Sudan to sign partnership agreements with Gulf States – Middle East Monitor. Sudan will sign strategic partnership agreements with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in a move that is set to boost trade and investment, the Sudan News Agency (SUNA) reported yesterday. The announcement was made by the Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir during an official visit to Bahrain and will mean that the African state will be given financial aid, establish trade and agricultural investment projects and set up security and military cooperation agreements.
Following a meeting with Bahrain’s King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa, Al Bashir confirmed the news of the new deal with the GCC and also announced that Sudan and Bahrain have agreed to form a ministerial committee to boost trade and investment between the two counties and to open a new Bahraini Embassy in the Sudanese capital Khartoum. Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir speaks during a press conference on April 04, 2017. ( Minasse Wondimu Hailu – Anadolu Agency ) Read: Saudi and Sudanese forces conduct airforce drill. Sudan: Minister of Investment - Syrian Investments in Sudan Came the Second in 2016. Khartoum — Minister of Investment, Modathir Abdul-Ghani announced that a Sudanese-Syrian Investment Forum would be held during the coming period.
Receiving Syrian businessman, Dr Bashar Samaha and presence of Syrian Ambassador to Sudan, Habeeb Abbas, he Minister unveiled the volume of Syrian investments in Sudan in 2016 came the second compared to big ten investors in Sudan, describing growing of Syrian investments as good indicator for improvement of investment environment in Sudan. He indicated to concern of President of the Republic with Syrian investments and his directives regarding easing obstacles impeding them, referring to the Ministry efforts to make conducive environment for investment via procedural and legal reforms.
The Syrian Businessman, Bashar said that his group ha capabilities and experiences in field of real estate development, referring to the Group's investments in Sudan in fields of agricultural and real estate development. Subscribe to read. Sudan, Kenya Agree to Increase Investment and Trade Exchange. Khartoum — Kenyan official delegation comprising officials and representatives of more than 20 companies and businessmen led by the Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture and Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation at the Kenyan Parliament Edan Mohamed paid visit to the country during this week.
The sessions of the First Sudanese-Kenyan Economic Forum were held under the patronage and organization of the Foreign Ministries and Embassies of the two countries and the Ministry of Agriculture in Kenya, with the participation of a number of officials and businessmen in the two countries. The State Minister at the Ministry of Investment Osama Faisal opened forum and in which participated the representatives of the Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of Investment, the Central Bank of Sudan and the Businessmen Federation as well as Sudan's ambassador to Kenya and the Kenyan Chargé d'affaires in Khartoum.
Sudan, Zambia sign framework cooperation agreement - Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan. February 11, 2017 (KHARTOUM) - Sudan and Zambia on Saturday have signed a framework cooperation agreement besides a number of Memorandum of Understandings (MoU). On Friday, Zambia’s foreign minister Harry Kalaba arrived in Khartoum in an official two-day visit to hold bilateral talks. His visit is considered the first of its kind by a senior Zambian official to Sudan during the last thirty years. The visiting Zambian top diplomat and his accompanying delegation on Saturday met with the Sudanese President Omer al-Bashir at the guest house in Khartoum. Following the meeting, Kalaba told reporters that al-Bashir asked him to convey several messages to the Zambian President Edgar Lungu, adding his visit to Khartoum aims to develop bilateral relations in the various fields.
However, he didn’t elaborate on the exact date of the upcoming visit of the Zambian President Edgar Lungu to Khartoum. Sudan urges China to ‘speed up’ execution of agreed projects – Middle East Monitor. Sudan yesterday urged China to start the new projects which were agreed earlier between the two countries, the Anadolu Agency reported quoting the Sudanese Minister of Finance and National Economy Badr El-Din Mahmoud Abbas. In a meeting with the Chinese Ambassador in Khartoum, Li Lianhe, Abbas called for boosting the mutual cooperation between the two countries to overcome Sudan’s economic difficulties.
Beijing had promised to implement new infrastructure-focused projects in Sudan with the aim of resolving the country’s accumulated debts which have reached $8 billion. Sudan has recently signed several agreements with China in the energy, infrastructure and agricultural sectors. The Sudanese minister described China as the African country’s main trade and development partner, praising its support during the two decades of US imposed trade sanctions. Sudanese-Bahraini Agreement On Formation of Joint Business Council to Bolster Investment Cooperation. Khartoum — The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Investment Dr. Najm-Eddin Hassan Musa reviewed, at his office Wednesday with the Undersecretary of the Foreign Ministry in the Kingdom of Bahrain Wahid Mubarak Sayyal, the bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to boost them further through the joint economic cooperation and expansion of Bahraini investments in Sudan.
