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Acoso escolar: “Ten cuidado con tu hijo porque lo están machacando” Una llamada desde un número oculto despertó una noche a Guadalupe Cabanillas.

Acoso escolar: “Ten cuidado con tu hijo porque lo están machacando”

“Ten cuidado con tu hijo porque lo están machacando”, le dijo una voz desconocida. Bullying: Así funciona un colegio antiacoso. Amanda y Aino se mueren de risa.

Bullying: Así funciona un colegio antiacoso

Van vestidas de princesas con un tutú y flores y sujetan con otros cuatro compañeros de su clase de seis años un laberinto de madera con agujeros por el que, entre todos, deben conseguir que pase una bola sin caer al suelo. Lo intentan varias veces. Y lo consiguen. Ya sentadas en el sofá de la clase, mientras sus compañeras hacen planetas con globos y papel, les da otro ataque. 10 recursos educativos para combatir el bullying. El bullying o acoso escolar es una problemática que se repite en las aulas de los diferentes países del mundo, un tema que debe prevenirse y tratarse de forma simultánea en los centros educativos y las familias.

10 recursos educativos para combatir el bullying

Según el último informe de UNICEF (“Ocultos bajo la luz”, publicado en septiembre de 2014), 1 de cada 3 estudiantes del mundo de entre 13 y 15 años han sufrido acoso o intimidación de forma sistemática. A pesar de que se trata de un fenómeno complejo, en el que también influye la sociedad y la cultura, desde los centros educativos puede trabajarse desde la prevención del mismo. Para darte algunas ideas, te proponemos un listado de 10 recursos que puedes utilizar con tu alumnado, ordenado según edad: Arrête, ce n'est pas drôle ! Éducation aux valeurs par le théâtre :

Bullying. Pearltree sobre bullying. Who Will Stop the Bullying? The Most Beautiful Way To Stop A Bully I've Ever Seen. KiVa antibullying program - Parents' Guide. The Power of One - School Video Sample. Cyber-Bullying. The future of the Finnish school. The Finland Phenomenon - El Sistema Educativo Finlandés. KiVa program international trailer. The Global Search for Education: It Takes a Community  "We believe that influencing the bystanders is a key to successful prevention of bullying.

The Global Search for Education: It Takes a Community 

" -- Professor Christina Salmivalli It takes a community to prevent bullying in schools, which is expected to affect 13 million children in the U.S. in the current school year. Stopping the bullying epidemic also requires funding, research, a holistic program developed with that research plus the collaboration and commitment of all the principal stakeholders. Educators in Finland understand how to reduce bullying and victimization in their country, which has one of the world's leading education systems. They already have a comprehensive anti-bullying program in place called KiVa™ (from the Finnish words, kiusaamista vastaan, meaning against bullying). There are 2800 schools in Finland providing comprehensive education from grades 1 through 9. Today I am joined by Professor Christina Salmivalli of the University of Turku, Finland.

One key is focusing on the bystanders. More information about KiVa™ C. Program: KiVa Antibullying Program - Evidence Rating: Promising - More than one study Program Description Program Goals The KiVa Antibullying Program is a school-based program delivered to all students in grades One, Four, and Seven.

Program: KiVa Antibullying Program -

It was designed for national use in the Finnish comprehensive schools. Its goal is to reduce school bullying and victimization. Raise awareness of the role that a group plays in maintaining bullying Increase empathy toward victims Promote strategies to support the victim and to support children’s self-efficacy to use those strategies Increase children’s skills in coping when they are victimized Program Components The program is a whole-school intervention, meaning that it uses a multilayered approach to address individual-, classroom-, and school-level factors.

A program manual provides guidelines to the teachers on how much time should be devoted to each theme. The program actively engages the school and parents. What is Future Learning Finland? KiVa – a novel, research-based anti-bullying program for schools One of the secrets behind student success in Finland lies in creating an inclusive, healthy learning environment, which takes in account pupils as well as teachers and which emphasizes communication between pupils, teachers and parents.

What is Future Learning Finland?

Cohesion is the aim. Kansas to try Finland's anti-bullying program. Bullies in Lawrence, KS are about to get Finn-ished.

