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È morto il potente capo dell'esercito algerino, Ahmed Gaid Salah. La televisione di stato algerina ha annunciato la morte di Ahmed Gaid Salah, potente capo dell’esercito e uno dei personaggi centrali degli ultimi turbolenti mesi di politica del paese. Gaid Salah aveva infatti accentrato su di sé molti poteri dopo le dimissioni forzate del presidente Abdelaziz Bouteflika, che era stato costretto a lasciare il potere a causa delle grandi proteste contro il suo regime e della pressione dell’esercito. Salah era capo dell’esercito dall’estate 2004. Era stato il principale sostenitore delle elezioni presidenziali che si sono tenute il 12 dicembre nel paese, boicottate dall’opposizione e vinte da Abdelmadjid Tebboune, esponente della vecchia élite politica algerina.

Algeria: Le elezioni della discordia – Divagazioni. Domani, 12 dicembre 2019, è giorno di elezioni in Algeria. Il governo provvisorio ha indetto elezioni presidenziali per colmare il vuoto istituzionale creato dalle dimissioni dell’ex presidente Abdelaziz Bouteflika, presentate il 2 aprile scorso. Ma la popolazione che chiede una vera transizione verso la democrazia nella sua maggioranza rifiuta queste elezioni e si mobilita per ostacolarle. Secondo la road-map tracciata dal governo nominato dai militari, la soluzione alla crisi istituzionale che vive l’Algeria passa per l’elezione di un nuovo Presidente della Repubblica.

Secondo la popolazione che manifesta dal 22 febbraio scorso, prima contro Bouteflika, poi contro tutto il regime, la strada è tutt’altra. Da ‘No al 5° mandato’ a ‘Togliamoli tutti’ Quando il vecchio presidente, ormai malato e malapena capace di muoversi e di parlare, si presentò di fronte al Consiglio Costituzionale per presentare le dimissioni, ci furono dei timidi festeggiamenti. La Roadmap del Generale "Mi piace": Algeria: elezioni, ha vinto Tebboune - Ultima Ora - ANSA. Algeria: Bouteflika's brother sentenced to 15 years in prison. A military court in Algeria has sentenced the brother of former President Abdulaziz Bouteflika to 15 years in prison for plotting against the state and undermining the army, according to state media. Three other co-defendants - two former intelligence chiefs and the head of a political party - were given the same sentence, APS news agency reported on Tuesday.

Said Bouteflika was widely seen as the real power behind the presidency after his brother suffered a debilitating stroke in 2013. He was arrested in May, along with the two ex-intelligence bosses - Mohamed Mediene and Athmane or Bachir Tartag - and leftist leader Louisa Hanoune over a meeting in which they allegedly discussed imposing a state of emergency and firing army chief Ahmed Gaid Salah as a last-ditch effort to preserve the rule of the former president. Bouteflika was forced to quit in April in the face of mass protests against his 20-year-rule. SOURCE: Al Jazeera and news agencies. Islamist leader elected new speaker of Algeria parliament. Algerian legislators have elected an Islamist opposition figure as speaker of Algeria's parliament, according to state media. Slimane Chenine, the leader of a parliamentary alliance of three small Islamist parties, will replace Mouad Bouchareb of the National Liberation Front (NLF), the party that was led by former president Abdelaziz Bouteflika, state television reported late on Wednesday.

Bouchareb resigned on July 2 amid pressure from protesters and politicians, three months after Bouteflika stepped down following weeks of nationwide protests and pressure from the powerful military. Protesters have continued to take to the streets, demanding an overhaul of the political system and the removal of Bouteflika-era officials from office ahead of eventual elections. In an effort to appease demonstrators, Army Chief of Staff Ahmed Gaid Salah vowed to prosecute government officials and associates of the former president suspected of corruption. Qui est Slimane Chenine, nouveau président de l’APN ? Slimane Chenine, 54 ans, est le nouveau président de l’APN. Il devient le premier opposant à occuper ce poste depuis l’indépendance de l’Algérie.