The meeting emphasized importance of holding economic forums for investment promotion in Sudan, particularly in the agricultural sector. Musa extended detailed explanation on the climate and opportunities of investment as well as the recent economic developments in Sudan, revealing that his ministry is promoting strategic investment projects focusing on agriculture and processing industries.
Sudan: Investment Minister Welcomes Djiboutian Desire to Invest in Agricultural Sector. Khartoum — The Minister of Investment Mudathir Abdal-Ghani Abdal-Rahman stressed, in a meeting with the Djibouti Minister of Housing, Rehabilitation and Environment Musa Mohamed Ahmed, the importance of developing the economic cooperation through revitalization of the joint ministerial committee to accomplish the mutual interests of the two countries.
The minister stressed his ministry full cooperation with the Djiboutian desire to invest in the country in the food security, pointing out that Sudan supports partnerships with the Arab countries through official agreements, referring to the facilities and guarantees the state provides to encourage investments in all fields. The meeting underscored the need to prepare studies and agreement over the investment partnerships' formula as well as organization of investment forums between the two countries including the businessmen in the two countries, exchange of visits and experiences and provision of the required information. Climate change could render Sudan 'uninhabitable' Temperatures are rising, water supplies are scarce, soil fertility is low and severe droughts are common.
After years of desertification, its rich biodiversity is under threat and drought has hindered the fight against hunger. This burden is affecting not only the country's food security and sustainable development, but also the homes of many Sudanese families. Dust storms -- known locally as "Haboob" -- have also increased in this region. Moving like a gigantic thick wall, it carries sand and dust -- burying homes, increasing evaporation to a region that's struggling to preserve water supplies, as well as eroding valuable fertile soil. Experts say that without quick intervention, parts of the African country -- one of the most vulnerable in the world -- could become uninhabitable as a result of climate change. Increasing temperature "North Africa is already hot and is strongly increasing in temperature.
"That will string from Morocco all the way through to Saudi Arabia," he said. The 2nd China-Sudan Industrial and Commercial Dialogue underway in Khartoum. First day of Sudan's Darfur referendum going on smoothly. World Bulletin / News Desk The war-scarred Sudanese region of Darfur voted Monday in a referendum on its future status despite international criticism and a boycott by rebel groups.
Despite ongoing unrest in areas, President Omar al-Bashir -- wanted on war crimes charges related to the 13-year conflict -- has insisted voting go ahead on whether to unite Darfur's five states into a single region or maintain the status quo. A united Darfur with greater autonomy has long been a demand of ethnic minority insurgents battling the Sudanese government since 2003, but they have boycotted the referendum, saying it is unfair. The United States has also voiced concerns, warning that "if held under current rules and conditions, a referendum on Darfur cannot be considered a credible expression of the will of the people".
"All polling centres in Darfur's five states opened and no centre has encountered any difficulties. There is a good turnout, he told reporters in Nyala, capital of South Darfur State. Size of foreign investments in Sudan amounts to 38 bln USD: report - Cihan World News. Sudan enjoys growing Arab relations. As an Afro-Arab nation, Sudan enjoys all the economic potential of Africa, whilst also taking advantage of its deep-rooted Arabic cultural heritage to forge strong political and economic links with the other Arab countries Given its dual African-Arab heritage, it is often said that Sudan is the primary link between Africa and the Arab world. Owing to its strategic geographical position on the east African coast of the Red Sea, it is not only seen as the point of confluence for the two identities, but also a hub for trade and transport between the two regions. Indeed thanks to the ties it shares with the Arab world, Sudan has been an important gateway for Arab investment, with Gulf countries particularly keen on developing their trade and investment relations with the African continent; one rich with natural resources and investment opportunities.
Indeed Sudan has now implemented the directives of the Arab Food Security initiative, which was approved in the Arab Economic Summit recently. Report-5565ae4ee1726.pdf. New investment law sees Sudan open for business. Following the passing of new legislation that has decentralized investment structures and increased transparency and efficiency – leading to rising foreign investments – Sudan now looks to strengthen its business ties with Gulf partners Thanks to Sudan’s recently amended Investment law, doing business in the country has never been easier. The landmark new bill represents a massive improvement in the country’s business climate, demonstrated by a new influx of foreign investments from around the world recently. The investment law – first implemented in 1999 in the midst of Sudan’s oil boom and responsible for some $31 billion worth of investment in the country over the last fifteen years – was updated last year.
