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Schmutzige Kriege - Reportage & Dokumentation SENDETERMIN Fr, 29.11.13 | 00:01 Uhr Die geheimen Kommandoaktionen der USA Mit der Dokumentation "Schmutzige Kriege" führen Jeremy Scahill und Richard Rowley in eine völlig unbekannte Welt von geheimen Kriegseinsätzen der USA in Afghanistan, Jemen, Somalia und weiteren Gebieten. Teils Politthriller, teils Detektivfilm beginnt "Schmutzige Kriege" als investigative Reportage über einen nächtlichen Angriff von US-Einheiten in Afghanistan, bei dem viele Zivilisten starben, darunter zwei schwangere Frauen. Schnell entwickelt sich eine weltweite Recherche über eine bis dahin unbekannte Parallelwelt der mächtigen und streng geheimen Spezialeinheit der Amerikaner, genannt Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC).

cine pobre - international low budget + high intellect film festival Filtro dos Sonhos The dream of a youngster is interrupted by violence. witer/director: Raiane Vasconcelos Living with Leviathan When ordinary people who share funny cat videos on social media start to spread information about what to do in case of being taken into custody, it's called terrorism. ... [+] La Fête de l'Art Contemporain A través de ficción, éste video plantea el desarrollo de un hipotético certamen de artes visuales, cuyo tranfondo argumental es la superación de la llamada ... [+]

Tela Digital - Bem-vindo Festival de Vídeo Tela Digital - O festival que exibe curtas selecionados na tevê, dá prêmios em dinheiro e remunera os filmes veiculados! Iniciativa da Associação Cultural Kinoforum e da Tv Brasil com o objetivo maior de dar oportunidades de novos olhares para a TV. O programa contou em sua primeira edição em 2009, também com a parceria do Festival do Minuto, através da utilização do sistema de exibição na internet, os filmes inscritos para exibição no Tela Digital. O Festival Tela Digital foi criado com a intenção de integrar os públicos de Televisão, Internet e Festival. Ao provocar esta interatividade é possível mostrar ao público que aquele(a) que está na tela pode ser em potencial um realizador(a).

SurfTheChannel August 28, 2014 Question 1 of 4: How often do you use Mozilla Firefox? Question 2 of 4: Blubbr. Proposer des quizz video a vos eleves Mise à jour Septembre 2016 – Le site n’existe plus Blubbr est un outil TICE qui permet de créer facilement des quiz vidéo pour une classe. La vidéo est devenue le média dominant sur le web, elle a toujours été un formidable support pédagogique à l’école.

Politik Sinema Dendiğinde Akılda Kalan 20 Dokunaklı Film Açlık grevleri, askeri darbeler, derin devlet oyunları, IRA, ETA mücadelesi, etnik ayrımcılık, faşizme direniş ve illa ki savaşlar her daim pelikülün konusudur. İyi seyirler demeden önce ufak bir hatırlatma! Politik sinema filmleri izlemek zordur, öyle patlamış mısırınızı alıp koltuğa kurulamazsınız.

photo Blur - photos en ligne gratuit Blur Tool Photo Blur Effect The Blur effect uses selective focus to make parts of a photo stand out by adjusting the aperture and increasing your image's depth of field. Translated: you can leave parts of your photo in sharp focus while blurring the background with our digital brush in a quick and easy step! Photo Blur Guide 1. VBS.TV About ©2016 VICE Media LLC United States The VICE Channels Featured Video This Teenager Is Fighting Climate Change by Suing the Government TVRage.Com Five-Minute Film Festival: Parent-Teacher Partnerships I recently put together a landing page here on Edutopia with all of our resources for parents, so my eye was caught by a fantastic blog post this week by Mark Phillips, "Beyond Back-to-School Night: Parents and Teachers as Allies." Mark gives actionable tips for both parents and teachers about how best to work together -- a topic which I know is of perpetual interest to everyone involved in education. It's all too easy for parents and teachers to be portrayed as being in opposition.

İzleyenleri Ağlatan 10 Yerli Aşk Filmi Sinemamızın 100. yılını kutladık 2014’te. Bu yüz yılllık serüvende geçmişten günümüze bizleri oyunculuklarıyla konularıyla müzikleriyle etkileyen bu filmlerden liste yaparken hayli zorlandığımı itiraf etmem gerek. Hepsi birbirinden güzel bu sinema filmlerine yenilerinin ekleneceğini bilmenin keyfiyle işte listemiz; Selvi Boylum Al Yazmalım Başyapıtlarımızdan biri sayılan, Cahit Berkay’ın bestelediği müziğiyle yüreklerimize dokunan ‘Selvi Boylum Al Yazmalım’ şüphesiz ki listenin olmazsa olmazlarından.

Los Movies Online business presentation software to create free, cool, animated, powerpoint video alternatives Sign up to Powtoon Already have an account? Log In Or Top 10 Landscapes in Cinema By James Oliver Just as in painting, there's an art to filming landscapes. Too many directors and cinematographers make their locations look like postcards. Here's a list that salutes those filmmakers who know how to make topography part of their vision. Be it rural or urban, these are filmmakers who make us see the world with fresh eyes... NB.

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