Ce natif de Ouargla, dans le Sud-Est algérien, est parmi les membres fondateurs de l’Union générale étudiante libre (UGEL), réputée proche du courant islamiste. Jeune, Slimane Chenine adhère au mouvement mené par Mahfoud Nahnah et suit l’évolution de l’organisation caritative El Islah oua El Irchad. A Ouargla, il milite au sein du Hamas, devenu HMS, Harakat Moujtam’a al-Silm (Mouvement de la société pour la paix, MSP). Il évolue rapidement dans la hiérarchie du MSP jusqu’à devenir conseiller politique et secrétaire particulier de Mahfoud Nahnah qui le charge après de diriger le service communication du parti.

Il réussit, durant la deuxième moitié des années 1990 et le début des années 2000, à bien vendre l’image du MSP, dirigé alors par son chef historique Mahfoud Nahnah, représentant du mouvement des Frères Musulmans en Algérie. Il braccio di ferro tra militari e civili per il potere in Algeria e Sudan. Gentile Lettore, la tua utenza risulta attiva su altri dispositivi o altri browser. Per leggere i contenti a pagamento ora, esci ed effettua di nuovo l’accesso su questo stesso dispositivo con il browser che stai usando ora. Carta di Laura Canali, 2013. La transizione permanente a Khartoum e Algeri. Gli scioperi in Tunisia. Lo stallo della Libia si deciderà nel Sud? Proteste e partenze in Algeria Nel corso dell’ultima settimana, l’entropia del sistema nordafricano non ha accennato a diminuire.

In Algeria, si è assistito all’undicesimo venerdì di proteste popolari. La fine della presidenza Bouteflika, la rinuncia al potere da parte di alcuni dei membri del regime e una mini-tangentopoli tra i pezzi grossi del mondo degli affari algerino non hanno smorzato le rivendicazioni di piazza all’insegna di una pulizia generale. Le folle continuano a chiedere che del sistema di pouvoir in essere dall’indipendenza si faccia tabula rasa. Algeria: Bouteflika's brother, intelligence chiefs arrested. Algerian police have arrested former President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's youngest brother alongside two former intelligence chiefs, according to local media. Said Bouteflika, General Bachir Athmane Tartag and General Mohamed Mediene were taken into custody for questioning on Saturday, the private Ennahar TV reported.

The younger Bouteflika, who served as adviser to the president for more than a decade, is seen by many as having taken de facto control of the North African state, after his brother suffered a crippling stroke in 2013. Massive ongoing protests calling for a radical change pushed the ailing president to resign on April 2, but demonstrators continue to demand the removal of all those linked to the former administration. Army Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Ahmed Gaid Salah, a former associate of President Bouteflika, came to the fore in late March after he broke ranks with the ailing leader, and called on him to step down. The president resigned five days later. Athmane Tartag, Mohamed Mediène et Said Bouteflika placés en détention provisoire à Blida. Le juge d’instruction militaire près le tribunal militaire de Blida a ordonné, dimanche, le placement en détention provisoire de Athmane Tartag, Mohamed Mediène et Said Bouteflika pour “atteinte à l’autorité de l’Armée” et “complot contre l’autorité de l’Etat”, indique un communiqué de la Cour d’appel militaire de Blida.

“Pour les besoins de l’enquête, le procureur militaire de la République près le Tribunal militaire de Blida a chargé un juge d’instruction militaire d’entamer la procédure d’instruction, et après mise en inculpation, ce dernier a rendu des mandats de placement en détention provisoire à l’encontre des trois prévenus”. 'Out with system': Algeria protesters reject interim president. Police in Algeria's capital have fired tear gas and water cannon at thousands of students protesting against the appointment of a new interim president who is a part of the ruling order they have been seeking to remove. The demonstration in central Algiers on Tuesday took place as parliament officially confirmed upper house Speaker Abdelkader Bensalah as acting head of state for the next 90 days to replace Abdelaziz Bouteflika, who resigned last week under pressure from the weeks-long, youth-led protests. Footage showed security forces moving in on the demonstrators shouting "out with the system", dousing them with pepper spray, shooting from a water cannon and using batons to break up the crowd.

