Wimmics is a joint research team between Inria Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée and I3S (CNRS and Université Nice Sophia Antipolis). An introduction to Semantic Web and Linked Data. Ask. Answer. Explore. Whenever. All Statistics. MeTA: ModErn Text Analysis : Setup Guide.
Outline Mac OS X Build Guide Mac OS X 10.6 or higher is required.
You may have success with 10.5, but this is not tested. You will need to have homebrew installed, as well as the Command Line Tools for Xcode (homebrew requires these as well, and it will prompt for them during install, or you can install them with xcode-select --install on recent versions of OS X). Once you have homebrew installed, run the following commands to get the dependencies for MeTA: brew update brew install cmake brew install icu4c To get started, run the following commands: # clone the project git clone cd meta/ # set up submodules git submodule update --init --recursive # set up a build directory mkdir build cd build cp .. You can now test the system by running the following command: ctest --output-on-failure If everything passes, congratulations! Ubuntu Build Guide The directions here depend greatly on your installed version of Ubuntu. Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Build Guide should print and /usr/local/bin/cmake --version.
Norsk samfunnsvitenskapelig datatjeneste (NSD) Semac.no – Medieovervåkning. Elektroniske medier er blitt et sted svært mange velger å uttrykke seg og man kan gjøre dette uten å stå ”ansikt til ansikt” med den man ønsker å kommunisere noe til eller om.
Erfaring fra en rekke saker de siste årene viser at trusler, mobbing, upassende ytringer eller taushetsbelagt informasjon blir formidlet gjennom journalist eller sosialbaserte medier. Stadig oftere legges det ut informasjon som ikke skulle ha vært publisert som berører kunder, leverandører, ansatte eller foretaket man arbeider i. Vi avdekker stadig at det omsettes tyvegods via disse kanalene og at godset kan spores tilbake til interne og eksterne anslag mot våre kunder.
Semac leverer gode overvåkningsløsninger som blir tilpasset hver kunde. Flere av søkemotorene vi bruker er profesjonelle spesialtilpassede lisensierte løsninger. Affinioninternational.no. Big Data. While you are sifting through all the data: we have been looking after the needle in the hay stack.
Big Data is about finding most of the needle in the haystack in the world today; there are so many things happening that our limited consciousness are not able collective to keep track of most things. Everything is now left for chance… Large amount of data, meaning petabytes a day, that is analyzed for a certain purpose. Unstructured data that is filtered from noise and info gathered for important signals. It is all about getting information how an application is running, that could be a policy for a goverment, reputation tweets for businesses, weather data, flight data etc. Introduction. Midnight Research Labs - SEAT. SEAT aaron posted in on August 23rd, 2006 Project Info :: Features :: Screenshots :: Videos :: Downloads :: Documentation :: Developers :: WIKI Project info: SEAT (Search Engine Assessment Tool) is the next generation information digging application geared toward the needs of security professionals. SEAT uses information stored in search engine databases, cache repositories, and other public resources to scan a site for potential vulnerabilities.
It’s multi-threaded, multi-database, and multi-search-engine capabilities permit easy navigation through vast amounts of information with a goal of system security assessment. Features Supported Search Engines: Privacy International. A map of the interconnections between computers generated by running trace routes from a single computer.
Source: The Opte Project, www.opte.org Internet monitoring is the act of capturing data as it travels across the internet towards its intended destination. The units being monitored or captured are often referred to as ‘packets’. Packets are the broken up parts of the data sent (messages, emails, images, web pages, files) over Internet Protocol which computers break into small chunks, rout through a network of computers and then reassemble at their destination to become the message, web page, image or file presented to you on your screen. The infrastructure that supports the internet involves physical infrastructure and electronic systems to connect the world.
Glimmerglass has the capability to capture traffic as it comes from International Gateways and Submarine Landing Stations. HI2 refers to Intercept Related Information, or metadata as it is more commonly known. WiGLE - Wireless Geographic Logging Engine - Plotting WiFi on Maps. Internet of Things. Labs. Big Data, Business Analytics & BI. Analytics.