easter Eggs in the Star Wars films, along with a bonus one. E.T. in The Phantom Menace. Star Wars never looked so real.

This set of images, where the Star Wars scenes appear so realistic, is called “StArt Wars”. The shooting of the photos happened in Dubai and is directed by photographer Cedric Delsaux from France. The project shows how Star Wars would look if it took place on the earth instead of the space. He is an awarded photographer and winner of the newcomer’s “France Bourse du Talent” competition which stands for “Young Talent Award for Photography”. If you are a Star Wars fan you should check out why Star Wars movie posters in Russia differ from other posters. Like this: Marketing & Social Media. Fonts. Typography.