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Open Government

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Innovation Management Solutions for Government from Brightidea. Fondamentaux de l'Open data et de l'Open Government - Communauté You are a lecturer, journalist, blogger, speaker and you need the source video file?

Fondamentaux de l'Open data et de l'Open Government - Communauté

You can buy: Fee: 1800€ Video file command Fee: 1980€ In the first two cases be careful: you can purchase the file for a single use (for archiving, integration of excerpts in a film company, integrating on your blog in a format and / or another player that you selected): you can not then claim as a commercial file: please read terms and conditions prior to purchase that will appear below. NB. Be careful, you're about to acquire the source file that permits generating this video This does not in any way correspond to an assignment of copyright or opening any proprietary and / or commercial exploitation of this file.

This video is dedicated to use for backup and comfortable viewing in a private setting (under archive, for example if you appear in the film and want to keep track of quality, or to mount a DVD with your response). Thank you for your understanding. Making Data Social. Gov 2.0 Summit 2010 - Co-produced by UBM TechWeb & O'Reilly Conferences, September 07 - 08, 2010, Washington, DC. GovLoop - Social Network for Government. The Future of Governance is Circular - Anatomy of Agile Enterprise. Traditional governance and steering, based on the top-down predict-and-control paradigm, is inert in the face of today's complex and dynamic environments.

The Future of Governance is Circular - Anatomy of Agile Enterprise

Autocratic control based on a single perspective runs the risk of missing other important perspectives and information relevant to decision-making. Democracy is equally inflexible and comes with a higher time-cost -- the majority has control and overshadows oppositional perspectives. Consensus decision-making takes into account all perspectives in an egalitarian manner but is impracticably time- and energy-consuming. It also tends to preserve the status quo, engender groupthink and reward those who are least accommodating. As an alternative approach to governance, the Dutch entrepreneur Gerard Endenburg developed sociocracy, an all-encompassing approach to governance that extends all levels of the organization and includes all its members.

GovTwit - the Government Social Media Directory. GovFresh - Gov 2.0, open government news, guides, TV, tech, people. Open Gov 2.0 Vertical News Environment. Opengov_transparency_shortform.jpeg (Image JPEG, 1107x1808 pixels) Apps4Ottawa—An Open Data App Contest. NYC BigApps 2.0. Welcome to the London Datastore. ? beta.

8 Principles of Open Government Data. [To The Wiki >>] Request for Comments December 7-8, 2007—This weekend, 30 open government advocates gathered to develop a set of principles of open government data.

8 Principles of Open Government Data

The meeting, held in Sebastopol, California, was designed to develop a more robust understanding of why open government data is essential to democracy. The Internet is the public space of the modern world, and through it governments now have the opportunity to better understand the needs of their citizens and citizens may participate more fully in their government. Information becomes more valuable as it is shared, less valuable as it is hoarded. The group is offering a set of fundamental principles for open government data.

Your comments are welcome! Open Government Data Principles Government data shall be considered open if it is made public in a way that complies with the principles below: 1. All public data is made available. 2. 3. Data is made available as quickly as necessary to preserve the value of the data. DoTank. Open Government Initiative. Open Data Policy Guidance to better manage Federal information as an asset to make it more open, accessible, and usable by the public.

Open Government Initiative

Executive Order on Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information The President’s Executive Order on making Federal Government information more open and accessible to promote economic growth and government efficiency. National Action Plan for the United States of America These Open Government efforts are now entering a new phase, as we collaborate with other countries in the global Open Government Partnership. Informing Consumers through Smart Disclosure Memorandum: The purpose of this Memorandum is to set out guidance for agencies to inform and facilitate the use of disclosure, specifically "smart disclosure. " Use co-creation to drive public sector innovation. Creating new solutions with people, not for them, can help drive radical innovation in the public sector.

Use co-creation to drive public sector innovation

By focusing on citizens’ own experiences and resources, co-creation can help identify truly valuable services. Public managers should embrace co-creation to deliver better services and outcomes at less cost. Public servants in most modern governments, from the US and the UK to Denmark, and including ‘challenging’ cases such as Greece, Spain and Ireland, are desperate to try to make budget ends meet. Currently, the universally accepted ‘quick fix’ seems to be across-the board 5%, 10% or even 25% cuts in funding to departments, agencies and other public bodies.

The central platform for crowdsourcing US Government challenges, contests, competitions and open innovation prizes.