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Pribramsky & Co. Pribramsky & Co. Pribramsky & Co. Creating or Advancing Your Accounting Practice in A Shifting World - MoneyThumb. What is Adaptive Learning Technology? In the CPA Review game, we’ve all heard the phrase “adaptive learning technology” but what does that even mean?

What is Adaptive Learning Technology?

It’s become a buzzword thrown out by many CPA Review Courses, but can it even help you? The short answer? Yes it can. Exam Review Courses that utilize adaptive learning software essentially avoid the standard linear learning style of starting at chapter one, and reading through to the last chapter. It’s designed to build a study program that fits around busy schedules, and prepare CPA Exam candidates for the actual exam. Another Unfortunate Fallout of Pandemic: Huge Increase in Lending Scams - MoneyThumb. What CPA Candidates Must Remember During This Pandemic. Pribramsky & Co.

5 Types of Loans Hard Money Lenders Won't Fund - MoneyThumb. Rebuilding Your Accounting Practice in a Post Lock Down World - MoneyThumb. Advice From Martha Stewart On Personal Finances During Pandemic - MoneyThumb. How to Study For Your CPA While Working Remote. The novel coronavirus has truly changed the way we go about our everyday lives.

How to Study For Your CPA While Working Remote

Things we never thought about before, like going to the grocery store, going to the gym, and going to work are being changed and restricted at a rapid pace. Many of us are now telecommuting (or working from home) as many businesses, accounting firms included, try to curb the spread of the virus. Working from home on such short notice is likely to throw you for a loop, even though most accounting jobs can easily be done from home. This is especially true if you’re also trying to study for the CPA Exam. All of a sudden you need to set up a home office, figure out your work hours, figure out your study hours, stay as productive as possible, and maintain some level of sanity.

Covid-19 Causes Jitters In Traditional Lending Markets, Opens Doors for Private Lenders - MoneyThumb. What Section of the CPA Exam to Sit for first. Right now, deciding how to study, what to study, or even if you should be studying can seem daunting and difficult to determine.

What Section of the CPA Exam to Sit for first

Given upcoming CPA Exam changes to certain exam sections and Prometric delays, the conditions that the current pool of CPA Candidates face is unprecedented. Because of this, the approach these candidates take to the exam should differ to the typical method and CPA Exam section order to prevent unnecessary confusion as the study material changes. That’s why we recommend that if you haven’t already passed these parts, you study in the following order to limit the amount of disruption you may experience: The Best Advice for Accountants Working From Home - MoneyThumb. NASBA Recommends State Boards Extend Testing Windows - What States Have Extended So Far?

The CPA Exam is difficult enough at the best of times – but right now, with COVID-19 impacting study journeys and delaying test dates, it’s even tougher.

NASBA Recommends State Boards Extend Testing Windows - What States Have Extended So Far?

Typically CPA Candidates have 18 months to sit for and pass all four sections of the CPA Exam – but because of these delays, NASBA is encouraging State Boards to extend their testing windows for all exam sections as well as their NTS. What would this mean for you? While this kind of extension is solely determined by the State Boards, this could mean that candidates who have sat for (and passed) at least one exam section could have additional time to complete all four sections due to COVID-19 delays. What States have extended so far, and what is the extension? Interview With Ralph Mayer, President & Founder of MoneyThumb - MoneyThumb. Changes to the CPA Exam? What Does That Mean For You.

The American Institute of CPAs’ Council held their first-ever virtual Council meeting, where they elected a new chair and approved the CPA Evolution model that AICPA and NASBA have been developing with a focus on more technology skills.

Changes to the CPA Exam? What Does That Mean For You

This, along with an updated Exam to reflect the changes, is expected to be available in January 2024. What is the CPA Evolution? The CPA Evolution licensure model approved by the AICPA Council will center around a core in accounting, auditing, tax and technology. CPA candidates are then able to choose a discipline – such as tax compliance and planning, business reporting and analysis, or information systems and controls — where they can demonstrate deeper skills and knowledge to accommodate the changing needs of clients and businesses. Survey Says: Cost of Funding Main Concern of Non-Traditional Lenders - MoneyThumb. How This Candidate Achieved Higher Than 95 on the CPA Exam. Each year, the AICPA awards the Elijah Watt Sells Award to CPA Exam test takers who average a score of 95 or above across all exam sections.