Kansas to try Finland's anti-bullying program

That’s right, bullies lurking in school hallways and playgrounds in this prairie state town will soon have to face a fearsome opponent. The state is instituting a winning anti-bullying policy from Europe’s #1 nation in public education, Finland. KiVa — a “holistic” anti-bullying program that enlists support from the entire school community — is flurrying in the Nordic nation of Finland like a benevolent blizzard, freezing harassment in its tracks. An analysis in the January/February 2011 issue of the journal Child Development reports that KiVa instigated a 46 percent reduction in “victimization” and 61 percent reduction in “bullying others” in only nine months — results that many bully-infested American schools should envy. Researchers at the University of Kansas will attempt to duplicate Finland’s success. According to Williford, the number of schools and classrooms involved will depend on the size of the grant they receive. Anti-bullying programme in Finland.

The KiVa anti-bullying programme in Finland provides ways to enhance empathy, self –efficacy and to support the victimized peers.

Anti-bullying programme in Finland

Developed in the University of Turku in Finland, with funding from the Finnish Ministry of Education, the diffusion of KiVA to Finnish comprehensive schools started in 2009. 90% of all comprehensive schools are registered KiVa schools implementing the program. Although KiVa shares some elements with other existing anti-bullying programs, it has many innovative elements that differentiate it from them. First, KiVa includes a broad and encompassing array of concrete and professionally prepared materials for students, teachers, and parents. Rather than offering “guiding principles” to school personnel, it provides them with a whole pack of activities to be carried out with students.

Second, KiVa harnesses the powerful learning media provided by the Internet and virtual learning environments. Kiva_antibullying_program.pdf. Education World: Finland Pioneers Successful Anti-Bullying Program. EducationWorld is pleased to present this article contributed by C.M.

Education World: Finland Pioneers Successful Anti-Bullying Program

Rubin. The piece is part of Rubin's online interview series Global Search for Education, in which she joins globally renowned thought leaders as they explore big-picture education questions that all nations face. For this series and her other online series "How Will We Read? ", she received a 2011 Upton Sinclair award. Rubin is also the author of three bestselling books, including The Real Alice in Wonderland. It takes a community to prevent bullying in schools, which is expected to affect 13 million children in the U.S. in the current school year. Educators in Finland understand how to reduce bullying and victimization in their country, which has one of the world’s leading education systems. There are 2,800 schools in Finland providing comprehensive education from grades 1 through 9. Today I am joined by Professor Christina Salmivalli of the University of Turku, Finland.

One key is focusing on the bystanders. 143565_Kristiina_Laitinen_Pestalozzi_KiVa_04_10_2012.pdf. What is KiVa and how does it work? - KiVa. KiVa is an innovative school-based antibullying program which has been developed using cutting-edge research on bullying and its mechanisms Prevention, intervention, and monitoring KiVa is an evidence-based program to prevent bullying and to tackle the cases of bullying effectively.

What is KiVa and how does it work? - KiVa

The former is crucial but also the latter is important, as no prevention efforts will make bullying disappear once and for all; there need to be tools to be utilized when a case of bullying comes to light. The third aspect of KiVa is constant monitoring of the situation in one’s school and the changes taking place over time; this is enabled by the online tools included in KiVa. These tools produce annual feedback for each school about their implementation of the program as well as the outcomes obtained. The main components of KiVa KiVa includes both universal and indicated actions. KiVa International - KiVa. Finlandia combate el acoso escolar. En la ciudad de Espoo, a unos 25 kilómetros al noroeste de Helsinki, la escuela primaria Karamzin fue pionera en la implantación del programa KiVa para prevenir y neutralizar el acoso escolar.

En una clase, la maestra proyecta una serie de dibujos que muestran diferentes situaciones de conflicto entre alumnos. “¿Es esto acoso?” , pregunta. Finlandia: pionero exitoso del Programa de Prevención de la Intimidación. El bullying o acoso, es un tema no nuevo pero si relativamente de moda, consiste en la presencia de violencia que un individuo intimidante ejerce sobre otro (intimidado), se presenta en diversos contextos sin importar las edades, sexos, ideologías o razas.