Smart Rules: Six Ways to Get People to Solve Problems Without You. 14 Brilliant Uses for Mind Maps - Engage Your Whole Brain. Mind maps engage your whole brain and allow you to see the big picture.
A mind map is a whole-brain method for generating and organizing ideas which is largely inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s approach to note-taking. The concept was brought into the mainstream by Tony Buzan and is based on patterns found in nature, and on research on how humans think and how the brain works. In “How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci”, Michael J. Gelb explains that by using mind mapping regularly, you can train yourself to be a more balanced thinker, like da Vinci.
Gelb adds that mind mapping stimulates both brain hemispheres: it lets you develop a logical sequence and detailed organization of your material, while encouraging imagination and spontaneity. Women have more active brains than men, according to science. Women’s brains are significantly more active in many more regions than men’s, according to new research.
The findings could help explain why women are more vulnerable to anxiety, depression, insomnia and eating disorders. The study by scientists from Amen Clinics in California is the biggest brain imaging survey to date. It compared over 46,000 brain scans from nine clinics and analyzed the differences between male and female brains. Women in the study tended to have increased blood flow in the red-coloured areas of this brain scan, while men had higher blood flow in the blue parts Image: Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Why Do We Undervalue Competent Management? In MBA programs, students are taught that companies can’t expect to compete on the basis of internal managerial competencies because they’re just too easy to copy.
Operational effectiveness—doing the same thing as other companies but doing it exceptionally well—is not a path to sustainable advantage in the competitive universe. To stay ahead, the thinking goes, a company must stake out a distinctive strategic position—doing something different than its rivals. This is what the C-suite should focus on, leaving middle and lower-level managers to handle the nuts and bolts of managing the organization and executing plans. Michael Porter articulated the difference between strategy and operational effectiveness in his seminal 1996 HBR article, “What Is Strategy?” Common Manager Mistakes - Motto. Writing Clarifies Thinking — Lessons from McKinsey. Within my first few months as a strategy consultant at McKinsey, I was struck by how much of an emphasis was put on the creation of Powerpoint slides.
I’m Tired of Always Having to be Strong. 'Chances are, she's smarter than you': The truth about that 'token' woman you dismiss. Let's just get something straight from the start.
I believe that talent is equally distributed between the sexes. Nothing, in my nearly 36 years on this earth, has led me to think intelligence, insight or wisdom reside to a greater degree in the male of the species, than the female. Nor – perhaps more controversially – do I believe women possess an inherently greater capacity for nurturing. The 2 Mental Shifts Highly Successful People Make – Thrive Global. 10 Things Confident People Never Do. 10 Things Confident People Never Do “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?” 10 Things Women Who Value Their Self-Worth Do Differently In Relationships. Poor self-worth is what traps us in bad relationships, what sabotages new relationships, and what causes us to feel so devastated and broken when a relationship ends.
Having high self-esteem doesn’t guarantee a happy relationship, but it does equip you with the skills to identify what you want and what you deserve to have, and the strength to walk away if something falls short. Richard Restak: A Simple Exercise To Read The Emotions of Others. One of Charles Darwin’s less famous works, his The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, released in 1872, kicked off the idea that emotions carry distinct facial expressions.
We read these emotions naturally, from birth, all the time — it’s part of our innate wiring, and how to relate to and understand others. But we can learn to read them better with some practice. One of the complicating factors in learning to read the emotions of other people is that we’ve been taught from a young age to conceal all emotions. We shouldn’t talk about them, display them, or feel them. Psychopaths: how can you spot one? Future - How to get people to overcome their bias. One of the tricks our mind plays is to highlight evidence which confirms what we already believe.
If we hear gossip about a rival we tend to think "I knew he was a nasty piece of work"; if we hear the same about our best friend we're more likely to say "that's just a rumour". If you don't trust the government then a change of policy is evidence of their weakness; if you do trust them the same change of policy can be evidence of their inherent reasonableness. How Emotionally Intelligent People Deal with Conflict - Motto. How to be a good mentor. CREST Guide: The unexpected questions technique - Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats. This CREST Guide is an overview of an interviewing tactic – the unexpected questions technique – which aims to improve the recall of accurate and reliable information from interviewees.
A consistent finding in deception research is that liars prepare themselves for anticipated interviews. They do so by preparing possible answers to questions they expect to be asked. This strategy of preparing answers for possible questions makes sense since planning makes lying easier and planned lies typically contain fewer verbal cues to deceit than spontaneous lies. Preparing for anticipated questions makes lying easier and planned lies contain fewer cues to deceit than spontaneous lies. Let Your Workers Rebel. Latest Digital Article. How We Suppress Genius and Create Learning Disability: Scott Sonnon at TEDxBellingham.
20 Things to Remember If You Love a Person With Dyslexia. How the business department ditched its workplace macho culture. When people think about gender equality and women’s empowerment, storytelling may not be the first step they envisage. But on 20 April, the nine most senior leaders in the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) took what their permanent secretary Martin Donnelly describes as a “whole precious day” to work with executive coaches from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (Rada) on storytelling and other techniques. Why? Closing the pay gap; flexible working arrangements; tackling unconscious bias in recruitment and promotion; mentoring and coaching: these are the more usual steps towards gender parity in most organisations. 6 tips for dealing with conflict. iStock Nadia Lopez, founding principal of Mott Hall Bridges Academy, is no stranger to a challenge. When she opened the school in Brownsville, Brooklyn — one of the most underserved and violent neighborhoods in New York City — she did it with knowledge that it would be no easy task.
“In challenging spaces, the greatest challenge is that we don’t know what’s causing the challenge — you can’t see it correctly, so you can’t ask the right questions,” says Lopez. When we're Triggered: How to Stop Reacting Defensively. Enjoli – Medium. The boss who can help your video go viral. Image copyright Unruly. Rallying call for female boost in business and the boardroom. Autistic Not Weird. Are You Being a Real Leader or Just Playing the Role of "Boss?" Mental Models I Find Repeatedly Useful. Mental Models I Find Repeatedly Useful. 4 Myths About Disruption - A Discussion with Innosight's Mark Johnson. Are you getting all you can from your board of directors? Veteran director David Beatty finds many boards wanting—and considers how to improve them. Boards of directors have always, in all cultures, represented the shareholders in publicly traded companies—validating financial results, protecting their assets, and counseling the CEO on strategy and on finding, then nurturing, the next generation of leaders.
Everyone Suffers from Imposter Syndrome — Here’s How to Handle It. Coaching vs mentoring – why the difference matters. Recently People SIG committee member Peter Johnson shared his thoughts on this topic inspired (perhaps not the right word!) How Emotionally Intelligent People Deal with Conflict - Motto.