Bensalah's appointment is in accordance with Algeria's constitution but the protesters who drove Bouteflika out after 20 years in office are unsatisfied with the move because he is a key ally of the former president and a seasoned establishment insider. "Out with Bensalah, Belaiz et Bedoui! " Algeria: rimosso il generale Tartag, capo dell'intelligence e fedelissimo di Bouteflika.

Algeria: rimosso il generale Tartag, capo dell'intelligence e fedelissimo di Bouteflika Algeri, 05 apr 10:53 - (Agenzia Nova) - Il generale Athmane Tartag, uno dei più potenti uomini d'Algeria, è stato rimosso dalla guida della Direzione dei servizi di sicurezza (Dss). Lo riferisce l'emittente televisiva "Beur Tv". L'ufficiale era considerato un fedelissimo del presidente Abdelaziz Bouteflika, che ha rassegnato le dimissioni la sera del 2 aprile su pressione del capo di Stato maggiore dell'Esercito popolare nazionale e viceministro della Difesa, generale Ahmed Gaid Salah.

Tartag era succeduto nel 2015 al noto generale Mohamed Mediene, detto "Toufik", potentissimo capo della Direzione per la sorveglianza e la sicurezza (Drs) ormai in guerra aperta con Bouteflika. . © Agenzia Nova - Riproduzione riservata. Is Bouteflika's resignation enough for Algerians? | Africa. Following massive street protests, Algeria's ailing President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has been forced to resign, ending 20 years of his rule. But who will replace Algeria's longest-serving president? The constitution says the speaker of parliament should be the interim leader until elections are held.

But there are concerns over how long the transition will last, with protesters demanding an overhaul of the entire political system. So will the transition of power in Algeria be peaceful? Presenter: Hazem Sika Guests Amel Boubekeur - Research fellow at the Paris-based School for the Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences Dalia Ghanem - Resident scholar at the Carnegie Middle East Center Djamel Eddine Taleb - Journalist Source: Al Jazeera News. Algérie : le président Abdelaziz Bouteflika a officiellement remis sa démission. Una Primavera Araba diversa: l’ Algeria. Nervous Riyadh anxious about Algiers. Algeria, Bouteflika lascia: "Dimissioni entro il 28 aprile". Ma le proteste continuano. Il presidente algerino Abdelaziz Bouteflika si dimetterà prima della scadenza del suo mandato, il 28 aprile.

Lo ha annunciato lo stesso presidente in un comunicato citato dall'agenzia ufficiale algerina Aps. Il capo dello Stato prenderà tutte le "misure necessarie per assicurare il funzionamento delle istituzioni durante la transizione", recita il comunicato. rep il venerdì Finale di partita ad Algeri di GIOVANNI PORZIO Bouteflika, che ha 82 anni, è ininterrottamente presidente dell'Algeria dal 1999. L'approfondimento quotidiano lo trovi su Rep: editoriali, analisi, interviste e reportage. Saperne di più è una tua scelta Sostieni il giornalismo! La rue algérienne craint que la transition lui échappe. Algeria army chief demands Bouteflika be declared unfit to rule. Algeria's army chief Ahmed Gaid Salah has called for President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to be declared unfit to rule the country, following weeks of protests against the ailing head of state's decision to seek a fifth term. Although Bouteflika later reversed his decision, the 82-year-old postponed elections set for April and said he would remain in power until a new constitution was adopted, a move that effectively extended his current term.

