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Zoroastrianism / Mazdaism

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Zoroastrianism. Religion ascribed to the teachings of Zoroaster With possible roots dating back to the Second Millennium BCE, Zoroastrianism enters written history in the 5th century BCE.[13] It served as the state religion of the ancient Iranian empires for more than a millennium, from around 600 BCE to 650 CE, but declined from the 7th century CE onwards following the Muslim conquest of Persia of 633–654 and subsequent persecution of the Zoroastrian people.


Recent estimates place the current number of Zoroastrians at around 110,000–120,000[15] at most, with the majority living in India, Iran, and North America; their number has been thought to be declining.[16][17] The most important texts of the religion are those contained within the Avesta, which includes as central the writings of Zoroaster known as the Gathas, poems within the Yasna that define the teachings of the Zoroaster, the main worship service of Zoroastrianism.

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Zoroastrianism Symbol: Faravahar Zoroastrianism is the ancient, pre-Islamic religion of Persia (i.e. modern-day Iran). It survives there in isolated areas but more prosperously in India, where the descendants of Zoroastrian Persian immigrants are known as Parsis, or Parsees. In India the religion is called Parsiism. Zoroastrian Sacred Texts. Sacred-texts home Journal Articles: Zoroastrianism OCRT: Zoroastrianism Buy CD-ROM Buy books about Zoroastrianism The Zend-Avesta Pahlavi Texts Links Zoroastrianism, in spite of its small current number of adherents, has played a huge role in the study of comparative religion.

Zoroastrian Sacred Texts

Religion: Zoroastrianism.