How This Candidate Achieved Higher Than 95 on the CPA Exam

This year, Austin Krug was one of the winners – want to know his secret to passing with such a high score? Look no further – we sat down with Austin to talk through his experience, and how Surgent CPA Review helped him like no other course could. You can watch his video interview here, or read his answers below. 1. Tell us about your CPA journey. I graduated from college in December 2018 and started studying that January. 2. Marketing Your Small Businesses During Pandemic: What Has Changed? - MoneyThumb. Top Tips For Virtual Meetings and Interviews. Everybody knows that the face of Accounting (and every other industry) has changed with current events.

Top Tips For Virtual Meetings and Interviews

From Zoom conferences to solely-digital internships, virtual meetings are taking over, and as that happens – the way you approach them must change too. It’s no surprise that a virtual internship, or a virtual meeting, can feel a little different than it would if you were talking to them face-to-face. But your professionalism should not suffer because of it. That includes preventing tech issues, mitigating potential interruptions and bringing your A-game to the meeting. 6 Reasons Why Private Equity Firms Are Becoming Lenders - MoneyThumb. Surgent CPA Review. IRS Issues Annual Dirty Dozen Tax Scams Amidst Pandemic - MoneyThumb.

Press Release: Surgent Exam Review to Host Roundtable for Finance Professionals Adapting to the Virtual Work Environment. Surgent Exam Review is proud to announce a free virtual roundtable, titled “Professionalism in a Virtual World: Preparing for the New Normal” on July 22, 2020 4-5 p.m.

Press Release: Surgent Exam Review to Host Roundtable for Finance Professionals Adapting to the Virtual Work Environment

EDT. The strategic discussion will feature a panel of esteemed experts who will address the challenges a virtual professional may face. Topics will include recruiting, interviewing, managing one’s time as well as exploring aspects of mental health associated with the virtual work environment. Panelists will include: Paul Wiese, Vice-President of Global Strategic Partnerships for Surgent Exam Review; Jennifer Neal, National Associate Director-Campus Inclusion & Diversity for KPMG, LLP; Maunda Land, MBA, CMP, CAE, President and CEO of LAND Consultants, LLC; Raymond J Elson DBA, CPA, CGMA, Professor of Accounting at Valdosta State University. The New Yellow Book: The Must Read Thriller for Summer 2020 – Accounting and Tax News & Insights Blog. Perhaps I’ve over-hyped the title to this blog post a little by using the word “thriller.”

The New Yellow Book: The Must Read Thriller for Summer 2020 – Accounting and Tax News & Insights Blog

However, if COVID-19 has relegated a planned summer vacation from a trip to the coast to wading in a backyard kiddie pool with your dog staring at you, you’re a little desperate for entertainment. Good news, since the new Yellow Book became effective for audits for periods ending on or after June 30, 2020, the Government Accountability Office has indeed penned a must-read for you. The even better news is that the new Yellow Book can be downloaded for free at However, Amazon is gladly selling you a new paperback copy for $15.99, a used copy for $13.00, or the Kindle edition for $4.99. My favorite Amazon offering is one that ships from the United Kingdom for $25.37.

Services — Pribramsky & Co. Audits Stockholders, creditors, Condo Association Boards of Directors and private investors often need assurance that the financial statements accurately represent the true financial position of a company.

Services — Pribramsky & Co.

Our audit and attestation team can provide three levels of assurance to meet your needs. Audit – Greatest Degree of Assurance An audit provides the greatest degree of assurance. An audit is an analytical review and objective examination of the financial statements, including the verification of specific information as determined by the auditor or as established by general practice. Our work includes testing of selected transactions and communication with third parties.