In a televised address on Tuesday, Salah, the army chief, said he considered the people's demands to be valid and that the presidency should be vacated. "We must adopt a solution that helps us out of this crisis … a solution that respects and adheres to the constitution so that it's a suitable one for all sides," Salah said. "This solution is stipulated in Article 102 of the Constitution," he said. El Bilad television said the Constitutional Council had convened a special session after Salah's move. 'Turning point' Protesters maintain pressure. Algeria after Bouteflika: Who will win the race?

The announcement by Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika that he will not run for a fifth term has elicited a negative reaction from the protesters who have been agitating for weeks to ensure that outcome. The problem is that elections have been postponed, thus prolonging the president’s tenure and giving those around him more time to prepare the succession they want. No quick transition But protesters are wrong in demanding a quick transition, which would also play into the hands of those who control power already. The lesson of the 2011 Arab uprisings is that slow transitions are more likely to succeed and that early elections risk simply re-consolidating the status quo. The outcome of the uprising in Algeria will be determined not by how soon elections are held, but by how successful the regime’s opponents are in moving from protest in the streets to becoming major participants in the transition. Tunisia's success factors But protesters rejected the idea and stayed in the streets.

Texte intégral du message du Président Bouteflika à l'occasion de la fête de la Victoire. ALGER - Le président de la République, Abdelaziz Bouteflika a adressé, lundi, un message au peuple algérien à l'occasion de la fête de la Victoire, célébrée le 19 mars. En voici la traduction APS: "Mesdames, Messieurs, Nous célébrons, aujourd'hui, la fête de la Victoire, une appellation digne de cette mémorable journée du 19 mars 1962, date à laquelle nous avions remporté une victoire éclatante face à l'occupant qui n'avait d'autre choix que de se résigner et de reconnaitre notre droit légitime à l'indépendance et à la souveraineté.

Cette victoire fut le couronnement d'une rude résistance de plus d'un siècle, ayant opposé un occupant oppresseur, doté de capacités militaires de renommée mondiale à un peuple désarmé mais fort d'une volonté de fer et d'une foi inébranlable en une victoire certaine. Les massacres de 1945 attisèrent la flamme de la résistance auprès du peuple qui déclenche, un certain 1er novembre 1954, une Guerre couronnée de la victoire, de la liberté et de l'indépendance. Ali Benflis: "Per Bouteflika è finita. L'Algeria vuole voltare pagina" Army "will always be the loyal custodian of the nation’s supreme interests" Pourquoi Abdelaziz Bouteflika a décidé de se présenter à la présidentielle. Il attire les foules partout où il passe : Rachid Nekkaz, «showman» et grand trublion de la précampagne | REPORTERS ALGERIE.

Algérie: qui est Rachid Nekkaz, l'homme qui veut faire tomber Abdelaziz Bouteflika? Algeria election - what you need to know. En visite à Alger, Bouteflika suscite compassion et indignation. Algeria: una lettura dei risultati delle (non) elezioni legislative – Divagazioni. Elezioni in Algeria: ha vinto il “partito del boicottaggio”? - Arabpress. Algerians head to the polls Thursday. Here’s what to watch. Qui est Rachid Nekkaz, l'homme qui paye les amendes des femmes en burqa ? Will Chakib Khelil replace Bouteflika as Algerian president? Par-delà la participation du Maroc au Sommet des pays du CCG, quels messages en direction de l'Algérie ?

La questione Hezbollah spacca la Lega Araba e porta un nuovo gelo nelle relazioni tra Paesi del Golfo e Algeria | Divagazioni. Libye : l’Algérie opposée à toute intervention militaire internationale. Gioco a tre in Algeria: i due Bouteflika e i Servizi Segreti. Despite Shakeups, Algeria’s Security Apparatus Stronger Than Ever. Algeria: Bouteflika chiude Drs, 007 guidati da generale rivale.

L’Algeria ha votato per non cambiare: quarta era Bouteflika. Algeria alle urne, col fiato sospeso. Eni-Saipem: tangente in Algeria. In Libia no?