“The law eases the procedures of starting commercial businesses based on the unified window (one-stop) system, due to significant reform of investment regulations,” says the Commissioner of the Khartoum Investment Encouragement Commission. Soudan : de l’or noir à l’or tout court. L’un des centres névralgiques de l’économie soudanaise est un hangar banal niché dans la zone industrielle de Khartoum. Hussein Hassan Ilfadal est le maître de ce lieu qui abrite la troisième raffinerie d’or d’Afrique.
Ce quinquagénaire austère qui génère des millions de dollars n’a pas les manières d’un homme d’affaires mais plutôt la méfiance d’un fonctionnaire soudanais qui dirige avec autorité cette entreprise publique inaugurée en 2012 par le président Omar Al-Bachir. Des camions poussiéreux, venus parfois des zones de conflit du Darfour, du Kordofan du sud, où la ruée vers l’or attise la guerre, déchargent là le minerai. La plus grande partie de la production d’or est artisanale, exhumée par des orpailleurs dépourvus de moyens.
M. Ilfadal n’en a cure. Avec ses 52 employés, ses machines à rayon X et de séparation magnétique dernier cri, il s'enorgueillit d’avoir contribué à porter la production du Soudan à 60 tonnes d’or en 2014, contre 34 tonnes l’année précédente. Sudan plans to export power to Eritrea. Eritrea could soon be able to import electricity from Sudan. This follows the Sudanese Electricity Transmission Company having begun work on a 45 kilometre transmission line between eastern Sudan’s Kassala state and Teseney, just across the border in Eritrea. It also forms part of greater interconnectivity desired in the region, with Ethiopia building the 6,000 MW Grand Renaissance hydroelectric scheme which will be Africa’s largest when completed. That date is targeted for 2017.
In December 2013 Sudan and Ethiopia began implementation of a cross-border electricity link to empower regional electricity within Eritrea, Egypt, Djibouti, Somalia and South Sudan. A 321 kilometre line between Gedaref power station and Ethiopia’s Amhara state was also recently inaugurated. Top Stories:Sudan plans to export power to EritreaEthiopia plans electricity access expansionOver 500 MW of wind capacity in Morocco. China, Sudan sign $700m loan for new Khartoum airport. December 16, 2014 (KHARTOUM) - Sudan and China officially signed a $700 million loan agreement on Tuesday to fund the construction of the New Khartoum International Airport.
Passengers arrive at Khartoum’s international airport on 13 September 2012 (Photo: Reuters /Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah) The new terminal and its facilities, to be built on 86,000 square metre, will receive over 7.5 million passengers annually. The Sudanese authorities plan to offer regional and international services, as the new airport will have two 4,000 metre runways capable of handling large air-planes.
The official news agency SUNA said the agreement was signed in Chinese capital Beijing by the Sudanese finance minister Abdelrahman Dirar and Ms Liang Xiang, the Export and Import Bank of China (EXIM) governor’s assistant on Tuesday. EXIM will fund the new airport terminal through a 20-year loan with a five year grace period, and 2.5% annual interest. China is the biggest investor and buyer of Sudanese oil. Agência de Notícias Brasil-Árabe. The Arab Chamber CEO Michel Alaby is attending the Mining and Food Security Forum in Khartoum.
The Arab country wants foreign cooperation and investment to food and mineral production. São Paulo – Sudan requires US$ 14 billion in investment to improve infrastructure and agricultural and mineral production. The estimate from the Economic Department of the General Union of Arab Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture and was presented last Wednesday (10th) at the Mining and Food Security Forum in Khartoum, the Sudanese capital. The event is held by the General Union and will continue this Thursday (11th). Arab Chamber The forum is being attended by Sudanese and foreign officials The Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce CEO Michel Alaby is attending the forum, alongside government officials, delegates from Sudanese private sector organizations and executives from other chambers of commerce.
International cooperation is also required in order to develop the mineral industry. Food costs soar as Sudan inflation hits 41.2% in MaySudan. Sudan ‘to export fresh water to Gulf states’Sudan. Sudan says Qatar to deposit $1bn as part of aid package - Politics & Economics. What companies need to know about doing business in Sudan. A New Land Route Between Egypt and Sudan طريق بري جديد بين مصر والسودان. Rajhi International for Agriculture and Investment. Sudan Vision Daily - Details. Sudan.pdf. لماذا الإستثمار في السودان