Related: pribramskyandcompany • accountingservicesnpbfl • accountantnorthpalmbeach • northpalmbeachaccountantMeet DeAnn Eckdahl, an award-winning facilitator – CPAWSB Blog CPAWSB recently presented DeAnn Eckdahl, CPA, CA, with the KBH Facilitator Award, which recognizes facilitators or session leaders who have had a notable and positive impact on their candidates and approach their role with a dedication to excellence. In this series, we ask our award winners five questions about the CPA program. What is your favourite thing about being a facilitator in the CPA program? Facilitating provided me with the benefit and privilege of flexibility to support my children, one of whom faces additional challenges due to an Autism Spectrum Diagnosis.
Practical tactics and time-saving tools: Part 1 – CPAWSB Blog This two-part mini-series will introduce practical, and time-saving study tips split into two parts. The posts will focus on the tactics, that is using a larger goal to work backwards from, followed by tools, the daily tasks we complete to work towards that larger goal. Why am I studying on a Wednesday night after a gruelling day at work? First, define your long-term goals, then you can start broadly with your “why” to develop your strategy. How Do I Reach a Real Person at the SSA? - Amy Northard, CPA - The Accountant for Creatives® Here are the steps you need to take to reach a real person on the phone at the Social Security Administration. Before you call, make sure you have all of the information that you need. - Social Security cards and birth dates for those who you are calling about. - Any letters or notices the SSA sent youThe SSA telephone number is 1-800-772-1213, as of March 31st, 2020 they are available from 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday. The best time to call is early in the morning.The first question the automated system will ask you is to choose your language.Once you’ve set your language, you will be directed to the main menu.A prompt will ask you what your inquiry is about.
The New Yellow Book: The Must Read Thriller for Summer 2020 – Accounting and Tax News & Insights Blog Perhaps I’ve over-hyped the title to this blog post a little by using the word “thriller.” However, if COVID-19 has relegated a planned summer vacation from a trip to the coast to wading in a backyard kiddie pool with your dog staring at you, you’re a little desperate for entertainment. Good news, since the new Yellow Book became effective for audits for periods ending on or after June 30, 2020, the Government Accountability Office has indeed penned a must-read for you. The even better news is that the new Yellow Book can be downloaded for free at www.gao.gov/yellowbook. However, Amazon is gladly selling you a new paperback copy for $15.99, a used copy for $13.00, or the Kindle edition for $4.99.
Practical tactics and time-saving tools: Part 2 – CPAWSB Blog In the first of the mini-series, I discussed practical time-saving tactics and tools to map the long-term trajectory of your goals. This second post will add more tactics and tools to help you execute that strategy to achieve your larger goals. Prepare
CPA Exam Tutors: FAR CPA Tutoring - Leases “I love the sparring lectures. He is great at explaining & I love how he lays out the detail in the spreadsheets.” – Karina “Wanted to give a shout out to the sparring sessions. Does the IRS Allow a P.O. Box Address? - Amy Northard, CPA - The Accountant for Creatives® Your mailing address is the only way the IRS has to get in contact with you, so it’s always good practice to keep it up-to-date and consistent in all of your communications with them. Does the IRS Allow a P.O. Box Address on a tax return, W-9, or W-4? Yes, the IRS will allow a P.O. box address on your tax return only if your post office doesn’t deliver mail to your home. The W-9 and W-4 instructions do not specifically state if a P.O. box is allowed, however, the 1040 (tax return) instructions state that a P.O. box is allowed if mail is not delivered to your home address. If you are moving soon and unsure of your next location, a P.O. box may be the best option for you.
Press Release: Surgent Exam Review to Host Roundtable for Finance Professionals Adapting to the Virtual Work Environment Surgent Exam Review is proud to announce a free virtual roundtable, titled “Professionalism in a Virtual World: Preparing for the New Normal” on July 22, 2020 4-5 p.m. EDT. The strategic discussion will feature a panel of esteemed experts who will address the challenges a virtual professional may face. Topics will include recruiting, interviewing, managing one’s time as well as exploring aspects of mental health associated with the virtual work environment. Panelists will include: Paul Wiese, Vice-President of Global Strategic Partnerships for Surgent Exam Review; Jennifer Neal, National Associate Director-Campus Inclusion & Diversity for KPMG, LLP; Maunda Land, MBA, CMP, CAE, President and CEO of LAND Consultants, LLC; Raymond J Elson DBA, CPA, CGMA, Professor of Accounting at Valdosta State University.
8 Tips to Nail a Phone Interview - Accounting Principals Blog We are a nation addicted to our phones. And while we might sleep with them and take them on vacation, what we aren’t doing is talking on them. Yet despite our aversion to talking on the phone, mastering the phone interview is a necessity if you want to land a job. Acing the phone interview is often a prerequisite to landing an in-person interview, so here are our best phone interview tips: Double Triple check your contact informationTake the time to prepareTest sound quality and connection when possibleSmile!Practice active listeningKeep the end goal in mindEnd the call on a positive noteSend a thank you note
CPA Exam Tutors: AUD CPA Tutor - Internal Control “I love the sparring lectures. He is great at explaining & I love how he lays out the detail in the spreadsheets.” – Karina “Wanted to give a shout out to the sparring sessions. They are VERY helpful. I usually can’t get to them live but really find value in the replays.” Surgent CPA Review By Elizabeth Kolar, MBA, CPA, CGMA If you follow our blog, you may have seen that we’re now recommending (for the time being) to sit for AUD first. That’s quite a departure from our typical Exam section order recommendation, we know. But ultimately, it’s your most efficient route to a passing score right now, with the upcoming exam changes and the Prometric delays that have occurred due to COVID-19. So, if you use this approach – you’re probably going to need some study tips for AUD, huh?
Top Tips For Virtual Meetings and Interviews Everybody knows that the face of Accounting (and every other industry) has changed with current events. From Zoom conferences to solely-digital internships, virtual meetings are taking over, and as that happens – the way you approach them must change too. It’s no surprise that a virtual internship, or a virtual meeting, can feel a little different than it would if you were talking to them face-to-face. But your professionalism should not suffer because of it. Power Move: Part 1 – The Candidate – CPAWSB Blog Power. What is it, and how can we use it effectively? In this three-part mini-series, I will explore the dynamics of power in the context of the CPA Professional Education Program (CPA PEP). This first post explores developing power as a candidate, then examines the ownership of power, and concludes with a discussion of how the power a candidate builds can develop their professional presence. The Intro Emotionally speaking, the weight of a Core 1 Orientation Workshop makes it challenging to teach.
CPA Exam Tutors: REG CPA Tutoring - Property Taxation “I love the sparring lectures. He is great at explaining & I love how he lays out the detail in the spreadsheets.” – Karina