World Photos. Unlikely. Mister-Solo's Photostream. Met dit horloge voor blinden wil je gezien worden. Met dit stijlvolle horloge genaamd The Bradley zie je niet alleen de tijd, je voelt hem ook.
En dat is niet alleen handig voor blinden en slechtzienden maar ook voor zienden, bijvoorbeeld wanneer je je in een donkere bioscoopzaal bevindt en geen zin hebt om je smartphone tevoorschijn te halen. En dus vormt iedereen de doelgroep voor de Kickstartercampagne om het horloge om de markt te brengen. Binnen enkele dagen hebben de makers al ver boven de benodigde 40.000 dollar aan financiering binnengehaald. Vanaf 128 dollar kun je er eentje voorbestellen. Rich Kids Of Instagram. (21) Amazing Facts. Schilderen met licht: voorbijflitsende nachttreinen. Fotograaf Aaron M. Hong-kong-vertical-landscape-8. The LEGO collection - Page 1 of 44. Browse online creative portfolios for collaboration, content, and inspiration - The Creative Finder.
Image. DesignTAXI - Driving you to bright ideas for the past 10 years. Facebook, Twitter called out for deleting photo metadata. Photographers turning to social networks like Facebook and Twitter to promote their work may be losing the legal rights to their photos because the sites are deleting the images’ metadata.
Those sites, in addition to Flickr, are among some of the largest social networks that delete the identifying data at various stages of the image upload and download process, according to the results of a survey released Tuesday by the International Press Telecommunications Council, a worldwide consortium of news agencies based in London. The deletion of such data is a problem for professional photographers because the metadata often includes key information such as who owns the image’s copyright, the photographer’s name, captions and other descriptive data. If these data disappear, the floodgates are open for unauthorized use of photographers’ photos, IPTC claims. Image metadata was also deleted when saving a photograph locally after posting it on Twitter, the study showed. The Best Social Network ever. 7 Image Search Tools That Will Change Your Life. By Maria Popova What martinis have to do with reverse art lookup and obscure German calendars from the 1990’s.
Although Google has been playing with some fun image search toys in its lab and the official Google Image Search has recently significantly upped its game, some of its most hyped features — color search, instant scrolling, hover preview — are but mere shadows of sleeker, better versions that geekier, more sophisticated image search tools offer. Here are seven of our favorites. oSkope is a visual search assistant that lets you browse images and products from popular sites like Amazon, eBay, YouTube and Flickr in a highly intuitive way. You can skim thumbnails related to your search keywords and save search results from different services to a visual bookmark bar at the bottom of your browser screen. Thanks, Amrit! CompFight is a Flickr search tool tremendously useful for all your comp stock image needs but also doubling as a visual inspiration ignition engine.
M I N I M A L. M I N I M A L. Beeldblog voor kunst, cultuur en technologie. Things Fitting Perfectly Into Other Things. The leading free stock photography site. Fotograaf met een scherp oog. Deel op Facebook Volgende Froot Fotograaf met een scherp oog De Britse fotograaf Matt Stuart heeft een zeer scherp oog.
Ogenschijnlijk alledaagse taferelen verandert hij in hilarische situaties door precies de juiste hoek te kiezen. Look At The World's Greatest Skylines Without Any Lights On. When we envision the world’s greatest cities--from San Francisco to Sao Paulo to Paris to Tokyo--we usually picture bridges and towers and cathedrals: the built environments that have left lasting impressions on our mind’s eyes.
The irony being that those skylines have been in place for at most a century or two; the sky above has looked the same for millions of years. Our greatest cities are often the sources of the most light pollution. In those places, we rarely see the stars. But, with a clever method of composite imaging, the French photographer Thierry Cohen has turned the lights out in the city to reveal the stunning stars that have always been overhead.
In his series "Darkened Cities," Cohen creates a visual reminder of what the world would look like if it were free of light pollution, and asks us to ponder how an increasingly urban society can disconnect us from the natural world. Search in a Giphy. When Beaches Become Giant Sand Art Canvases. Photo: Image via: becky-garrett Peter Donnelly is an artist who can truly claim to see the bigger picture while attending to the devil that’s in the detail.
He is also an artist who is far from precious about his work, since few mediums can be as transitory as the one he chooses to work in. While humankind has surely been creating artworks out of sand since long before we have been able to preserve any trace of their fleeting existence, few sand artists can have worked on such a scale as Peter Donnelly. And few revelled so much in the march of the incoming tide. Photo: Image via: Panoramio Based in Christchurch, New Zealand, Peter Donnelly has been practicing his unique take on sand art for over ten years, a period during which he has created almost one thousand pieces of art – only to see each creative outpouring washed away by the encroaching sea.